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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. If you are mostly happy with the job, just talk to her. We usually buy our preferred cleaning supplies for them to use, and we ask that they use specific products on particular pieces of furniture, etc. I would ask her to use a different product on the cabinets, and I'd probably save the residue for her to fix. Generally, I find that if they don't clean something one week, they get it the next. I'm not looking for perfection, and I'm pretty easy going. But I wouldn't hesitate to ask her to clean the top of the fridge.
  2. I agree about laminate and water. Don't go there. Our neighbors had a disaster due to water issues. I think laminate can be great, but not in kitchens or bathrooms. :) Not near a pool where there will be water drips as people run in and out either. A friend installed vinyl plank flooring in her bath recently and it looks great. I think as long as you get something good quality, it will be good. Hardwood would be my first choice, or tile, but if that's not an option, I wouldn't hesitate to pick out a great looking, good quality vinyl.
  3. I had to go look up jaffles. Sounds yummy!
  4. Not alone. Grocery shopping wears me out. Lazy shopper tip here - see if your grocery store has an option to shop for you. For $4.95, our grocery will shop for your order, call when it's ready, and load it in the car. They won't even take tips. We use Harris Teeter, but other stores probably have the same option!
  5. Carpet burns. :lol: We don't do carpet anywhere for health reasons. Think dust and dander amassing in massive amounts. And outgassing. The VOCs are not healthy. But we have a kiddo with asthma and high VOC levels so I am hyperaware of that stuff. They do make (I think) some low VOC healthier carpet alternatives though - probably wool. I think tile in the bedroom would be fantastic, if it's what you want. We have hardwood, because it worked better with our house/style. But I would not hesitate to do tile. You can find some great throw rugs if he's worried about warmth.
  6. Thinking of you and your kiddo, and hoping that you'll get some rest tonight.
  7. Another hysterical laugher here. And - welcome to the first grade, little one!
  8. My first thought was cough variant asthma, too. A virus can really make that flare up. DS was 4 when we found out about his cough variant asthma - which started as part of an illness (pneumonia after a virus). What helps here (and has been mentioned above): the nebulizer with albuterol; steamy shower (or just sit in the bathroom while the shower runs); humidifier. But our choices are limited due to asthma. It could be that he needs an inhaler to get through this illness, but won't have asthma permanently. I often need an inhaler when sick, my doc calls it in. Other than that - no inhaler for me. If he's coughing this much, you might want to check with the doc - they can check his pulse ox (do you have a unit at home? We check at home, and want to see a blood oxygen over 95). I always worry about oxygen levels. If you think there's any chance it might be turning into pneumonia, he might need a chest x-ray. :( DS had his first round of pneumonia at 4, and I worry any time there's lots of coughing. Hoping he feels better soon, and you all get some rest! Oh... What about Sinupret? I've not used it, but have heard good things about it. Something to try. Amazon has it. :)
  9. I am so sorry. How terribly stressful. :grouphug:
  10. I am so, so sorry for your loss. Especially for your daughter.
  11. I think I would be tempted to keep watching the series, and when Feb 15 rolls around try a free trial month of Netflix, since they will be keeping Dr. Who. :D
  12. Yes, I have 2 answers, too - depending on the area. I think we all have a different picture in mind when we hear "walk to the park." For some, I think it would be fine. For the particular area (I know the general area where this took place, it has been a huge story around here) - I'm not on board with it.
  13. I didn't vote. I want to say yes, sure. I want to be that free range parent. But I'm not. This is all hypothetical for me, as we deal with other issues that make it unlikely that I'd allow this (life threatening allergies, asthma, etc). I simply would need to know that someone is available with DS who is capable of administering emergency care if he's unable to do so himself - so a 6 year old wouldn't cut it. So, no, personally - wouldn't happen here. I'm familiar with the area, and no, hypothetically, I still wouldn't have been that parent. Not with a 6 year old. I think kids are different though, and I'm basing this on my kids. I would not want my 10 year old to be responsible for his 6 year old sister's safety. I just think it's more than he should have to take on. 2 10 year olds - I'd feel differently. Or if the 10 year old had been 12 or 13. Aside from all that, my understanding of the law is that it's not okay for a child under 13 to be responsible for a 6 year old. Whether there are loopholes or not, I think the spirit of the law is clear enough (for me).
  14. Not watching, but we drove to a friend's to watch Katy Perry at halftime. Then immediately left. :)
  15. Double, please. Oh, wait, you're not talking about espresso. We use a single bar for a more casual look. :)
  16. If you can't get this out soon, I would take him in for assistance. If you see any sign of infection, take it seriously. My niece had a freak pencil accident that quickly progressed and ended in a terrible infection, sepsis (I hope that's the word in trying to find, I am very tired - infection in the blood), she spent time in ICU, and had a PICC line at home for weeks. All because of stepping on a pencil. She laughs about it now, because it was a colored pencil, and, well, her foot turned that same color. But it was scary. ETA: sorry to sound so doom and gloom. Freak pencil accidents clearly scare me now. I'm sure your kiddo will be fine, and as long as it's not infected it will just grow out. Keep us posted.
  17. That might be the one. It's been so long, I can't remember. They had a warning on the door, for people with peanut allergies not to come in. But it was before our family was affected by life threatening allergies, so it was a long time ago! ETA: I looked it up. Yes, this is the one. And they still put warnings on the door for people with peanut allergies.
  18. I hope that she has all the resources she needs for a healthy recovery, and that she gets positive news about all of it soon. Recovering is difficult enough without the financial worry. Goodness. Sending her best wishes!
  19. Glad he is feeling better! How frightening.
  20. Interesting! I crave sugar before migraines, too. Once in a while I will crave red meat before a migraine, which is unusual for me. Does that happen with her once in a while, too? Might just be me. :) I have chronic migraines as well - and ooooh, I am sorry to hear your daughter does as well. That's just rotten.
  21. Echoing all of this. DS and I were both hospitalized due to this combo. We were kept in isolation rooms at the hospital. Awful experience. And I'm still not well, a month later.
  22. I'm sorry. We had that combo recently - it was horrible. I'd have to vote for no clients, too. You would be shedding the virus the day before you became ill, so there would be no way to know if you were sharing the flu. :(
  23. I'm so sorry. It's been a terrible winter. Terrible viruses that drag on and on here, too. I would go back to the doc. You might not get answers, but then again - you might. You will at least get guidance. You could have an infection, the mono could be active again (I hope not!) or any number of things. Strep is going around here, too. If infection, mono, etc is ruled out then there are things you can do to help your immune system, but you probably need that other stuff ruled out first.
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