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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. I'm so sorry. That just stinks. Can you call your old doc for the zofran? What about your primary care doc? When I had the recent runaround with urology, my primary called in extra flomax and zofran. Maybe yours will do the same? Hoping this gets better soon.
  2. I've got a WereCat and a pumpkin. DS will make his own costume, with some help from DH - they love special effects make up. He's the WereCat, whatever that is. DD (3) was planning to be Word Girl, but now wants to be a pumpkin. I'll buy her costume, because I don't sew. DS loves Halloween, I'm sure we'll have a party. :)
  3. I've seen as much as a 25% difference in Costco prices between the DC area and NC. Maybe it depends on where you are traveling?
  4. Yes. My father always insisted that I carry id, too - and I was a teen a long time ago.
  5. That would be a funny one-liner, if it were about news. But the OP didn't call it "news." She called it an interesting article. If you don't find it interesting, that's okay. There are so many members, and so many threads here on the board, there must be something interesting for you to read.
  6. We pay for upkeep items - food and necessary supplies. Luxury extras are up to DS. But we've always done it this way. If we had discussed other options before getting the pets, I would honor that. Like, "Once you have a job, you will be responsible for food or xyz."
  7. Plaquenil? I'm not a doc, so not sure if it's appropriate in your case. It helps me. It is an Rx, you'd have to discuss with a doc.
  8. I have a laundry room in the basement. It didn't seem like a big deal when we bought this house, but I would change it now in a heartbeat. No one wants to carry their laundry up and down 2 flights of stairs, not on a daily basis. It will become a chore, eventually. When you are sick, when the family has the stomach flu, when you are doing everyone's laundry, when you are just tired... It will get harder and harder. In my case, we moved in and I developed chronic health issues. Maybe my response is colored by that, but honestly, you can't know what's in the future. FWIW, the people who built our house had the option of putting the W/D in the space that is my desk. :) They opted for the basement, and I lament this daily! I would so much prefer to have convenient laundry, and a different desk option. All that said, I would understand if you opted for the desk and the picture window. :)
  9. What choice would you make? It appears that they are talking about Malaria, not Ebola, though we have already had Ebola patients in US hospitals.
  10. DS here totally, wholeheartedly agrees with you. :)
  11. This made me laugh. We love Wegman's. It's a similar drive for us, but the produce, oh, the produce! And the allergy-friendly food... :001_wub:
  12. If anyone could understand that rambling explanation ... It would be you! Big hugs, fellow Lyme fighter. :)
  13. Announcement: it's twins! They made their appearance today! Whew. Thank you for all the support here. :)
  14. Thanks for checking. It's eased a lot. I think it's possible I passed it but didn't catch it in the strainer. I'm tender and sore, but not in agony. :) Such a relief.
  15. I haven't posted any pics that I can find, but did remove my avatar, just in case. Sad to see it go, it's a magnet that's been on my fridge for 15 years. Hope this is resolved quickly and painlessly.
  16. Maybe she thinks bleach doesn't kill viruses? Has it mixed up with antibiotics?
  17. Abuse. Not opening the pictures, I have no need to see. Just reading the quoted excerpts above made me cringe.
  18. When DS developed his allergy to penicillins, it was in the 8th or 9th day on amoxicillin. It showed up as a rash.
  19. I didn't want to like your post, because... ouch. My morphine allergy was discovered like yours - after a major surgery, and the pain is still something I can recall clearly - all those stories about forgetting pain ... not true. Getting knocked out was the only thing that helped. But I still had Demerol then. You poor thing, that had to be rotten.
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