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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. No experience here, but I'm sorry it hurts, and hope that he will get into a better position soon. I think it's very cool that you have options to try. Mostly, I just wanted to say - he's beautiful! What a fabulous picture. It made me smile this morning, and ... I needed that. Thank you for sharing it. So excited for you!
  2. So, what does it mean if gift giving is your love language? I know this is based on a book, but I have not read it (nor am I likely to read it, not my type of book). Anyone want to give me the quick run down? If a person is the type to give thoughtful gifts and send cards - does that mean that's their love language? And does it necessarily mean that receiving gifts/cards speaks most to their heart?
  3. Sanding and restaining or painting is easier than you'd think. Just do the top, and leave the legs. Annie Sloan Chalk paint is super easy, and you wouldn't even need to sand, unless there is finish peeling up. Just wipe clean first. She recommends waxing on top of the paint, but you want to wipe water off of that quickly. You can put a polyurethane to protect it better, just skip the wax. Google Annie Sloan Chalk Paint tables, and you'll find lots of ideas.
  4. Mmmm, can't wait till breakfast. Every time this thread gets bumped, we make it again. Yum! The pumpkin spice version linked above was delicious, too.
  5. Waze. Great gps app. I use it every day. Kindle (reading), Pandora (music), Spotify (music), Find Friends (I only follow DH and my mom, but it's great when my mom is traveling), Netflix and Amazon Streaming. Audible. Love Audible! Evernote and Trello are great, too. Oh, and the app my ten year old made. :P Its just a game, and only for iPhone but I giant puffy heart it because, you know, proud mommy.
  6. Jean, I hope this transition goes as smoothly as possible, after the bumpy start. Hopefully the new med will help FIL with the adjustment. You have done an amazing job juggling everything. :grouphug:
  7. Yes, this is so important. Talk about it every time. Our toddler sees her older brother get meds twice a day, and she sees me take meds daily as well. We talk about never touching another person's medicine, and what to do if she finds a dropped pill someplace (I worry about this in hotels a lot). She has that down (at least verbally), but I worry about those tasty liquid meds, and the beloved yummy vitamins. IKEA makes a great, basic, locking medicine cabinet. We have one hanging in our pantry, and in our bedroom closet. We've also found some great locking medicine containers that bolt into the medicine cabinet above a bathroom sink - those were either at Lowe's or Home Depot. Like others though, I am in favor of flavored meds - getting my kids to take meds is a battle, and the flavor helps. Like a PP, I think it might have been extra bad for DS, as he received a regular med as a baby/toddler that the pharmacy didn't flavor. I didn't know it *could* be flavored, and I think it set him up to hate all meds. The day he learned to take a pill was a good one, here.
  8. This is disappointing. I mean, I thought the megalodon shark was real? And current? :D ...Not really. (Do we have a sarcasm font?) I have no problem with odd, off the wall documentaries as long as they are not presented as fact. But actors pretending to be scientists, faked photos, etc, without any clarification that this is a work of fiction based on a prehistoric shark (or whatever) ... That's not good.
  9. I don't think there needs to be a hard and fast rule for this, it sort of depends on each family. Our oldest got a cell phone in the 9th grade, but he was in PS, and started doing a lot of after school activities. It just made sense for him to be able to contact us if schedules were to suddenly change. DS is 10, and doesn't have one, hasn't asked for one (it's not even on his radar), but I'm considering one for him because I'd like to drop him off at some activities, but I want him to be able to reach me. He has serious allergies, so I think a phone would ease *my* fears. :) A pre-paid plan looks like an excellent idea.
  10. Another vote for using a rescue. We used petfinder for one dog, and for another we went to the SPCA. Both are fantastic dogs. Every dog we've owned has been a rescue. FWIW, I agree about Christmas not being optimal - for the reasons above, and also there are so many little bits of ribbon, paper, plastic etc that a small pup can eat. I would worry. What about wrapping up puppy care items and fun things, and then taking a trip to get the pup when the tree is down and the holidays are over?
  11. Thank you for posting this. My heart skipped a beat when I saw your thread title. Breathing.
  12. I'm not sure what type we have, but I gave DH some lenses for Christmas last year. I thought they were cool. It was a groupon deal. He has never used them. They don't work with his iPhone case. So there's my one piece of advice: make sure they work with your case. We have Rokform cases, and the lenses just won't work. It was a bummer. And yes - very fun to say! If you get them, I hope they are fun! They look like they would be. :)
  13. You all are making me want a hot water pot. :lol: I have 2 pyrex measuring cups that are in the microwave heating right now. For the next round of French Press. Oh, and yes - when you grind your beans, grind them coarse.
  14. Coffee snob here. :) I use a french press every day right now. Our espresso machine is out for repair. Use good coffee. I use Camano Island - I like that they roast it the day before shipping. Shade grown, organic, fair trade. But any coffee you like is going to work. Freshly ground is best. Pour in enough coffee to fill it up to the line on the bottom - there should be a small line somewhere underneath the bottom metal ring. If not, I fill to the bottom of the bottom metal ring. (Make sense?) Heat water. (I boil it, then let it cool so it's not quite boiling so as not to burn the coffee.) Pour the coffee in, and let steep. Experiment to see how long you like it (I give it 8 minutes). Then put the top on , and slowly push down the strainer.
  15. I'm not sure about parasites. They did check for Giardia, e. Coli, C. Diff, and a bunch of other things along those lines, but I'm not sure about parasites. I will ask her. Thank you.
  16. :( I'm so worried about her. Going to go suggest the ER. At least they could give her some fluids. This is horrible.
  17. Any more thoughts? Just got more bloodwork results - she's negative for Celiac. Is that blood test reliable? She's not keeping any food down. Any ideas on how to keep something down? GI specialist appt is a few weeks away, so she's looking for support/ideas how to get through till then, and any BTDT thoughts on what it could be.
  18. We love Forbidden Island. I have been looking at Unkle Skunkle's 3D Destruct, but am scared off by the price.
  19. I'll suggest that. Poor thing. She feels terrible, and the not knowing is the worst part. A GI specialist is a good idea. Thanks!
  20. If you are the type of person who is most motivated by a class, or a group of people - I would do it. The trade off of the commute time is worth the benefit of health!
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