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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. ACORN has been investigated numerous times in many states. Always, it has been found not guilty of fraud, but the individuals who were working for them were found guilty. This has happened over and over again...I remember it in 2000 and 2004. Before that, my memory fades;)! I have been wondering for years why time after time if the people who work for them are found guilty why something cannot be done about ACORN itself...it just seems that with that many people committing fraud, one would think that they are told to go out and do this...It seems mighty coincidental that all these people just did it on their own!
  2. Just for future tests, I always tell my doctor beforehand that I want a copy of the results sent to me. I have only had a problem once.
  3. It is my understanding that public hospitals cannot turn anyone away from the emergency room due to inability to pay. I am fairly confident that was passed into law years ago.
  4. :iagree: If it is, then where on earth do we draw the line, is a house a right, a car a right...a vacation home a right...end of my rant
  5. I voted. I think the Government should protect us and keep our infrastructure in good repair..and that is about all they should do.:001_smile:
  6. every single person who looked into the Keeting 5 has concluded that neither John Glenn, nor John McCain did anything wrong. That being said, John McCain has always been honest about his ties to Charles Keating..it was one of the whole reasons he introduced campaign finance reform. That's my tidbit of info for the day...have a great one and don't end up hating each other people! :D
  7. We'll be praying for them here too! I am so glad they weren't injured.:grouphug:
  8. Actually, Phred did this all the time and he wasn't banned until very very recently... but, I'm not saying either was polite or in any way less rude, just that it happened the other way around too.
  9. I think it was hers too! When we found a lost dog a few years ago, we contacted the police in the town next to ours(where the animal control officer is). and within 1 day the owner was found because they reported their dog missing. I cannot imagine that if this dog was lost that the owners would not report it missing. I hope you enjoy your new pet!;) Lucky dog! Now, I need to go let my dogs inside....and give them a hug!:001_smile:
  10. I suscribed 3 weeks ago and so far we love it! I am doing the 3 at a time as well...I thought about 2, but 3 seems to fit better. Dh loves movies and I have only perused through 15 pages of 72 pages of historical documentaries. We watched one about Jamestown last week and today we are finishing one on the mayflower. Friday we will watch one about the Salem witch trials (on our computer). I have a bunch lined up... so far so good. I am curious for those of you who use Netflix, what suscription works for your family? but I don't want to hijack the thread either....
  11. We drink it in the summer...here in this part of NH I haven't found a conveinent place to buy it...anyone know where i can get it around the monadnock region of NH?????
  12. For raw meat I would use freezer paper...but don't forget to write what it is on it!;)
  13. Is anyone else planning on seeing this movie this weekend? I am going tonight, and DH is watching the kids...can't wait! I've been looking forward to it and it looks really lighthearted. It's billed as a right wing movie but I describe myself as in the right wing so it sounds just up my alley... Plus, I need a night out! (Oops, there is a toddler helping me type so i better go...i am down to only one hand! Gosh it is hard to type with a little guy climbing all over me! Sorry if I leave any typos)!
  14. Some things Bush has done have been frustrating...Spending, spending ,spending.. I think his major flaw, however, is not getting out there, on tv or in the public view, almost daily, telling people why his views are good, and really driving home his ideas..whether it be the war or anything else...he seems to leave it for other people to do, and the media doesn't agree, so they spin everything the other way...one of Reagan's great qualities is that he actually spoke to the American people all the time...Bush seems to think that selling his policies are below the office, but I don't think that is true at all..i think it is very impoertant to do! Bush also put Alito and Roberts onto the court, and that is why i voted for him, so in the end...i am satisfied...I vote for the court and he did (in the end) deliver on that. Just my 2 cents.
  15. This might come as a shocker;), but some of us who like Palin (maybe not all), also like President Bush. Count me amoung them...What I don't like about him, are similar things to why McCain is not my favorite...they just aren't conservative enough.... as for the debate..i really enjoyed it, but i am not an undecided voter...I decided before Palin was picked and then got enthusiastic when she was picked... have agreat envery one...and FWIW, I haven't been able to read most of this thread...might try to later though. I need a speed reading course for this website! Jenny
  16. We haven't had had the heat on here yet either..it was chilly this morning, about 61 degres inside. I did start a small fire in the woodstove in our great room. I got rid of some of our carboard boxes and used a few sticks of wood, that heated that room up to 70 within an hour. That is it for the heat for the day though. Our sunrrom heated up nicely too (from the sun:001_smile:), so I have that door opened into our libray. If I do any baking today I will let the oven cool off after, by keeping it open a bit to help in the kitchen. I'm on a mission to not use so much oil this year...I'm taking this as a great challange to see how much I can save...I am not turning on the heat...yet...seeing how long it will take me to cave in..but when I do, I am only setting it at 62 during the day and 58 at night...please pass another sweater! good thing we all have long underwear! :D
  17. :iagree: That drives me crazy! The only negative response I have ever received was from my uncle. He is a minister and I really did not expect the hostility, but he went on a 10 minute tirade about how pepole like me will bankrupt the public school system.:glare: Now, how are my tax dollars going to be used any differently than if my dc went to a private school..are those also bankrupting the government schools?;)
  18. Yup, that settles it, i am a Catholic... and since I am, this quiz was spot on.
  19. :lol::lol::lol: That is just too funny! Thanks for the heads up though...I just joined netflix for the history documentaries..I'll guess I'll watch them first! Jamestown is coming in the mail today...one would think that would be safe...oh well, I can watch it tonight and they can view it tomorrow...sigh.
  20. I got all 10...yeah! But I really couldn't believe that # 7 was on there...is that really a question they ask to become a citizen??? Oh well, I wonder if you wrote about extentions if one would get credit.:001_smile:
  21. I am very conservative and I am fine with this choice. I've seen her moderate debates in the past and they were fair. Providing commentary after the conventions is a bit different than moderating the debate...anyway, I'll watch and see...at least it isn't Keith Oberman who I don't think could be fair, or on the other side...it isn't sean Hannity who I also think would not be fair( even if I do agree with him a lot;)). If she is unprofessional then Friday morning I'll come back and gripe..but from watching her in the past I think she will be okay.
  22. My right handed 8 year old dd writes some numbers and letters backward, most often they are 3, 4 and 5 and 6 and d, n, p, s and sometimes e. When I was her age I wrote backward letters as well (I am left handed). I just keep correcting and watching for improvement and wondering about dyslexia...I'm not concerned enough to have her tested for it yey though. Jenny
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