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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. Coffee and more coffee with cream and liquid Splenda. I have always wanted to like tea, but alas, no matter how often I try it, or what type..it is just not coffee!;)
  2. How does one say, "Children of God" in latin? Thanks in advance!
  3. I am supposed to organize that stuff????:confused: oh dear, oh dear...it is everywhere! Seriously, my system seems to be a litle thing I like to call organized chaos! I have a craft cabinet in the basement and I have stackable basket things in the library full of paints, scissors, glue, felt, googly eyes, cardboard, old toilet paper rolls, cotton balls. Then the closet in the office has a bunch of contruction paper and I keep cardstock in the file cabinet...okay, i need a system to figure out my system...I am no help here at all. We have way too many craft and art supplies to keep in one, convienent, place! sorry I can't really help.
  4. First of all, :grouphug: hugs to you and your toddler! If you spray the round up and let it die or if you just pull the plant, wear not just gloves but (seriously), put trash bags over your arms and duck tape them so they do not fall off! To get rid of it you should pull the vine, but even when dead or even in winter it still has the oil. There is really no shortcut way to get rid of poison ivy. I, personally, would use round up on the leaves and wait for that to work and then go out, fully covered, and pull it all up...put the stuff in trash bags and haul it to the dump. I know this was said before, but never ever burn it! Plus, as others have said, wash everything! poison ivy oil can stay on clothes for a full year! Okay, can you tell that I am highly sensitive to this stuff? a few years ago, I started a flower garden in a new spot and pulled up a few vines not realizing what they were (no leaves). My face became pumkin size within 3 days and I couldn't open my eyes...I never want that to happen again! Good luck, i really feel for you right now!
  5. This sounds great, and I haven't hears of them before..thank you!:001_smile:
  6. :lol::lol::lol: Maybe if I only take dd, my 2 ds's are a bit much to handle! But, yes, there is a great library in our town and they have a few computers...I'll have to write down my password for here now and bring it with me! Thank you!
  7. Oh, if i only had more rep to give out this evening! I loved your post, and since just wasting about 2 hours of my time on that other thread with lots of people who i very much respect ,and one possible troll..well..I'm done...but, I'm going to a land far far away on Friday anyway...a land where we have no internet access..so it will be easy to abstain from those contentious threads since well, for 3 1/2 months i will be without all of you...so there will be no asking for recipes or asking about R&S grammar or Prima Latina...I'll have to make it on my own...I sure hope you all will be here when I return! Jenny
  8. me too...train wreck or troll...yet I keep reading.:confused:
  9. You, know...I am very conservative and in no way will vote for Obama...I am very disenheartened this year...i just don't like canidate still running...okay, so I am probably very near you politically...but gosh, you asked a question and whenever someone wants to discuss it, you bite back with, in this case irellevent data. In my opinion this is just rather nasty.
  10. I have Volume 2 by Mrs. Johnson as well, and I far and away prefer her to Jim Weiss. I like Weiss, I just absolutely love Mrs. Johnson...why did they ever have to re record them anyway? as far as silliness goes, who knows?
  11. :lol::lol::lol: :iagree: But, hey, David cook is just about the first American Idol that I really want to buy an album of! Even if he loses the show I think he will make a ton of money and become rather famous! David A...not so much..of course, maybe I'm deaf....;)
  12. I guess I do what you were asking. i speak adult language, but more animated. I've never spoken baby talk, and it has always bothered me... babies do like the high, soft tones, but why make up nonsense words or poor grammar?
  13. :lol::lol::lol: Please, please let's not even go there! That is one thread that I am staying away from...is it up to 400 posts yet? I don't have that much time..;)
  14. It sure does! That being said, I do get annoyed when people complain about how unfair it is that this or that person makes so much money.... for the record, whether I am agreeing or disagreeing with any of you, I am enjoying this thread...not much name calling yet! so why not talk politics... Jenny
  15. I know 30 million may be a lot, but why is it okay for movie stars to make that and more but not a corporate exec?
  16. I would probably say thank you and then donate or sell the item..but how about this one...if you have a good relationship and you do actually think she has your best interest at heart, could you when she gives you a book say "thank you very much...I was wondering if the next time you are at a book fair, if you see any of these items (and hand her a short list of stuff you will actually use) would you consider picking them up?" I don't actually know about this advise...haven't actually done it..i have been considering it though....
  17. We have the audio cd. My 5 year old loves it! He and his sister(7), beg for it on car rides and even as a bedtime story! We have just started #3, but I let them listen to #1 and #2 anythime they want. The 5 year old is fascinated with anything Roman...from Rome to the fall of Constantinople! He didn't like the AG, but he sure can tell you all about Justinian!
  18. I only went to the old boards a few times and never posted there. Now that we have high speed and TWTM is on this forum i have really enjoyed the time I have spent with all of you, reading and posting. I thought I would say "thanks" for being here and helping out with so amny things. I've found some great new curriculum and some wonderful ideas from you all. My family and i are leaving this Friday morning for our summer place in Maine. We do not have internet access up there. We aren't even bringing the computer (major withdrawal will be occuring next week). I will sure miss being able to pop in and chat, but I will be back in September...hopefully recharged. I hope everyone has a wonderful summer! "see" you all later! Jenny
  19. This one was from when I was about 14 years old..but it was lovely and has stuck with me ever since. While hanging out with my friends at a local park...one of the guys there started swearing and another boy (who i had a large crush on) turned to him and told him not to speak like that in front of me. He then went on about how I never swore and always was polite ...well, the other boy never swore around me again and neither did anyone else....Funny that there were other girls there too, but i had made such an impression on this kid because the language I chose to use was not vulgar....I was so happy that I had a positive impact on that boy...he always seemed to be my protector after that....I think of it often as I speak in front of my children....To this day I don't swear or use slang. Partly due to that boy.
  20. On my wedding day, at the church, my MIL announced to all who would listen that she did not like my wedding dress....:glare: That made me feel wonderful and special..not!
  21. I regret reading Salem's Lot...I read it when I was about 14..in a cottage with open windows all by myself...my Mum in another cottage 200 feet away!:eek: I couldn't sleep for weeks and weeks! I still have to close all the curtains at night...
  22. Given enough time I could come up with a few...but off the top of my head here is one from my FIL. When my future dh told his parents that he had asked me to marry him...my future FIL took him out to the back field for a talk...in this talk he told my dh that since I was from Massachusetts I was probably "loose" and a slut. :glare: because, of course all women who grew up close to the city are you know!;) Why DH ever told me that, I do not know...since being married my FIL has been wonderful. of course, Dh's great uncle told dh, in fron tof me, to not let me get more education than he gets! Nope...no one whant a smart, educated woman for a wife!;) Funny thing is, my MIL is the one who zaps me all the time, but gosh if I can remember any! I let DH go over there alone most of the time..without me, without my kiddos! oh well.
  23. 1. Sense ans Sensibilty 2. Love actually 3. A Christmas Carol (1953 with Alastair Sim) 4. Bridget Jones' Diary 5. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (Gene Tierney)
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