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Everything posted by runmiarun

  1. Will the tights have SPANX already in them? I'm gonna need that type. Or yoga pants made to look like tights. Optical illusions and all that.
  2. I looked it up, too. I'm a 3a. Ha! Learn something new everyday. For what it's worth, olive oil works great as an extra deep conditioner for curly hair.
  3. I know, I know (raising my hand and looking around like the nerd I am). :glare: Not doing that again.
  4. One last tip from my southside friends: Try Upscale Resale in Newnan
  5. One more response: *There's a shop on the square here in Fayetteville. I hear it's nice but have not been myself. I shop at Clothes Less Traveled and sometimes, I've seen long dresses but not sure what they have right now. Their shop is in Peachtree City.
  6. Got some responses: *Trend Setters Salon in Wedowee, AL. Not too far of a drive. It's a consignment shop, but the poster said they had some gorgeous dresses. *Try the Junior League nearly new shop on Howell Mill. *Sounds crazy, but TJ Maxx and Marshalls have prices on that type of dresses that usually beat the consignment stores. And for the last military formal I went to I looked ALL over Savannah (including the mall, which I usually avoid) and finally walked through JC Penny on the way to may car... and BAM! Prom dresses were ridiculously low priced. I've never shopped at Penny's... but I did that day! I'll send more as I get them.
  7. I'll ask some friends on the southside. We're in the northwest side of the city but grew up on the southside. Check with Belles and Beaus in Fayetteville. They've been around since I was in HS 20+ years ago and have a large following. I'll get back to you.
  8. I know that feeling. We spent 3 weeks packing to move across state (6 hours away) for hubby's job. It's fun with a 5 y.o., 3 y.o., 2 y.o., and an 8 month old. We had no idea where we were going to live until 3 days before the moving van showed up. You can do it! I can't explain it except God works everything out, sometimes at the very last minute. (That didn't help my stress level and heart palpitations, though). Thinking about you and praying for y'all! I am so excited for y'all!
  9. Yep, seeing a man lovingly cradle his newborn makes me weak-kneed. I've even had tears come to my eyes when one kissed his wife while he was holding the newborn.
  10. Can he come fix my fridge? I'm in GA. Last repairman told me it was a $800 fix and to get a new fridge. 3 out of 4 said hubby could do it. Hubby is not fridge-handy.
  11. We had a retractable clothes line. When we didn't have anything to hang, it was wound back up. For delicates, dh made a hanging bar over the dryer space in the laundry room. If I needed more inside space, I used the door jambs of the rooms with the most air flow and hung them up overnight.
  12. I think the high tourist season is in full swing. Or at least one of their higher seasons. I think they have 2 high seasons.
  13. My oldest was 5 when he started piano lessons. We had extra practice time during the week. He had been begging for piano lessons for close to a year but we tried to hold out. He does the same musical actions that you mention watching your son do, justicesmom. Whatever can be turned into a musical instrument, becomes one. Some days it's delightful. Other days, it makes me want to pull my hair out. I don't think starting out on piano is necessary. With us, someone had given us a piano so my oldest would sit down and "play" for long periods of time.
  14. Here's my recipe for homemade laundry detergent. It's a slight variation of pp's. 1 box Borax 1 box A&H Washing Soda 3 bars Kirk's Castile, grated I mix them all together in a big plastic bowl then put into a big plastic bucket with a closeable lid. I use 4 tbs per load because I have an extra-capacity front loader. I also use 1/4 white vinegar for my fabric softener. I've been making and using it for 3 years. It works great. I still keep a small bottle of Tide around for stubborn stains.
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