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Jennifer in NH

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Everything posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. I like both...I really love reading controversial threads until they get nasty. If I thread is already really long before I have read it, I don't always post... although this one is long and I am posting!;)
  2. I've been thinking about this off and on since I posted...This has nothing to do with the database, just the screening. mandatory for parents to test...don't like that..but fedreal standards for the PKU so that all states that do test for all these things...I like that.. had we lived in Maine (and quite a few other staes as well) when DS was born we would not have known about his biotinidase deficiency. Plus, right now...well, before this law...if you did want to test, but the state or hospital doesn't test for that...will your insurance cover it??? Just something I've been pondering...again, database aside. jenny
  3. Although I am not for madatory testing of anyone...and I am not for collecting data with names attached. The PKU test has saved my youngest son's life. Without it he would already be on his way to being deaf, having seizures and possibly to dying young. Big Pharma as people put it, has nothing to do with his treatment. All he has to do 9 for the rest of his life) is take 5 ml of "free" ( not attached to a protein) Biotin. Because of the PKU test he is a happy healthy and normal 2 year old. Now, if they now want to collect everyone's names ans SS#'s etc and associate them with whatever disorder they have, I do have a problem with that. If they want to collect generic info on say how many newborns have this disorder or that disorder to see how prevelent it is etc...that I have no problem with. FWIW my state (NH), didn't screen for this disorder just 1 year before ds was born...so since it is genetic...I then had to have both other dc tested...one is fine, one is a carrier..as am I and my dh. so, I am alarmed only if they want to collect names tec..not if they just want generic info..I'll look into it further though...but that very same ds is just waking up from his nap, so i have to go! By the way, I'm glad all you ladies do care so much! Gives me some hope for this country! Jenny
  4. Mine is a little different... ds5 (almost 6) comes into the room where I am at yesterday afternoon. he is in tears and going on about petting the cat and too much fur..and getting it in his mouth and all over his face and hands..trying to get it off.. I can barely understand him because he is crying and so upset....Then comes the kicker...trying to get all this cat fur off he is using either facial tissue or toilet paper..and he is using quite a lot of it....so where has he put it? In the toilet of course...clogged! Okay, so I go upstairs, telling trying to calm him down, telling him I can unclog the toilet....I get to the top of the stairs and I see a 1" lake in my bathroom! I yelld for my dd7 to go get my mop (like that is really going to help....)! Then I throw every towel I have on the floor, and once soaked through..they go into the shower (still washing them now). I try and reach in and take out this tissue..only can get some of it..so then i try the plunger...no good.... We have a toilet snake so I walk down to the basement to find it...after about 10 minutes I find it..but not quite sure how to use it.... Have I mentioned that I had a migraine before this happened? I try to use the snake and I just cannot get it...I take a break to fold laundry and break down into tears...recover from that outburst and try again with the snake...i figure it out and the toilet goes down...I clean up and inform ds that he is not to flush tissue any more..he can put it in the waste basket! Now, our cat is shedding, but how much fur could the kid possibly have on his hands and face?;)
  5. This is so true and probably why I cannot say loud enough to TELL SOMEONE! I hate getting so darn personal on an internet board but here goes... I was molested by my brother in law when I was a little girl...he was always nice to me, always doing special things for me and at first some of the things he would do were not obvious...like tripping, and just by "chance" landing on my (non exsistent yet) breasts...leaving me with an icky feeling and telling myself over and over again that it was just an accident....now stuff like this happened for 4 years! It came to a head in a fairly public arena..not going there right now...but please trust your insticts...especially since he doesn't show this behavior toward everyone in the class! It is in no way a personality quirk if he really only does this with 1 child at a time! When you confront him and his boss...he will deny it or come up with excuses...just be aware of that! By the way, I am so deeply sorry that you are going through this now....I am glad that are aware and not hiding your head in the sand ...my parents did and well...not a good outcome. of course, take my advice with all the bias it comes with! good luck to you. Jenny
  6. That is just so funny!:lol: We just started PL and have both the dvd and the cd so thank you for the heads up! We have the cd in the car and so far it is not a big hit. They like the dvd, but in the car they beg for SOTW or a Jim Weiss cd... I won't complain about that! Maybe one latin review per car ride??? then SOTW...I will be on the lookout (listen out?) for those words...thanks again.
  7. The kids and I spend the summer in Maine and Dh comes up for weekends and about 3 weeks vacation. That part won't change, but what we do there might. We seem to drive more there because there is more to do...but this summer we may stick closer to our home away from home so to speak. Does that make any sense?
  8. That would be be my kids too! Its coming slowly...dd7 (almost 8) reads at a 2nd grade level...we are concentrating on getting her level up up up! Ds6 dosen't read yet..he knows most letter sounds and we are working on it, but it is like banging my head up against a wall! Just this week I instituted a new policy (for us): everytime dd reads a book aloud to me (level 1 at the moment) she gets a quarter in a mason jar. Ds gets a quarter in a mason jar for every new reading lesson he completes. They both get the money on Ds's birthday next month...then we will start anew. we started this on Monday and now(thursday) dd have 15 quarters and ds has 6. I'm thrilled that dd is reading and i do know in my head that at some point she I will notice that she really can read well...I want that point NOW!;)
  9. I have always considered voting 3rd party a wasted vote...now I don't really care. I am probably voting Libertarian this year..especially if it is Bob Barr. I have not made up my mind totally yet...I am holding out some hope that McCain chooses a real conservative VP. However, I'm not holding my breath and I really doubt he will. I am a conservative who used to say, "conservative Republican." I really don't see too much difference between McCain and either Dem. Oh well, I am totally depressed about the upcoming election and if I don't vote 3rd party, then i probably wo't vote..That has never happened. So, I am not throwing my vote away, i am giving it to a better canidate.
  10. we use cloth napkins too. We have a cream clolor, pale green and a darker pattern, plus some really bright colored ones from my Mum. We wash them every other day or so, but as was said before..some family members' ones get washed more often! I throw them in with my whites when i am doing laundry.
  11. We, so far, haven't read any. My whole life I have never understood the point. I did find that section in TWTM interesting and food for thought. I have never read Moby Dick...and maybe I will start with an abriged copy...but so far, I haven't....I love words..why change them or cut them out altogether... Oddly, I just finished rereading "the secret Garden" and as I was putting it back on the shelf (today) I saw another copy of it from "Great Illustrated Classics". So, I perused through it and really was dumbfounded. It was a totally different book! It, and all the others, are on their way back to our local swap shop..(which is were I got them..didn't realize at the time they were abrigded). I am also a book before movie person! However, I do love audio books (unabrigded, of course;))!
  12. Okay, so is it gong to be the 2 davids in the final 2 or is Syesha going to sqeak through? And if she does, who will be out? Alright, can you tell I am looking forward to tonights show!? I hope everyone enjoys it! I thought last night was pretty good...I loved David Cook's performances!
  13. I hope this thread gets really long because I am so enjoying it! I usually put down home maker or stay at home mom. From now on i think I will take some of all of your ideas and go for something more glamourous!:001_smile:
  14. Same here! I have no intention on compromising my health by eating less protein or by changing my way of eating to a more "standard american diet' of highly processed wheat products....just my opinion though...not lecturing anybody...hope no one lectures me...;) have a good day! Oh yes, and we haven't had our house checked for efficiency, but I know it is an old drafty house...at least we don't have to worry about too much radon or any other substance in the air sticking around to pollute our home...everything goes right through the windows and doors. In the winter, I just put on another sweater( or a coat;)) and sometimes a down comforter!
  15. :lol::lol: I am so gald that the "s" word is socialization! That is what I would have thought first too! Too funny! thanks!:D
  16. :iagree::iagree::iagree: Have I said that enough? Peek, I'd rep you but the system won't let me yet! No wonder you have 3 squares...great advice! anyway, we have 2 dogs and they are always in our yard! We have invisible fence just to make sure! If those dogs were on a leash and another dog comes out, off his property then that owner is responsible because he was not in control of his dog. I am assuming there are leash laws were you are.... And, even as a dog person i would still call animal control or whomever handles that.
  17. My father passed away last year and When Mum was getting rid of his clothes my sister and I took some. She took some T shirts to remember him by, and I took his favorite pajamas. I wear them quite often. I also took and wear a few of his sweaters. My mother is not around much in the winter (she winters in Florida), so I don't have to concern myself then if it will upset her. This summer I have no intention of wearing any of those clothes around her. She gave me full permission to take them and was happy about it...but everything reminds all of us of him, so I don't see the need to add to it for her. As for me...I love wearing his clothes right now...It may be silly, but I feel more connected to him when i am wearing them... Okay, tears are flowing now...so i really have to go...good luck..sorry you lost your mom.
  18. We do $1 for the first one and 25 cents thereafter...but my kids know that "Mum is the toothfairy." It's a good thing too, because occasionally the toothfairy forgets!:001_huh: oops! Ds6 has a tooth that is ready to come out, but he doesn't usually even tell me!
  19. I'm 43 and it is close...it's Lee. I always hated it! Oh well...I knew a few girls whose middle names were lynn. But I also went toschool and ended up working with so many jennifer...well..that is another thread isn't it?;) Jenny (lee)
  20. My Mother grew up in the 1930's and 40"s and none of her 5 children were breast fed. According to her it wasn't considered as healthy :confused:as bottle feeding.....So, I was bottle fed and all my kids have been breast fed...no formula in this house!;) Oh yes, and she smoked for the entire pregnancy too! I am actually a very smart person, but wow...I'd love to know just how smart i would have been had she not smoked and had she breastfed me!? lol!
  21. :lol::lol::lol::lol: I almost fell out of my chair that was so funny! A great way to end my day, thanks!
  22. That is what we just started with my newly 3rd grader and younger brother...so far so good. it is open and go and I think the entire thing is under $200. If you need more you could add realscience4kids. Good luck!
  23. Feild trips audio books dvds games (Element-O for Chemistry, math games with dominoes or dice etc... "Hail to the Chief" for US Presidents and on and on) science and history magazines computer software concerts I know I am being vague and forgetting tons...but my mind is now going a bit blank...oh yeah, crafts...I know there is more..
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