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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Yes, I had the same thought. Mmmm... Pie club.
  2. Congrats! What are they selling? Can we support them? My DS designed an app at 9, and got it into the Apple Store. He hasn't made a ton of money - it's a free app - but enough to know that he can have a vision and make it happen. :) I would love to support your kiddos in their endeavor, the way my guy's been supported!
  3. Pizza pie for lunch. Blueberry pie for dessert after dinner. Mmmmmm.
  4. Oldest drinks a root beer on special occasions - maybe once a month or every 6 weeks. Youngest has not tasted soda, and won't until she's at least seven (the age at which oldest had his first taste, given by a grandparent, grrrrrr). I drink soda once in a blue moon, when a craving hits during a migraine.
  5. No regrets. I was fairly young - 27 or 28.
  6. My doc has ordered a lot for medical reasons. But if you're looking for ancestry reasons, we like Family Tree DNA.
  7. Thank you for explaining that more. I've never heard that either and the skin on part sounded really ... Strange. :)
  8. Is this something you would replace now if you were not selling? If so, I would get a second opinion and do it. If it's not something you would normally do to maintain your house, and especially if funds are tight, I would consider not doing it. A good home inspector will catch it, and you'll negotiate about it anyway. Or maybe it's not an issue, perhaps a second opinion would say it's nothing to worry about. A new furnace might be a selling point. A repaired furnace - not so sure on that. If it's old, the buyer might be replacing it anyway.
  9. Spryte


    There is a vomiting and diarrhea bug going around here. It could be that you've picked that up. It's rampant in our area (VA), and I've heard it's elsewhere as well. They have even sent letters home from school about it, because it's very contagious. I hope you feel better soon, and find your answers.
  10. When you return an item to Sears, if you want to exchange it for the same item, and still get your sale price - our store will re-order the item for you even if they don't have it in stock, for the price you paid. They also offer a percentage off any shopping you do that day, which is nice. I've never paid postage, or been questioned about a return. Certainly never asked to try on a bathing suit! :)
  11. Sick day here. DS is in bed with an audiobook, dozing here and there, and doing a nebulizer every four hours. No school work, we will do make up work over the weekend, as if he were in PS and missing a day.
  12. Our youngest was born in a hospital without a nursery (of course there was a NICU, but I'm talking about healthy babies). The nurses could take the baby to the nurses' station for a few hours. Depending on the nurse, this was openly frowned upon, met with quiet disapproval, or offered generously. Personally, I think having a nursery option for moms who need to rest and recover - and be able to go home and care for baby and other kids - makes sense. I would visit several hospitals, if it's possible to choose. Congrats!
  13. Ugh. And more snow on the way. It's the never-ending winter.
  14. Thank you. I'm so happy to know about this. I've had recurring C Diff (nightmare that lasted years) and it was only solved by months and months on vanco. My last round ended with a relatively rare reaction to vanco - red man syndrome. I've lived in fear of another C Diff recurrence. Next step is fecal transplant - it would have to be. This gives me hope. :)
  15. :drool5: Why did I open this thread? Robin's Eggs. Mmmmm... And I miss, miss, miss Reeses eggs. Oh, the S'more made of peeps sound yummy! Alas, with food allergies out the wazoo, we are limited. I placed our Vermont Nut Free dark chocolate only order (because we can handle trace amounts of dairy at least) bunnies and eggs today. And I drooled over their buttercream eggs because they are so yummy, but DS is allergic to them now. Bummer. And I ordered our free-of-everything, including dye, jellybeans today, too. How I miss the days of real Easter candy!! Someone eat a bunch so I can live vicariously through you!
  16. I use a Jawbone UP24. It tracks steps and sleep and calories, among other things. I like it.
  17. We have a Kenmore canister that was the top-rated on Consumer Reports when we bought it a few years ago. It was in the $400 range. Love it. It works beautifully. It has a hard floor setting and a carpet setting - we only have a few area rugs. It goes almost flat to get under furniture. And it's not too heavy. It's also bagged, which we prefer for asthma reasons. I don't care for Dyson. Our last cleaning help used a Dyson, and just l.o.v.e.d. her Dyson. She would not use ours. But her Dysons did a terrible job. She was always having trouble with one of them, and having to go out to the car and get her "other" Dyson. But neither of them worked well, and one or the other was often in the shop being repaired. When they did work, I did not feel like our floors were as clean. She also managed to make dark streaks along our newly painted baseboards with some attachment on her machines. :glare: But I think that was probably user error.
  18. It's a loss for everyone. :( As are the atrocities against humans.
  19. Yes. We have a CPA, and she filed electronically - I don't know how it all happened so fast. I was stunned to see it in our account so quickly.
  20. I think it was 4 days. Fast.
  21. Maybe you could ask yourself if you are ready to foster at this point in life? Reframing it that way might help you decide. Because even if the plan is ultimately foster to adopt, you will be fostering for quite some time, as prospective adoptive parents. Fostering is a huge decision. When we decided to foster parent, we had to think through the impact on our current kids, among many other issues. Whatever the story with these kids, it will be a long road for them.
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