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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Any experience with this? We have two open adoptions, so we're very familiar with that type of adoption and birthparent interactions there. But this is for an adult, meeting a birthparent for the first time. Closed adoption till adult was in his 40s. They have been emailing for a few years, and are now ready to meet in person. They'll meet halfway, in a town fairly close to both of their homes, so this isn't a trip that involves air travel or overnight stays. Any ideas on what they can do? Meet at a restaurant? Park? How long would you expect this first meeting to last? Would bringing a photo album of childhood be helpful, for birthparent to see? Any other ideas re: things to do to break the ice? Adult adoptee does not want to do anything that might make birthparent feel pressured.
  2. Before we had kids, my favorite dinner was Popcorn Dinner. Eaten in a movie theater. :lurk5: Alas, with kids to feed we don't do it anymore. We are having roasted broccoli, ham and black beans. I guess it's time to get off the computer and go finish it up.
  3. That might be why we see the texture change, too - we are GF and dairy free. Though we do use eggs. I think I'll make the cupcakes a day early, and the brownies the day of the party. Thanks!
  4. I have to make cupcakes and brownies (both GF) for Friday. We are having a Halloween Bash for kids, with a ton of stuff to set up on the Big Day. How early can I make cupcakes and brownies, without having them turn hard as rocks by the time the kids eat them? The day before? Today? (If only I could get it out of the way today!) Or should I just add it to the list of must-dos for party day?
  5. It sounds like you have a good plan. :)
  6. It sounds like your neighbor isn't serious about buying your house. You don't want to put it on the market, though, and give someone who might be serious about buying it quickly have a chance? It could be that your prayers are answered that way. You never know. It's a lot of power to give this one neighbor... the power to determine whether you move or not, and whether it happens in time to make an offer on your dream house. If you were to put it on the market, it might speed up your neighbor, or it might open the door to the buyer that's waiting for you. At least you would be taking steps to open the door for more opportunity, and for answers to come into your life in more ways than through your neighbor. I hope you'll get the house of your dreams. It's not fun to be in limbo.
  7. What a good question! I'd like to know the answer to that, as well. (Not that I'm going to eat blue cheese, because, well, it tastes of mold! Never has been a favorite here.)
  8. There's a lot more for kids in DC than just the zoo. What are your kids' interests? Would you be going at Xmas time? If you are, and the zoo will be on the list of to-dos, then you might check out Zoolights - go to the zoo at night, and see the lights. That might add a different twist. The Smithsonian - so many things to do for kids! The Spy Museum is great, too. And the oft-forgotten Building Museum has a ton of kid activities for all ages. It's a favorite here. The older kids might like the Mansion at O Street. We keep meaning to do this, even with our little along, and haven't done it yet. Self-guided tours are $10, look for secret passages and doors. It really looks like fun. There's a tour company that offers a scavenger hunt type tour, I can't recall the name off the top of my head, and your team uses a smart phone to find the clues, etc. It also looks great, sort of Dan Brown-ish, but definitely fun for all. I can think of a ton more, but it would be better to know your kids' interests. And yours.
  9. Yes, they are draining. :( The low back thingy might be playing into it, too. Sometimes I'll get into a cycle with pain/spasms and migraine, and they sort of play off each other. Hopefully the muscle relaxant combo put s stop to that. My best med combo includes a muscle relaxant. Axert, advil, and Valium. And sleep. I don't do it often because the kids need me - and I'm not comfortable taking the Valium without back-up adults around. Do you have a migraine med you can add in? I hope? Feel better quickly.
  10. Crossing fingers that the migraine doesn't come. They are the pits.
  11. Oh! Another one: My oldest and closest friend is very tall (6'11" - I'm talking very, very tall), and I am very short (4'10" on a good day). We always intended to go as the Jolly Green Giant and the Pea. :) Not sure a little person would get that reference though!
  12. DS had planned to the be the Man in the Yellow Hat, and DD was going to be Curious George. That plan has gone out the window, but it would have been cute!
  13. Are black friday ads out yet? I don't usually participate in black friday, but our big tv died recently and we're borrowing one from DH's office. Maybe I should keep an eye out for a new tv!
  14. I really like this post. :) Not that it's easy to do all of the above, in the midst of anxiety or stress, but it's a good goal.
  15. Yes. :) But are you *sure* you want to know what they're called?? They are dangerous!!!! ETA: The ones we like are by Kinnikinnick, and they are called K-Toos or Kinni-Toos. They make chocolate and vanilla. I am ashamed to say that we order them from Amazon by the case. Subscribe and Save, so we get 20% off. They are supposed to last all month, but... we run out pretty quickly.
  16. Thank you for this! They're opening one near us soon - yay! I'll have to check out how they handle our other allergies, but if they understand GF, then they understand X-contamination so we should be good. So excited!
  17. I would go with paying down debt also. But why don't you run some numbers? Compare how much interest you're paying on the debt vs how much interest you'll earn on the savings for college. Choose the option that makes the most financial sense. Do you only have student loan debt? That's a big positive right there. :)
  18. Yes, it is. I am ashamed every time I read about it.
  19. Elmer's. Water it down a bit. It works. Knox gelatin, too, but Elmer's is easier. You'll post pics, right? Love a good mohawk!
  20. Oh, this is so true! My SIL says they don't have TV in this way, but her kids have more screen time than anyone I've ever seen. They watch everything. They use Netflix, and Hulu, and internet sites, and rent/buy movies all the time. We haven't had satellite or cable since 2004, when DS was born. But we have computers and other devices, so I'm not comfortable saying we don't have TV. We do, it just comes into the house through a different means. The kids still watch shows. And one more vote for whoever mentioned the Sparticle Project or Mystery (can't remember which is called) - DS loved that one!
  21. Another teal pumpkin here. :) We have little bags of non-food goodies (pencils, glow bracelets, stickers) and food options, too. For candy we have well-labeled treats (they have ingredient lists on the candy itself) or Yummy Earth lollipops (dye free, top 8 free). We're not giving out anything with peanuts, tree nuts or dairy, but that's because we have those allergies. We have tons and tons of ToTers, we'll go through mountains of candy and still run out. Plus, we're having a Halloween kids party, so the night will be super fun!
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