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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. :iagree: That is just how it is here! However, I really wish I had never taken them trick or treating, and don't really know if I could ever stop it, or if we will be doing this for 6 more years...sigh.... at least the next day we all go to Mass! I am glad they don't hand out candy there...i have a huge problem with candy and holidays....I gave in on halloween and have regretted it ever since...
  2. I have no real advice, but some hugs:grouphug:.. I have an 8 year old DD who has a similiar problem so I am really interested in the responses to this thread... Jenny
  3. I put them in the freezer as well, also inside a plastic bag. It works great, that way they never rust and I get at least 5 uses out of them...sometimes more, depends what I am cleaning.
  4. Roman Catholic 100%..yup..that would be me...It also said Eastern Orthodox 1005, but they are so close that I can see why with only 20 questions they come out the same. neat test.
  5. By the way, the fruit roll tray is a little bit more than the thickness of card stock. So, unless your cutting board was really thin, I wouldn't bother...
  6. I have the FD 50. The trays are about a 13 inch diameter..the fruit roll up tray is about 12 1/2 inches in diameter. The book I have covers the FD 50, FD 60 and the FD 1000 and FD 1010. They all look to be just about the same..at least all these models are interchangeable. If I can be more specific feel free to PM me. I hope this helps. Jenny
  7. Thanks for the link..i loved the video. I am Catholic...and do follow the Church's teaching.. For what it is worth: Sen. Biden may be catholic, but he is not allowed to partake of the Eucharist because of his support for anti-life legislation. I don't really see how any Catholic could get upset about that video. It is not a suprise what the Church teaches. as for Separation of church and state, All the founders said was that the Governement would not establish a religion..not that religion had to be dismissed or outlawed.
  8. :iagree: I am not usually around too many people that use improper grammer. When I am, it drives me crazy...double negatives are the worst! as far as correcting others go...I used to do that all the time...I'm really suprised my husband actually married me. I used to do it to him all the time! I'm not sure which came first..his grammer getting better, or my realization that correcting people was/is annoying!:001_smile:
  9. :iagree: me too! And I'll join you for drinks too! We had on C Span and I was thrilled...just not a good bill.
  10. I need to be with my kids this morning too, but now I want to play on the computer!:D I guess I'll try and figure out how this new system works this evening...I never was very good at making new friends!;) Got,...to...pull...myself...away...from....the...computer...now!
  11. Just for the record there are only 100 senators. Personally, I think they both should vote/debate on the floor of the Senate...as for the Pres. debate on Friday night...that usually takes a few days to prep for on both sides....so I can understand wanting to put it off a few days.... All canidates prep for debates for usually 2 days... I have to go make dinner now...so I'm not trying to hit and run...but I won't be back on the boards until tomorrow....so if the thread is still going then..I'll catch up! Have a nice evening everyone! Jenny
  12. :iagree: Exactly! I never put my steak knives or french knives, carving knives, boning knives, butcher knife etc into the dishwasher! Ever! I hate washing them by hand, but I don't need for those nice handles to get dull....I also do not wash pots and pans in the dishwasher... as for flatware...i admit I put them handle down and I am the one to take them out of the clean dishwasher... i need to give up that control, and when I do they will be placed handle up so no one touches the eating portion of my forks and spoons.... That is my 2 cents, or more....
  13. My days feel filled up, and yet...I am taking a 15 minute break and I am here... I just got a new book..."Brinsigr". it's the 3rd one of Eragon and Eldest...I have been looking forward to it since..well...it seems like forever...Now, I recieved it yesterday and I haven't read more than the title of the 1st chapter! I cannot read it during the day...because, honestly, I would get nothing else done...no school, no lunch...just me and a book... But by the time 8 O'Clock comes around I am very sleepy...I'm going to try tonight...but I am only reading one chapter..or tomorrow I will be too tired..... Now, back to housecleaning and school!
  14. we have a Kitchen Aid one that I really like...it may leave sharp edges though and it is manual.....I haven't had an electric one for over 20 years...I vowed I would not have one again until I have no cats as pets.....the last one I had ....the cat learned how it worked so every morning she would jump up on the counter at about 5 am and start pressing her chin against it until it would go off....she would do that until I got up and fed her (using the can opener)..so was the cat well trained or was I???? Sorry to go so off topic...just always think of that when I think of electric can openers... Jenny
  15. :iagree: I was just thinking something along those lines! Of course, if I got off of these boards more often I would accomplish much more....gotta go!;)
  16. Here is my schedual for this week. Okay, I seem to be having trouble importing my little chart....I'll try again later...sorry!
  17. as a conservative with very liberal relatives, I can only say that I have learned to Never talk about politics with my relatives! I am also the only Christian in a family of Atheists...we never discuss religion either! I would much rather get along with these people and enjoy the times we spend together talking about stuff we can agree on.....I am way too stuck in my ways, and so are they! I think if we got in each others faces...there would be hard feelings all around! I like my sisters most of the time, and my Mum too...I don't need to convert them to conservatisim and they better never try to be in my face about any political issue.... So, having a face to face chat with someone is so much different than "getting in someones face". I do not support Obama, but I really hope he didn't mean for his words to come out that way....I love partisanship, but I really don't like being rude and not civil..there is such a big difference! Okay, That is my 2 cents worth..now I have to excuse myself from this political discussion...because I really like this board...and I would hate to be in anyones face...or them in mine! Have a wonderful evening everyone!
  18. The birth of my second child threw my thyroid out of whack, so if you go to the doctor for any check ups, have it tested...I guess it is quite common after childbirth. That being said, I find if i don't get 9 good hours of sleep a night, I drag! My "baby" is almost 2 1/2! I hope you get some energy soon!:grouphug: Jenny
  19. This year I bought an open and go history curriculum...I do really like it...but, we don't use it's bible study because I like another one better, we have added a few things here and there...then there is math, latin, grammar art, phonics and science (this was also an open and go).... So, every morning, I would get out my "open and go" and have to search here and there for about 30 different books and either write down seperately which pages in each book, or book mark them and stack them in the order I wanted to use them. That never actually works because the kids grab them, open them...put them somewhere else etc.... Okay, so I do love what we are doing this year, but it has been an unorganized disaster! Last night, I bit the bullet and opened up a spreadsheet on the computer and 3 hours later I have wonderful schedual! Spreadsheets are my DH's thing, I hate them...okay, I hate doing them, but I like having this! Dh did help...each and everytime I called, "help!" This is wonderful....but the schedual is just for next week! 30 more weeks to go! At least from now on, I don't have to start from scratch, so each week should really only take about 1/2 an hour to pull together on the spreadsheet! Now, for today....well, the week was half over so I didn't actually pull all this together for this week...oh well, maybe I'll just wing it this week...again!;) My next question..is will we stick to this schedual??? Who knows...I hope so! Have a great day everyone!
  20. :grouphug: Hugs to you..I lost my Dad a year ago last week...still really teary eyed about it! I know I was lucky to have 43 years with th eman and he lived a good life, and fairly long...but gosh it still rips me up inside....gotta go....hugs to you again!
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