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Everything posted by Spryte

  1. Oh yes. DH once went to a very important meeting with spit up adorning his jacket. Oops! Luckily a colleague pointed it out. ...reflux babies... Amber here. I just found the most amazing amber lotion. Yum. Other than that, no scents. This thread made me want a good hit dog. But we're having pizza. It's just not the same. :)
  2. Thinking of you. Hoping for more good updates.
  3. Yes! We noticed the same thing. And the ketchup. Ketchup was offered for the most interesting foods.
  4. I'm so sorry. You'll be in my thoughts!
  5. Yup. And then when we started thinking we would, I said we'd never stop backpacking. Once we had a baby on the way, I said we'd at least car camp. Then we had kids and ... We don't really camp much at all.
  6. Oh yes, the acronym. :) My doctor tested me, she brought it up. I didn't know to ask. I believe she did so because she saw that I am unable to take certain meds. I can't detox them, and at one point, well, it was bad. I am glad to be here. I also have Hashimoto's, Addison's, and a ton of other issues that can be considered related.
  7. That's interesting, about the weight loss. I am being treated for many things, so it's hard to pinpoint exactly what helps which condition, or which things are helping. But I have definitely seen a connection between mtfhr treatment and migraines. It helps. :)
  8. OP, are you concerned that this man will molest your own kids? Is this the protecting you're doing? I'm not clear on the fear, or the need for protection, but I hope your family is safe. You can report this anonymously.
  9. Ouch! I'm in agreement that you might want to run this past your doc, at least at your next appt if it's soonish. I get icepick headaches. Mine are related to a nerve issue, and the pain is excruciating. I'm glad it's wasn't longer lasting, and that you have no more ill effects. But just in case, I'd definitely mention it to your doc - since it's a new thing. Fingers crossed it doesn't happen again!
  10. I had a college roommate who did this. One bathroom. Roommate who didn't clean up well. I put up with it, but was not a fan.
  11. I keep wondering the same thing. If this goes unreported by so many, if this is an environment that allows this type of crime to be repented and not reported, how many other criminals are in the congregation? What other crimes have been committed? Who is sitting next to your family on Sunday? I can hardly believe this is a question, especially after the outrage over the Duggars, and all the people in the church who knew, but didn't report.
  12. I'm sorry. :( What about taking a flight to GA and getting a rental car there? Or maybe a short train trip to the nearest location that would have a vehicle the size you need? Kids love train adventures. We take the train to Philly or NYC fairly regularly. I wouldn't risk it either, but I think there's a way to salvage your trip!
  13. OP, what is the advantage to not reporting, for you? It would be less uncomfortable? You'd be doing what everyone else did, in not reporting? Wouldn't you feel worse if you learned later that another child was molested? This needs to be reported. You can do it anonymously, if you feel you must. Please don't depend on someone else reporting it. If the police get multiple reports - all the better. We know it's hard. But I think everyone here, and in most places, would support you in doing the right thing!
  14. Not surprising, but worrisome. I always slept through alarms. Fire, security. The siren was in in the attic right outside my door. Didn't phase me.
  15. Me? Ice cream goes on pie or maybe with cake. Or cobbler. Yum. Then it freezer burns. But if we buy a flavor that everyone else likes on its own... Think Ben and Jerry's... DD and I will have a tiny bowl. DH will eat the rest that night while working. DS has his own allergy friendly ice cream. I usually throw away the freezer burned dregs.
  16. Ok, that's it. I can't stand waiting for cheat day. Potato chips and onion dip here!
  17. General Richard Head. He used a common nickname for Richard. This was a family friend, it's not a joke. Unfortunate name.
  18. Drooling. I'm doing a version of the Tim Ferriss eating plan. Cheat day is Sat. Can't wait!
  19. Love my refurbed Air. I prefer it over the MacBook Pro and the MacBook.
  20. Oooh, wish you lived close to me! (I have no idea where you are, but I am in VA)... We had blue grey walls, and a sage rocking chair... And we are moving. I just pulled out DS's crib set to post on our local freecycle. It's classic Pooh. It's in perfect condition. And I have extras to go with it. So, maybe try eBay or craigslist, if you're not opposed to gently used?
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