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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. That's worrisome. No idea if this might apply, but DS used to wake up itching in the middle of the night. Terrible itching, and we'd do middle of the night back scratching sessions, benadryl, baths, you name it. He would slap his arm or leg, because sometimes that would help the itch. It *was* an allergy, but took us forever to figure it out. We knew he was anaphylactic to a lot of foods, so we avoided those. But after years of this agony, a new allergist did some testing and found four more IgE mediated allergies. We did elimination challenges, to see if it made any difference, and sure enough - wheat and dairy were significant. Less itching, less eczema, less asthma without those two. (The other 2 foods made no difference, thankfully.) ...No more midnight back scratching. Not saying this is what's going on with your DD. But maybe it helps to know that other kids have that kind of severe itching, too.
  2. Thanks. I will tell him. :) It was part of our experiment in project-based homeschooling and it was a huge deal for him. He had to learn a lot about communicating his ideas, sticking with something long-term, and we all had a big learning curve. Huge learning curve. And, of course, it will soon be obsolete with a new OS coming soon. :001_rolleyes: But it was fun, and he learned a lot. Most importantly that he can visualize something, and with hard work - make it real. Bonus is that our DD (3) really loves playing it.
  3. We only let 3 yr old do screen time as a last resort while big guy is doing school, so it's pretty limited. I like starfall apps. DS made an app for her, too. It's a counting game - Summer Night ... Catching Fireflies. You could try it. The voice saying the numbers is mine and the laughs and giggles are DS and DD. I've never linked it here before because I'm afraid of violating rules, but maybe it's okay since it was made as a homeschool project by a 10 year old?
  4. Talk to your doc. Vit D, thyroid issues, lots more possibilities there. If you rule all of that out, Nioxin has a good shampoo/conditioner/scalp treatment!
  5. This thread title just destroys me. Every time I read it, I snort coffee.
  6. We're staying near Kitty Hawk, so Front Porch it is. I'll let you know!
  7. Where is the bowing down icon? :lol: This. CaffeineDiary said it all. Good coffee doesn't need sugar or milk or syrups. Good coffee is excellent on it's own, black. Yum. If you need further help, I'll be happy to assist as well. I don't know where you can go to have someone make it for you, but can help with ordering freshly roasted, shade grown organic beans, and learning to make an excellent cup of coffee at home. And CaffeineDiary, now I want your list of great places to go to get a good cup! We're going on vacation to the outer banks of NC, and I have no idea where we'll get our fix. We'll take some good stuff, but I'll want it while we're out and about. Any leads? Want to compare shops in other places, too?
  8. Our lock uses a key or a code, and DS has had the code for quite some time. He doesn't really *need* it, but he unlocks the door for me when we arrive home and he's carrying groceries in, that sort of thing.
  9. I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending warm thoughts and hugs.
  10. It must have been the clowns. It's always the clowns.
  11. Yes, email or call. They will send another package.
  12. Oh no. :( I'm so sorry. That's just awful. Is there any other facility you could use? :grouphug:
  13. Love BMG. DS, now 10, adores them, and loved their show. He went a few years ago. Our adult kiddo dressed up as a Blue Man for Halloween one year. That was one tough costume. He went to school (high school) and no one knew who he was. It was the weirdest thing, but they weren't as popular then, maybe. Anyway, he loved them, too, and had seen them, obviously. :) I think your teens would love it.
  14. Sorry, should have clarified - yes, VA. Very concerned. :(
  15. Limited info here. Anyone with more info? All we've heard is active shooter. :(
  16. Goodness, you too? Mine was diagnosed when I was very, very young (11) rather than the normal older ages. Get strep tests when you have a sore throat. Do you think this is the cause of your POTS like symptoms?
  17. So glad you are home, and hoping you have a smooth recovery.
  18. Some art. A Picasso or a Garfunckel. Or a green dress. But not a real green dress, that's cruel. :leaving: I will be singing that song all day now. The kids will thank you. :) For us - travel. Lots of it.
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