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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. I would take the antibiotic. I'd take good quality probiotics two hours apart from the abx, and I'd take S. Boulardii as well. Continue for a month minimum after stopping the abx. I'd probably follow some of the suggestions above also. Hope you feel better soon, whatever you do!
  2. So glad you posted this. We love those books, and they are very effective here. Off to order for my drama boy. :)
  3. I have a frozen bag of chicken parts that I plan to use for broth. Do I need to thaw them before cooking? I would thaw chicken before cooking, so I think yes. Brain not quite working today... We all have the flu. How would you thaw these, quickly?
  4. I hope your DD stays healthy, and that all of you do. You made the right call. Good job leaving. Those guests were right - they *are* selfish. So sorry you had to leave, and totally agree with you.
  5. Speaking from the sick bed here, if anyone reading is inclined to get a flu shot but just hasn't made time... Get thee to the pharmacy. :)
  6. I always got the shot. Complicated health history here has resulted in being told not to get the shot anymore (by my docs). Of the years I've not had the shot, I've had the flu all but one. Four times. Prior to that, I had the shot yearly - and no flu. I would quite like to have the shot again. DS is the same - complicated history resulted in being told no more shots and he's had the flu 3 years out of four. Yuck. All confirmed. One year twice - strains A and B simultaneously and a Euro Flu strain another time. We have it now, sadly. Strain A. It is not as bad this year, for me. But DS is another story. Secretly, I fantasize every year about going AMA and getting a shot. :)
  7. That's good to hear, thanks. We delayed going in, thinking it was the stomach bug that's been making the rounds. So DS was too late for Tamiflu. I have it, but am more worried about him - he's much sicker. The doc here said it's not as bad or as long lasting as some flu years. About the way you described it, with the worst being the first 2 1/2 days. I think once the strep is treated, that will help, too. Anyone else have the double whammy? It seems to be the special where we live ... Doc has seen a lot of it.
  8. Nothing like ringing in the new year with fresh, new antibodies! Ugh, I'm sorry. Hope you all feel better soon.
  9. Those were sympathetic likes to all. What a yucky way to start the new year. DS has Flu A and strep. DD just tested positive for strep. I have Flu A, no strep. What a mix. DS is by far the sickest. What was that someone said about incessant coughing?! Oh my. No kidding. We are doing neb treatments as often as possible but wow... DS didn't sleep all night. At all. Well, till 10:30. Then he was up till 7 am. Hoping everyone feels better soon!
  10. Whew. I'm grateful you're home, too! What a scary night.
  11. Thanks. Quicker and easier is good news. That was my thought this far, and part of why I didn't immediately think, "flu!"
  12. I hope you're all breathing easier tonight. The stress must have been huge. My son has asthma and peanut (among other allergies)... How on earth did you sleep for checking on him? Glad you made it through the night, and I hope tonight is better.
  13. Oh! Those of you who've had flu this year - how long till kids were feeling better? Adults? Thanks for sharing the misery...
  14. Mandylubug, that sounds awful. And familiar. Shoot.
  15. Thanks, Cat. And Splash - I hope your kids get better soon. It's pretty miserable here. If I suspect flu, we rush to the doc but this time I might have missed the boat. Thought it was a stomach virus that would run its course in a day or so. (It's only been 36 hours, but still...)
  16. Someone mentioned corn - I was going to suggest that, too. Your idea to compare ingredient lists is the best. I hope you figure it out! Have you tried Rudi's GF breads? They seem easier for some people than Udi's. Maybe check those ingredients against the Vann's.
  17. We're no strangers to flu - we've all had strains A and B simultaneously, and a Euro Flu strain I thought would kill us. This week we've got what I thought was a stomach virus - vomiting and fever. But it comes with massive body aches and headache, and after the first 24 hours morphs into a lot of coughing. I wonder if it might be flu after all? And, yes, I'll call the doc and we'll all go in asap. Hopefully they'll be open tomorrow. Just wondering how influenza has presented this year, in other families? Any vomiting? Or might this just be the notorious stomach virus that's been making the rounds?
  18. Will your friend and pediatrician consider helping you report this school psychologist? That feels wildly unethical. So sorry!
  19. Not rude. We do this too, and, yes - it feels awkward at times. Better than being sick later though. Everyone will get used to it.
  20. I always wash in the kitchen before prepping food. It's a good habit to develop, even if it's not totally necessary.
  21. :lol: Have you seen the Impress to go cups? It's a french press for one cup. I haven't tried them, no idea about clean up.
  22. Ugh. I have wrapped nothing for our family. Not one gift yet. We are going to be gone all day today, so it's going to happen on Christmas Eve, and I dread it. Everything is still in shipping boxes, piled in our basement. Looks like Shipping and Receiving down there. Going to need a big bottle of wine to get through that stack of gifts!
  23. Yep. Prep H. I have a friend who was in the modeling scene, and this is a big one.
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