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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. I was hoping Cirie would win that final challenge..once she didn't I knew that it would be Amanda and Parvarti. I also thought they would all vote for Amanda but I do think Parvarti played a better game. After all, it isn't about being nice...I was happy it was any of the last 3 though....I felt bad for them that they never thought it might come down to 2. I do think that was a real shocker for them. It was a fun show to watch this season, that's for sure!
  2. I am so sorry. hugs to all of you and your family will be in my prayers.
  3. my list is about 200. But, I have a reason for it! I put everything I want curricilum wise on the list and then printed it out (in a condensed form without pictures). I now keep the list with me in case I come accross any of those books at either Library booksales or at used book stores or even at yard sales....I have my fingers crossed that I will find a good many. I have all the books I need for this next school year so the list is for the following 2 to 3 years...
  4. :iagree: That has been my case too...I now have a whole list of books on a print out...I think there might be about 200 or so, that I would really like to get over the next 3 years..I am carrying this list with me everywhere! That way, if I end up at a second hand book store or a library book sale I can hopefully get a few good buys! I don't need new books, just specific ones! Our library is pitiful! Just being in the North East certainly doesn't help! maybe if we were in a city it might be better...who knows...
  5. The ticks have been bad here too. Not the worst I've ever seen (1994 in Minnesota was the worst year for ticks I have ever experienced...I still get all icky feeling all over just thinking about it). I've pulled 5 off the dogs and 2 have been crawling on me..eww! And, yes, I am a big wuss!
  6. :lol::lol::lol: That's just too funny! poor kid...I agree with all who have said that David A can really sing, but I wouldn't buy an album of his either.... I would buy a David Cook album...and as for Jason...only if he sang like he did when he sang Alleluia. Since then, it has been harder and harder to listen to him. So, since I have never seen or read any interviews..I just watch Idol and hang out here...how has Idol beaten him down? has he said what they are doing? or is it an attitude from all the people around him? I'm kinda curious.
  7. By the way, FYI, you really shouldn't train a dog under 4 months of age...And one can pick up extra wire at a hardware store...ours is mostly laid on top of the ground in the woods....it is right up against old stone walls and leaves cover it soon enough. it is only buried just in front of the house and under the driveways.
  8. We have had "Invisible Fence "for over 12 years. it was the best investment ever! We have 15 acres "fenced" in so the dogs have a lot of room! And in the summer we have wired my Mother's summer place with it, even in the lake! Works like a charm! if you do have a break you can go around the line with an AM radio, and it either makes more noise where the break is, or less...can't remeber but it is easy to check that out!
  9. :iagree: although I kinda would like david Cook to win it....I know he will have a record deal even if he doesn't. jason was terrible with a capital T! I like him too, but he has just been bad for weeks now! I really liked the other 3 so i do hope Syesha stays this week....her last 2 or 3 weeks she has risen to the challenge and been exceptional. before that i didn't really care for her at all. But i think she was right, she has changed... by the way, even if it was cruel..i loved when simon told Jason he should pack his bags! :lol: He is so right, dawg!
  10. This a specific toy that all my kids love (dd7, ds5 and ds2). it is called Tall Stacker Pegs Building Set by Lauri. Rainbow resources sells it as does Amazon. They are so simple and yet really interesting. Basically, this is the toy that I will be buying for boys from ages 3 to 7 from now on! here is the link ( if I do it right) http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/Tall+Stacker+Pegs+Building+Set/036051/1210162182-847549 HTH! Jenny
  11. I just used this one and as far as I can see it is pretty acurate. I knew there was a reason I had ordered phonics pathways and reading pathways...we will be using them as soon as they get here!:glare: I will recheck her in a month!
  12. Okay, this is a little embarrassing? My hair dresser does the same thing...I let her do whatever to my hair and then I go home and get it wet and redo it...why? because the time I get to sit in her chair and have someone work on my hair is about the only time i don't have children at my knee or on my hip and even though i don't like how she does my hair, i do enjoy relaxing in that chair and being pampered!:001_smile: So I go home with big hair and dh laughs as do I....She cuts it really great though!
  13. :iagree:Sounds like a good plan! I don't know about the Costa Rica thing, but...I wouldn't be putting my kids in ps....I actually have a BS, but not in education and even if i didn't...I like homeschooling...i will keep homeschooling...even if it meant moving. By the way, Kelli I think it is Oklahoma... wow, if we all moved there it would get really crowded!
  14. I know you don't have room for it in the classroom but would you be willing to put it someplace else? We have the KnwledgeQuest 10 foot timeline. I love it, and so do the kids. We have it on the wall going up our staircase. it is just about the only place in our house where it will fit. I find the 6 year old on the stairs almost daily, stoppnig to look at it and asking questions too. They see it everytime they go upstairs, I actually really like it there!:001_smile:
  15. :lol::lol: This is just too funny! I am so glad we are doing Noeo Chemistry this year! next year is physics and dd will be 9, so I will be forewarned!:001_smile: I'm going to be chuckling about this thread all day! Thanks!
  16. Today has not been the best of days for me..but this brightened it up so much! Thank you!
  17. me too! Plus, we also have two down comforters on our king size bed. That way, dh has his coevers and I have mine! I love never fighting over the covers! my kids all use the duvets and covers too. love it!:001_smile:
  18. dd7 and I are going! She loved the first book and when she saw that the second movie was coming out I told her she could only see it if she had "heard" or read the book! We have the complete audio cd of the Chronicles of Narnia...she is very excited! Dh will see it too, but he will see it separately (when he is on a business trip). Ds6 would not enjoy it yet...far too scary!
  19. I might be the minority vote here, but I would give them back just because there seems to be so many strings attached to them.... sorry you have to go through hoops with BCR...I have been chuckling over the phone message though...makes me want to change our old lame one:001_smile:. good luck with whatever you decide. jenny
  20. :iagree: I don't belong to a co op right now but more because I cannot commit to the times they meet and how far away they are(for secular ones anyway). There are a few around here that do have Statements of Faith.
  21. Zoombinis for little kids we have had great success with Zoombini Mountain rescue. it is math/logic based, but they don't even realize...My nephew started playing it when he was 2, my kids at about 4 and my older nephews still love it at 12 and 14!
  22. To get rid of your cold faster try a product by Nature's way called Umcka Coldcare. If you go to the site that Doran linked, they have it...you can buy it at more natural food stores and some pharmacies. It really cuts the time and severity of a cold down to just a few days...and for the voice I guess I'll agree with the tea and honey.
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