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Everything posted by runmiarun

  1. This is a pretty typical time frame for this time of year and if it's a first-time buyer. For example, we put an offer on a house yesterday. Our agent told us to expect it to take an extra 5 days to hear back due to the holidays. When he spoke to the seller's co-realtor, it turned out that all the parties involved on their side are out of town until next Tuesday.
  2. I always think of witty comebacks the next day or weeks later. To save my sanity, I've learned to do a move my husband calls "The Blink". When I get stupid comments but am too stunned to comeback quickly, I tilt my head to the side a little, make my eyes wider, and blink a couple of times. Then I say, "Huh" and keep staring and blinking. :blink: Granted, it's taken me a couple of years to perfect my technique but so far, it seems to help me process what was said without saying something stupid in return. Plus, if you stand there long enough, the recipient of your stare gets real uncomfortable and starts backtracking.
  3. I could feel a mild panic attack starting as I read this. We just moved to a town only 1 hour from my IL's. So far it's better since they can sleep in their own beds all the time now. We were 4 1/2 hours away and they came down monthly. They would bring aerobeds and camp out in the LR with their 8 suitcases. Always 8 suitcases. The only time they didn't do this was when I was in the hospital birthin' the grandbabies. After the first one was born and they destroyed my house...I mean, stayed at the house (blew up the dryer and hot water heater, hosted a welcome home party for the neighbors to see their 1st grandbaby on the day I came home)...I put my foot down and made them get a hotel room for the next 3 births. I'm sending you lots of virtual hugs. I feel your panic attacks.
  4. Glad it's safe for Christmas now. Your first sentence gave me a chuckle this morning. I could see it all in my head like a Three Stooges skit. Merry Christmas!
  5. This is my daughter's name. We pronounce it "Shuh-vaughn." (We're from south Georgia so any self-respecting Scottish or Irish person would probably cringe at our pronunciation). Her nursery buddies call her Vonnie.
  6. :iagree:This is what we do as well. We'll probably take the week between Christmas and New Year's off since it's a short week for hubby's work and we'll be going through grandparent detox. I've discovered that my kids don't respond well to the longer breaks. They enjoy having school everyday, even if it's just a light day of reading and math. That said, they're 1st grade and K4 so it's all exciting to them.
  7. Reading your post is making lightbulbs go off in my head. This sounds like my oldest son. I've wondered for a while if he was on the spectrum and after reading your post and this thread, I'm leaning toward that distinct possibility.
  8. Thank you for all the great responses and words of wisdom! I greatly appreciate your insights. Now I know what to observe as he continues to learn to write and move forward in school. During his reading time yesterday, he decided to trace over his uppercase letters in his writing book with his right hand. He's a hoot. Thanks again!
  9. Last month my 4 year old decided to teach himself how to write letters. He had seen his older brother do it so he decided he need to as well. After spending the summer watching him to determine which hand he favored, I decided to teach him to write with his left. He seemed to favor that one more for writing and coloring. But in my watching, I think he is truly ambidextrous. He flips between hands for eating and shows no dominance for either side. In sports, he catches/throws/bats whichever side the ball is coming to. He's learned how to write all the capital letters left handed. He writes very smoothly for a 4 year old (better than his 6 year old brother). When we were writing birthday cards this weekend, I discovered that he writes equally well with his right hand. I asked him about this and he informed me that he practiced his letters with his right hand and his left hand so he right hand could know as much as his left hand. Then he showed me how he could write backwards with his left hand while writing correctly with his right hand (mirroring). I was floored. So my question to the great forum minds is this: which handedness do I encourage for continuing to write? Or do I teach both? Thanks in advance for any words of wisdom.
  10. Coastal Georgia, especial the Golden Isles, is lovely in September. The rates are lower and you can find some nice deals on month-long rentals, especially on Jekyll Island. It's still rather warm in September but the nights start to turn cooler (below 80) and the days hover between 85 and 90, depending on which end of the month it is. Since most kids are back in school, you'll feel like you have the place to yourself. Fall is my favorite time in the Golden Isles since it's still warm enough to swim but not overly hot. Plus the majority of the tourists are gone so you can get around easier.
  11. Ach-How is it that I missed this extraordinary occasion today?!?!? Well, I must spent tomorrow in deep repentance...it helps that Publix has Ben and Jerry's BOGO and World Market is having a chocolate sale.
  12. YES!!!! We do it every Friday night with the aunt and the kids act like circus clowns. It drives us slightly crazy (ok, really crazy). I don't know what causes it but we're almost to the point of doing the calls 2x month just because the craziness is more than we can handle.
  13. We have a Low Country Boil with shrimp, sausage, onions, potatoes, and corn. We do the same at Christmas, much to the extended family's chagrin when it's our turn to host.
  14. We've recently moved to the Smyrna area and are looking for a home school group in the area. I would like to find one that does field trips, park days, monthly support meetings, and has a variety of schooling types within the group. I know, that's asking a lot but our homeschool group on the coast spoiled me.
  15. A fellow homeschooler in my area is running a Halloween costume contest on her blog. Show off those great costumes y'all created and win a subscription to Ranger Rick magazine. Here's the website: http://www.hammocktracks.com/p/halloween-costume-contest.html The focus is not on the quality of the image but rather an opportunity to enjoy the costumes.
  16. Low country boil full of shrimp, sausage, onions, potatoes, and corn. Followed by pecan pie and lots of ice cream. I don't like spending all day cooking for one meal, even Christmas so this is fun for us. After years of heavy Thanksgiving and Christmas meals, we decided to take it easy on ourselves, especially since hubby only gets Christmas day off. We invite friends from church over and take it easy hanging out.
  17. You can freeze them by lightly scrambling them either individually or in groups of 2 since that's the amount (or some variation thereof) in most recipes. Once scrambled, put them in freezer bags or freezer containers. They should be good for 6-9 months. Thaw them in the fridge one day before using. This works great for making cookies, breads, and cakes at the holidays.
  18. Try your local hospital. Our local pediatrics ward was thrilled to have our VHS tapes. They haven't upgraded the tv's in the rooms so they still play VHS tapes. When we stayed for DS2's RSV treatments, the VHS tapes were a lifesaver! Plus, because they get used so much, they break faster than usual so replacements or extras are always a huge help.
  19. First, I'd hire a lawyer and an accountant/financial advisor. Then I'd donate 300,000 to my church. I'd sit on the rest for a year while planning how to quietly help family get out of debt and plan for the children's college expenses, our retirement fund, purchase some land for building our dream home and family compound, and a nice, long vacation. We'd also set up a foundation for giving a percentage of the money away.
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