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Everything posted by runmiarun

  1. You can also freeze them for future baking needs. Break them in groups of 2 or singles and scramble them up. Put them in sealable plastic bags and lay them flat in your freezer (if you can). Or you can scramble them (uncooked) and put each scrambled egg in an ice cube tray to freeze. Then pop them out when frozen and put into baggies. Frozen scrambled eggs will last up to a year in the freezer if sealed properly.
  2. Almost drool-worthy....No kilt, no drool. Just sayin........
  3. If you can get into Beaufort for a morning or afternoon, stop at their historical society. They have a restored mansion downtown with a nice tour. There is also a walking tour for Beaufort and Port Royal that covers some of the history of the area. We took it about 6 years ago and really enjoyed it. Check with some of the outfitters as well in the area. They can do kayak tours of the marshes. The house from "The Big Chill" is in downtown Beaufort if you want a look-see. You can't get in because it's still privately owned but you can peek through the fence.
  4. My 6 year old NEVER.STOPS.TALKING. Even in his sleep. Add the constant running commentary on everything he's doing and watching, I'm loosing my mind. Seriously, he will be great on tv. He can do color commentary better than most of the tv people. When he's taking a bath, he tells you every step along the way and what it feels like and starts telling you stories about other bath times (his and his favorite cartoon friends as well). He walks around talking as if tv cameras we're following him. And we don't even have a tv.
  5. You can get Soygel from Franmar. It's a soybean-based paint remover that works very well. We used it on our 120-year-old Victorian pocket doors that were painted 1970's gold and avocado green. You can also vary the amount you put on the piece so as not to strip off all the good stains/varnishes as well.
  6. I did. Then my husband mentioned buying Alibris or another online library company. Oy vey.
  7. Our 1 year old doesn't want to sleep through the night anymore. She sleeps in the room with her 3 year old sister, who doesn't want to sleep in her bed anymore or at least, sleep by herself. Lately, 3yo has been dragging her blankets to the floor and sleeping next to her sister's bed (which is just her mattress on the floor for now). They are getting new beds next week so I'm hoping that will make them excited and wanting to sleep in their own beds. Most nights lately, 1yo had woken up screaming due to teething pain and ends up in the bed with us since I'm too tired to rock her back to sleep without falling asleep sitting in the chair.
  8. My 4th decided to come early. That's about all I qualify with her on this thread. I was in labor for 24 hours with her because I didn't realize that's what was happening. I had 3 prior c-sections with no labor pains whatsoever. With #4, people kept telling me it was just Braxton-Hicks. I went grocery shopping, cleaned house, but was still freaking out just a bit. When I was finally able to get to the doctor and hospital, cx were 2 minutes apart. Dr later said I was extremely dehydrated, which brought on the early labor. after having her in our lives for over a year now, it wasn't dehydration that made her come early. She just wanted to join the chaos and was coming on her schedule.
  9. I saw that. I am really tempted. Just have to check the couch cushions...
  10. Not to help this any but on the Amazon Daily Deals, for today only, they have fully refurbished Kindle Fires with full one year warranty for $139. It's not helping my desire for one to see that email.
  11. The section I bolded is the exact reason we joined. Even in my state, if I present a Declaration of Intent, I still have to be a "member of a recognized homeschool association" to get the educational discounts.
  12. Lego now has some Duplo sets that are make-your-own-cupcakes. My now-3-year-old got a set this weekend for her birthday and loves them. Since she could walk, she likes anything that has to do with baking and tea parties. I second the PP who mentioned the Fischer-Price talking tea set. It drives me nuts but she'll sit for a good 30 minutes having a tea party with her stuffed animals.
  13. Plain Jane, are you peeking in my windows? Saraha, are you peeking in my windows? Seriously, I have this same conversation with myself everyday. Every day. Every day. I am slowly learning to get rid of the guilt if for no other reason than it makes me want to curl up into a ball and disappear. That will not work for anybody, even me. I have no words of wisdom for you, just lots of hugs as we slog through this together. Some days are worse than others. Today, ds2, dd1, and dd2 decided to dump 14 bottles of paint on the floor while I cleaned dishes. When I told dh, he asked if we were still going to fit school in after I cleaned up. I hung up on him. My house is a complete disaster. My kids probably are as well but they are laughing together at some story my oldest made up as I type so I'll let them laugh for a little longer before I go see if it's really diabolical laughter....
  14. I think it also shows that with the housing market being a "buyer's market", some people probably shouldn't be buying a house.
  15. The bolded is what gives, in my I'm-right-there-with-you opinion. We had someone call about looking at the house. Our realtor asked them to wait until we got the carpets cleaned. They asked if we would be willing to change the roof because they don't like the color. :confused:(it's a 1 year old roof) He said he'd be willing to show them the house when it's listed for sale. Any questions could be addressed at that time. Color me flummoxed.
  16. :iagree: Having been a contractor and worked for contractors, you need to get more quotes. From experience, Carol in Cal is correct. Call your local home builders association to get referrals. Also, if you frequent a local lumber yard/building supply store (not a chain), call and ask for referrals from them. If a contractor is paying his bills to the supply store on time, he's usually a well-regarded contractor.
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