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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Soooo excited! Nerd here - I wrote my undergrad honors thesis on the X Files. :)
  2. I wondered that too, but whatever the reason, this is an excellent time for the OP to start making payments to the LL, and look for a new home. OP, do you have a plan for making additional payments to the LL and/or looking for a new home? Did the judge say anything about a payment plan, or encourage you to work with him? Even if s/he didn't, I hope you'll find a way to start proactively making some payments - send the contracted amount of rent plus another payment toward the past due amount. That would probably make the LL more disposed to working with you, and will look better in court. I would do that even if the LL doesn't talk to you or come up with a plan, if you intend to try to stay in the house. (Though honestly, I'm in the thinking-you-need-to-find-a-new-place asap camp.) I hope it works out, in the best way possible for everyone.
  3. I'm sorry it didn't work out exactly the way you hoped, but I'm happy to hear you're not being evicted. How long is the continuance, and will you start looking for a new home? Hoping you can move out and get into a new place, and that the LL can rent the current home to someone else. Ideally, he'd forgive what you owe, too. :)
  4. Checking in for an update from OP.
  5. Oranges (cut up), or if you feel lazy throw in mandarin oranges, strawberries, blueberries, melon. Take vanilla yogurt as a dressing.
  6. This is what my mom did. She cut out all white foods. Rice, potatoes, sugar, breads, cereals. Cutting out ice cream almost killed her. :) She had nearly perfected (so she thought) the Doritos, ice cream and diet coke diet! But... she did exactly what her doc said. She lost about 50 lbs over time, and is no longer considered diabetic (she was past pre-diabetes, btw). She's kept it off for ... 4 years, I think. She became very into seasonal fruit treats, and would have one serving of a seasonal, special fruit each day. Once her blood sugar had been under control for some time, she added in some whole grains in small portions.
  7. Ick. DS received a drone as a gift. We have yet to let him actually use it, waiting till we visit the parentals' farm to do so. He's very conscientious but, still, ick! And... We've all had a good laugh because he will *not* be taking it to an event we're attending at the White House soon. He thinks it's funny to say he won't take the drone. :)
  8. If you call, please let us know? We had some crazy offensive signs like that at a nearby, large intersection. It was in front of a Sheetz gas station, and we called to find out why these people with the signs were there. We would have stopped shopping there, honestly, but Sheetz told us the people were on a public sidewalk. The signs sounded similar but there were also signs relating our president to a horrific historical figure. It was bad. :( FWIW, they were only there one day, thankfully. So, yes, from what you wrote it does sound like they are on campus property, but ... maybe not? Maybe they are protesting BJU? I wouldn't think there's much to protest there, but you never know.
  9. Are there any meet up groups in your area that fit your interests? Hiking clubs? Canoeing? Book clubs? Chess? Running? Knitting? Maybe check around for atheist or secular (sometimes labeled heathen) homeschool groups in your area. Maybe some political something-or-other, I'm sure a lot of groups will be brewing soon to help campaign. We've had to create our own community. We live in a religious area, very conservative, and we don't fit in. We've just slowly found our people. There's a UU here, but we don't participate - it's too close to organized religion for us. But we've found a community despite it all, carving it out bit by bit on our own.
  10. The slats are fine - we've had beds with slats for quite some time. Love them. On a totally different aside... You might check out the outgassing issues with ikea mattresses. If you're family is not sensitive - no big deal. If they are (and you may not know till you have a new mattress), it could be problematic. We found out about DS's sensitivity to outgassing after buying him a new mattress (posturepedic, I think?). His asthma was out of control, along with other issues. We now have organic wool, flame retardant free mattresses from white lotus. They're something really cool about sleeping on a handstitched mattress. :) They deliver your mattresses personally, too - also cool. Always use a coupon, they've always got something going. Hope you find a great new bed for your little one!
  11. I hope you are not paying full price. There are many coupon/discount options for epipens. Here's the $0 co-pay card: https://www.epipen.com/copay-offer/ That covers your co-pay up to $100 for up to 3 epipens at a time. If you are uninsured, there are coupons to cover that, too. It looks like Auvi-Q has the same $0 copay deal, and I know they have alternate coupons for the uninsured as well. https://www.auvi-q.com/sign-up?s_mcid=AVQCO20423PS&MTD=2&ENG=1&QCPN=2 We only use Auvi-Q these days, and have no copay, but our allergist always offers us coupons etc. We were just there on Friday, and she mentioned them again. Since we don't need them, I don't take her up on them, but it's nice to know they are out there.
  12. Post-hysterectomy: meals; a good book; if she doesn't have one, an absolutely fabulous, cushy heating pad; favorite treat foods, just for her; movies/shows; lotions & potions; flowers really did make me smile.
  13. Ouch. Adding garages to the list of places that aren't the best for storing books.
  14. Has your kiddo tried the medications on the list already? Even if not, I think your child's doc can intervene here. I'm so sorry. Start the appeal process now, with your doc on your side. Hopefully this will work, and quickly. And if there is a lapse in coverage, perhaps your doc has samples and can give you enough to get through? But also ... very happy that you've found something that works! We went through similar agonies with our kiddo, and it was just awful. The relief, 2 years ago, when we found the right med combo... Oh, there's no describing it. My guy takes 2 maintenance inhalers and a nasal spray. So 3 meds plus emergency inhalers and neb meds as needed. Our insurance is essential! Those meds are expensive. Ouch. I would have a minor freak out if we'd received your letter. :grouphug:
  15. Spryte


    We've used ADT and Brinks. And once we reached the end of our contract, we happily found a local monitoring agency. Joyfully. As in we skipped to the phone to make that call. Seriously, check around for local monitoring companies. They will use your installed ADT system, and monitor it for much less. If you really can't find anyone, ask your homeowners' insurance co - they'll know who does it (ours did, anyway). The benefit to having it monitored is if you're out of town, not home, the fire dept will be called. It sounds like you've got the alarms covered so your family will wake up. :)
  16. I was just coming to post this. No bonded leather - it won't hold up. Leather will. :) Bonded leather is like particle board as opposed to real wood.
  17. Coming back to post again, I asked DH and he thinks DS was six when we started those tests. I think he's right, I had it mixed up with an allergy diagnosis. Oops!
  18. OP, I agree that it's time to house hunt. I'm sorry this has happened the way it has, and how upset and stressed you must feel. The worry and anxiety is palpable. Please, go find a new place to live before the court date.
  19. DS is 11, and the tests are much easier and probably more accurate now. I don't recall his age when we started (he tests every 3 - 6 mos) but I believe he was approx 4 or 5. Like a PP, it makes a big difference who administers the test. Some people are better with that age group than others. As for the waiting, I think it's the following directions and being able to control one's breathing well enough. It's not an easy test. But fun. The kiddo here always enjoys it. Crazy kid!
  20. Bummer. We're right here with you.
  21. How hurtful. I'm so sorry. :( It makes one wonder why she shared that with you, what she wanted to come of it? I can't imagine anything other than selfish reasons, it seems like it was to make herself feel better? Was she asking you to forgive her? I had an old friend do something similar. Different, but similar. She told me that she'd always been jealous of me, that I could talk to anyone and make people laugh. And that she was always stoned, and envied me that I never smoked. It was a strange, strained conversation, and our friendship never went anywhere after that. I didn't know what to say. I'm very shy, so hearing her take on me was ... Odd. Hugs to you!
  22. Sorry you are frustrated. Maybe think of it as the great investment in your kids'educatiin that it was, and let it go to another family? I give away all of our curriculum after we use it. We know homeschooling families that will use it, and it feels good to send it along to them. I give them the used stuff, and the stuff that's practically brand new because we tried it and it didn't fit our style. If I can't find anyone to take it, I offer it on freecycle.
  23. We are equals and we generally talk through any disagreements, and find a workable solution. Fair warning, I don't feel the chicken obsession. So my take might not be applicable since, well, I don't feel driven to have chickens... But I would not bring living creatures into our family unless everyone was on board. One "no" would veto it. Chances are, care will fall to your DH one day due to scheduling or illness, anyway, so there's no way to say he won't have to care for them. On other things, not living, the situation is different. I can't remember any major disagreements, nithing we haven't been able to talk through...
  24. We take our coffee maker on vacation. Ok, espresso maker. Pure yumminess. No K cups for us! I would stay. Absolutely, no question. Bread - we don't have much. We keep our GF bread in the freezer till we're ready to open up a new loaf - then it stays on the counter. Oh, and I don't bake it either. Udi's all the way.
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