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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. I'm not an expert, but my thought is to maintain the home you are in. Both for yourself, and because it will make it easier to sell when you do. If the house needs a new roof, you'll be taking care of it eventually, either way - through knocking it off the price or doing it before selling. But if you do it now, then the house retains the appearance that you've maintained it well, which is a bonus to buyers, right? We, too, don't live in our forever home. We're not in a rush to move, though. So we just keep doing the things that need to be done - new roof was last year. :)
  2. I'm so glad it's going well. Fingers crossed that it continues, and this is a good thing for you. :) I wanted to say I tried atenolenol, too. Gave it a good 9 months, but really didn't see much difference. I thought it was helping at first, but then it clearly ... wasn't. My migraines are clearly related to trigeminal neuralgia, not sure if that changes the way we treat them. Keep searching for answers, and keep us posted!
  3. I like the Costco brand. When we don't make it to costco its hit or miss here, so I'm listening in.
  4. Flu A here. Longest fever was almost two weeks. Doc said it's lasting that long for some. We had high fevers, then lingering low grade fevers.
  5. Recipe, please? Not for espresso, got that covered! Yay for espresso!
  6. I tried topamax. I'm sorry I can't give you a positive story, though. It wasn't right for me - didn't help. I do everything you listed, but I use Axert - which helps more than imitrex or maxalt, for me. Addressing hypercoagulation has helped quite a bit. Have you been tested for that? My 4 monthly headaches are down to 2. They last 4 days each, but the Axert makes it bearable, somewhat.
  7. Yep. It makes us stay on top of things, and, sadly, I need that. I also love having everything clean, all at once. Something that my energy level doesn't allow me to make happen independently. We've been through a ton of cleaners and services, and this is the best we've ever found. Best price, too, which makes it fabulous because we can do it weekly. It frees me up to do bigger projects - whether those are deep cleaning, or related to our business. Or helping my mom, while she got her house on the market... So yeah, it's worth it here.
  8. Cleaning help is coming today, and I'm particularly grateful after reading this thread. It always feels so good when they are here. :) We've decluttered, straightened, have fresh sheets folded on all the beds, fresh bathroom rugs ready to be put down on clean floors. I'm going to tip extra today, just because I'm so happy to have found great help!
  9. I was *that* lazy, too. :) I wanted a schedule, and everything included. No printing, cutting, compiling supplies. We did Mother Goose Time preschool. Everything comes in a schoolbus box, once a month. All supplies are included, except crayons, glue stick or tape, and scissors (for you, though most stuff is already cut out). Each month comes with 20 days of activities - we love the art projects - all divided into bags that are numbered. It is super easy. There's also a CD with music that matches the theme of the month, and a teacher kit that has all kinds of manipulatives and posters. If there's a holiday in a particular month, you'll get an extra day's activities to go along with it. The drawback: It's pricey. But you can get a sample, if I remember correctly. And you can add on extra craft supplies if you have other kids who will want to do that part. Wow, did DD love it. We never did all 20 days in one month, and we still use the manipulatives and supplies. I was very happy with it, and felt it was money well spent. It's not "independent time" though, if that's what you want. Not like strapping her in a high chair with play dough or something. Generally, we did the activities and filled the mommy cup, then she'd play with whatever we did that day independently, or I'd provide a few toys that are for school time that matched the theme, and that would give me time to do school with DS.
  10. Yes! That's true. And you can ask your doc to call in VSL 3 for you - a Rx probiotic. Then it's just a trip to the drug store. Where you can get florastor, too. :)
  11. Just read your latest, just before mine... He can ask the pharmacist for florastor, and they will lead him to it.
  12. Please get some S. Boulardii, along with the probiotics. Not sure if it's included in the one Jean linked. You can get the brand Florastor at CVS or Walgreens. It is a beneficial yeast, not to be confused with candida. It will help, especially if you were exposed to C Diff in the hospital or wherever you had your colonoscopy. Flora stop brand has been tested extensively, it's the one my GI doc suggests.
  13. Cleaners. I love our cleaners. We have yard help, too, but only for the front - they are included in our HOA though, so it's not really optional. We still do the fun stuff - gardening, etc, they just take care of the chores - mowing, blowing, etc. Many years ago, we had doggy pooper scoppers. There's not a service in our area, but I'd love one of those!
  14. We make and mail valentines a few days ahead of time. We have a special breakfast - used to be pink, heart shaped pancakes, now it's waffles with strawberries. I put little goodie bags at their seat at the kitchen table - a little bear, a bit of chocolate. This year we're having a kid valentines day party as well, so I'll make cupcakes and figure out some games. :)
  15. Hey, that's a good idea! Although, hmmmm, kahlua works in coffee, too, on those really rough days! :cheers2:
  16. Ick! Gross alert (don't read if squeamish): I have had a tapeworm. The lab report said it was from pork. I am not a pork fan, but I do eat bacon... Now I wonder if that's where it came from! Ewww.
  17. DS has finished his Xmas list for 2015, too!
  18. Another vote for Sliquid. Great stuff.
  19. Congratulations! For the back issues, I'd think a physical therapist - but I'd personally talk to your primary first, since there could be other issues at play. I love what a PP said about bonding in a rocking chair. I'm sure you have all of that planned for when you don't have to do so much walking. So happy for you - enjoy every moment, and I hope it's pain free!
  20. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  21. :lol: My DH has offered over and over to find a mother's helper, in addition to the housecleaner. Honestly, I have hesitated for the fear of some of what you posted - that it might be more stress than it's worth. But the housecleaner ... *that* is worth every penny. And the time they spend on doing the basics (cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, etc) frees me up to do other stuff. But if you need that 2 hours of alone time to do your own work, etc, then you might benefit from working out the mom's helper issues, so you can have that time without kids hovering. Oh, and we are usually here when the housecleaner's here, we just move around so we're not in the way.
  22. I think this all sounds reasonable, but I would not expect the cleaning during nap. Unloading the dishwasher and putting the dirty dishes in is about all the extra I'd expect. Maybe a quick sweep or running the vacuum, but not mopping. First, are all five kids actually asleep at the same time, and for how long? And, is she going to need that time to clean up after the kids (water color painting, any messes made, etc)? I guess I just wouldn't expect her to manage 5 children and clean up after them at the same time so that they are down for their naps and she is free to clean - I'm not sure all 15 year olds are going to be that organized or have the stamina to do that. I don't have 5 kids, but we often have a family of 5 kids over to play, so 7 total here, and because I am not used to managing it all, we do a lot of clean up after they leave. If you are looking for bathroom cleaning and mopping, what about hiring a housecleaner to come in once a week or so? I great big puffy heart our housekeeper. Once a week we run through and make sure there is no clutter, the next day she comes and leaves the entire house sparkling. It is the best money we spend. :) But we pay more than $20 an hour for cleaning help, plus always tip.
  23. Maybe you are looking for a part-time nanny? Someone a tad bit older might multitask better. I did part-time nanny work through college. Just a thought, if you end up looking for someone else. :)
  24. I don't have a mother's helper, so take this with a big grain of salt. :) I do, however, have weekly cleaning help that we pay to clean only (no kid care). I wouldn't ask her to clean. I think watching and entertaining kids is enough. Cleaning up after play, of course. Not sure how old she is, but multitasking is a skill she might not have developed yet. Can you pick up some simple activities she can do with the kids? Play dough? Coloring? Clay? Something confined to a single table or space, and easier to clean up?
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