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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. I had to say, sometimes...generally, no...not even Santa, tooth fairy etc... But...when they were little and scared of monsters in the night...the "there are no monsters" wasn't working..so I lied and told them that Monsters are scared of dogs and the dogs would bark if they came near...okay...tell me how bad that was....it would, they slept.. Mostly, though I don't lie...and as others have sad, I do leave things out every now and again that they are too young for... I have tried to teach them not to lie, unless it is for saving a life...you knw, like the people that hid Anne frank and her family during WWII..I guess they lied all the time, but it was to save innocent life, etc...okay, now I'm a bit off topic..sorry. Jenny
  2. :iagree: I couldn't agree more with your post...when I went to a restricted carb way of eating my blood work improved so much! My energy level went up and my skin and hair even look better! I lost a ton of weight too, and was never hungry..so that helped too!
  3. I won't vote based on age...not at all, either way...of course I'm a conservative politically so that takes care of things there...71 doesn't bother me, unless his vp choice is also rather geriatric;) Reagan was also up there in years and (in my conservative opinion) he did fine. If the ages were switched and the young guy was an R and the older person was a Democrat,, I'd have no problem voting for someone who was 47...so how old was Dan Quayle when he was the VP? ( I really don't remember, just remember all the jokes about his not being grown up...... I hope this adds to the conversation without making it political:D
  4. :grouphug: Hugs to you...Don't ever feel like your just whining....what that woman did what horrible! Sorry you had to go through this...just more hugs headed your way:grouphug: Jenny
  5. I've had to put a few pets to sleep, and others have dies at home. None of them died in their sleep, however! It is always heart wrenching no matter what.... 2 years ago we had a dog, 14 years old..had a stroke..we went to 2different vets and prolonged his life for probably a month...the day hedied I knew it was the day. He howled and couldn't get up...I brought him to our vet and the vet said it was our choice but he would put "bear" down..he didn't think Bear would last 24 hours...I called my husband who was in Virginia at the time (we are in NH)...he loved that dog and wanted to say good bye..so I brought Bear home with my 3 kids (one of them 2 months old) and waited for DH to get home...that day DH's flight was delayed and he tried desperately to get home in time. Bear died that evening just 1/2 an hour before DH came home. It still brings tears to my eyes (a flood actually)...I spent all day trying to comfort a dog in his last hours. I sat on the floor for hour after hour, patting the dog and nursing or just holding the baby... horrible day...Bear was ready to die and I think really would have prefered not to go through that last day of agony. I put the kids to bed that night and heard one last howl...ran down the stairs to hold my dog as he drew his last breath.... Okay, so this rambled and now I am sad... I hope you can make a decision that is comforting to you. Jenny
  6. ((((Aubrey)))):grouphug:! Wow, I have no easy answer, but as someone who was molested repeatedly by a relative for 4 years as a child...I say...no matter what listen to your gut! Don't send the kids over there..not without you! I'm not always in favour of lying...but I would say if you cannot confront, then do whatever is neccesary to keep them away! Personally, I would just have Mil stay at your house...no matter what...just say, it may be the hormones but you do want the kids close by! keep them safe! Good luck! I wish i the perfect answer, but very often the right way, is the harder way...sorry you have to go through this... Jenny
  7. my first thought was...why don't homeschooled kids need new shoes??? My kids wear them almost daily!:D I sure don't mean to be flippant. I feel for your situation. and I know just that feeling of feeling like you have been hit in the stomach...hugs:grouphug: to you and your kids!
  8. I was! Lexington Massachusetts in the 70's. My grandfather was a shriner and my grandmother was in Eastern Star. It was fun! Not involved anymore at all...i am now Catholic and we are not permitted to join (if we do, we cannot take communion)..plus, I haven't even heard of that around here at all! Jenny
  9. :grouphug:((((Crissy))). Hang in there and enjoy the time you have with her. I really don't know which is harder...knowing, or when it comes out of the blue....getting teary here and missing my Dad...hugs to you again, you're gift sounds lovely. Jenny
  10. We have been having lots of fun, and we are going back next week for another month. it is easy to stay away when there is no computer!;) I know I couldn't do it here...you guys are way too much fun!:) I need to go to bed tonight though...so anj have a good week and I guess I will "see" you in September sometime! Jenny
  11. And just when I come back for the week too! It was nice "seeing " you here tonight! have a good week, I know i do get more done when I am not here...but I really like being around all of you! Good luck staying away!
  12. Hi Amy! Up there would be mid coast Maine. about 3 hours north of where you are at. We came back here a couple of days after that nasty tornado...although it was no where near here...
  13. you all have posts in the thousands and rep up to your ears! My oh my you all have been busy! I've missed you all, but I'm only back her for 5 more days...then gone another month so I will have to get my fill of WTM this week! Next summer I am seriously thinking internet up there...too much money at the moment and we would only get dial up.... It is great to be back, even if just for a little while! Jenny
  14. DD 8 and DS 6 both do their own laundry (A chair is needed to retrieve clothes from the washer). Both vacuum (but ds6 asks to vacuum, mop and wash windows). Occasionally they mop the floor, they sweep floors and wipe down tables. They make their own beds and are responsible for keeping their rooms picked up. The 6 year old loves to clean, the 8 year old does not. Occasionally dd 8 will make breakfast (scrambled eggs) or her own lunch (pbj). these jobs are not done perfectly...but done better now than last year and ds 6 is wonderful at getting places with the vacuum that I miss! I do have to remind them to do their laundry when they are out of underwear or have to remind them to make a bed. Generally, vacuuming happens when I get out the vacuum and one of them asks to do it...hope it stays that way for awhile!
  15. :lol::lol: My kids would be the same way! This just made me chuckle.
  16. To my understanding, because I have asked a similiar question, it is more to do with that the pster is not really interested in the topic, just interested in getting people all riled up...a "flame war". So a troll would make controversial staements just to make others react and get others mad and aggrevaited. does that make sense? I know others will be more articulate than I am being this morning.
  17. My sister has given us a few very nice looking books that are similiar..a winnie the pooh book with little papaer puppets that move around the page..that lasted about 2 days...pop up books are worse, at least in this house! I ended up throwing in the towel and just letting them have them...and a few I put on a higher shelf for when they were older. My kids have never been gentle with anything! I always rather envied the moms whose kids actually colored with crayons instead of trying to eat them!:001_smile:;) We do have one lift flap book that has lasted..it is a Bible and it is very sturdy! On the subject of ripped and torn books..i do have a few board books that were so well loved that I have had to glue/tape them back together. My youngest loves, "each peach pear plum" and "Peek a boo" both by Janet and Allan allsburg. They are falling apart, but I have bound them back together a few times with packing tape. If we somehow have any more children I will just have to buy another one!
  18. I wouldn't have a problem doing that all. this winter I took my dd7 to Florida for a long weekend while the boys all stayed home. I couldn't bring all of them so I bought ds5 a collection of Boxcar Children audio books and told him to enjoy them and that he was having some guy time with his dad and brother...he took it so well that he left the room immediately to go listen to the audio books...and didn't ask where we actually went for a month and a half! I told him that if i do that again that next year it would be his turn...he's still thrilled with the audio books! So..go for it!
  19. we're on the other extreme..none...so much for socialization eh? Well, they are young yet!
  20. They did one for each of them..same song, same take off etc... All I can say is WOO HOO!:party:I am so glad David C won!
  21. Happy anniversary! I love that picture! I haven't read much of the thread yet, but I hope you and DH are doing something good! Have fun!
  22. yes, there is a hubby but the poor guy will only be there on weekends and about 2 weeks of vacation. By the way, I am not totally on vacation...more of a change of scenery. We are bringing up so many books and science stuff..where will it all go? We do school year round, so my kiddos will be busy busy busy!:lol: Plus, there are relatives to visit..some good, some not so much... (see any post i made about inlaws in the insult thread)...we will be 14 miles from my inlaws and 10 miles from my mother...of course..she lives on a lake so i guess summer fun will be called for! We bought this place last year so that the kids and i could be closer to my folks in the summer...here is where it gets teary...be forewarned! My parents were both in there 80's and who knows how much time they have left, right? so last summer we got to spend almost everyday with them..it was great...then on Labor day weekend my Dad suffered a major stroke and dies 10 days later.....sad, yes..very...but I am so very happy that we bought that place now...and this summer we will spend as much time as possible with my mother....her first summer without my father..it will be so different, but we are planning of lots and lots of extended family time! Okay, put tissues away now.... I will check in here and i will try for once a week..... so much for getting rid of this addiction!:D:lol: you ladies (and gentlemen) are great!
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