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Everything posted by runmiarun

  1. A couple of years ago, we had a well-loved high school teacher to pass away about 10 minutes before the start of the school day. The article on his passing the next day began with this line: "Just before he died, his students saw him alive". People around here still talk about that horrid opening line. Evidently editors don't actually read the articles they are technically supposed to be editing.
  2. Growing up, I only knew 2 families who had 4 kids or more. Actually, both had 4 kids. I was always jealous. It was just my brother and I. I dreamed of a large family of 2 boys and 1 girl when I was a teenager. I thought 3 was large. Now I have 2 boys, 1 girl, and another joining us in 2/11. When I found out I was pregnant with #3, friends (and a few strangers) thought we were nuts. It's true, we are, but we were nuts before the kids got here. As for money, there is none. There's no sanity here either so I'm sure it took the money and ran. We live very frugally-no tv, a bucket garden to help supplement the grocery trips, no fancy foods, no eating out unless someone else treats, stay-cations or somewhere for day trips, basic landline for telephone with no extras, hand-me-downs, coupon magic and only buying what's on sale at the grocery store,...I can't think of anything else at the moment. I truly love my life in this frugal stage. The kids don't know the difference since we became a one-income family after they joined us. They don't know what it's like to have their own room. To them, sharing a room is like having a sleepover every night with your best buddy.
  3. I live in coastal GA where the humidity level and temperature are typically the same number. That said, I am a total cheapskate when it comes to giving the power company any more money than absolutely necessary. I keep our a/c at 82 during the day and 78 at night. This is comfortable to us since the kids run around partially clothed (or known here as "half-nekkid") during the summer, anyway. It also keeps the humidity under control in the house. In the winter (all 4-6 weeks of it), we keep the heat at 66 during the day and 62 at night. We love to snuggle under heavy quilts and blankets. I am extremely grateful to have about 3-4 months out of the year where we can throw open the windows and doors and catch the ocean/marsh breezes.
  4. Amy, I appreciate your original post and all the replies you've received. We are expecting our 4th in Feb 2010 and will be homeschooling my oldest for K. All the advice has had a much-needed calming effect on me. Thank you! As a side note: from my experience with 2 boys and a girl, boys are much more laid back as babies than my daughter ever was. All that changed when they became toddlers and started climbing the bookcases. Now that my daughter is walking well, she's the laid-back, happy-as-a-clam one while the boys are in constant motion and mischief.
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