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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Spryte


    Off-radar, off-rocker. This is such a sad story, my heart breaks for those kids. Guilty of a morbid fascination with this thread.
  2. We've had corollas and civics. Older models, as it's been awhile, but both were great cars and went forever. I'm 4'11" and could drive both, but I never see all of a car's hood. :)
  3. Spryte


    Sadly, I think that's accurate.
  4. No. Not with water damage. Mold is not healthy. We had some 12 year old encyclopedias. A big set. I gave them away, as they were a space sucker. We used them a bit, but not enough to justify the space. I have fond memories of reading the encyclopedia as a kid, but we have more options for research now.
  5. There's also iTunes Radio. I prefer Pandora and some of the others listed above, but it's not bad.
  6. Up to 12 years ago, I had no worries. Practically lived in a tent doing field work anyway. :) Now I'm dependent on meds - to stay alive. So, yep, I'd only be good as long as the supply of meds lasts. DS would have the same issues. DH and DD would be in better shape. If they could make it to my parents', they'd be fine. I'm with Farrar, hoping to be in the city and go down quickly.
  7. Vit D, thyroid issues, PCOS, adrenal issues. Anything goes off balance and I lose hair. Addressing all of those, plus using Nioxin products has helped my hair loss. It actually grew back!
  8. http://www.dorkly.com/post/52017/tardis-port-a-potty :)
  9. Haha! Yes! Autocorrect strikes again!!!!! Of course I meant a tardis. :)
  10. DS suggests that if you must go with a portapotty - paint it to look like a tarsus. :) With that many people, and only one bathroom available, I think it's a good idea. ETA: tardis. Silly autocorrect on a phone.
  11. How many bathrooms are in the home?
  12. I drink it black, but I always see milk available at Starbucks and places serving coffee.
  13. We've used costco sheets for many years. Ours have held up. By many, we have one set that's more than eleven years old. We have a few other sets that are newer, in the 5-6 year range. :)
  14. No advice, but he is so adorable. In love!
  15. We had a similar dilemma last weekend. :). Our neighbor let us use her fridge. Do you have a friend or neighbor who would let you use fridge space?
  16. I would call the on call doc again, and have them send the scrip to a closer pharmacy. Do you have a 24 hour pharmacy nearby? How frustrating! Hoping your kiddo is better soon.
  17. Apparently they can hop high enough! Or yours can climb. What a smart little bunny. :)
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