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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Ask, demand, then call the health department if it's really that bad. It's unacceptable to send your child to a dirty classroom each day. When I taught kindergarten, *I* rented a carpet cleaner over breaks to clean our one rug. The school would have never done it. It was disgusting. Put the pressure on!
  2. Nope, not at all. But, it's growing. The sessions are wonderful and it is very much a family atmosphere. We did some events Friday night and by Saturday at lunch, my kids were sitting with their "friends." Go shopping at HEAV. Learn at VaHomeschoolers. ;)
  3. Wow. Now I'm glad we decided not to go to HEAV this year (also partly because of the Duggars). I'm so glad you are going to the VaHomeschoolers conference though! I went for the first time this year and it was a breath of fresh air. The whole conference actually revolved around education!
  4. This is why I won't take on another GS troop. If people want someone else to do all the work, they need to PAY for it. You don't sign your kid up for a virtually free, volunteer led program and then not help. Not cool people. Not cool.
  5. Thanks. This thread has undone weeks of trying to talk myself into being happy about moving to Florida. Here I was, all excited to leave the VA bugs.
  6. I pulled household income from city-data. It's the adjusted gross income.
  7. Median income here is $81,000. The cost of living in our zip code is high, but there are great affordable areas around us.
  8. As someone with kids who barely made the cut off and are young, as a person who was the kid with the Oct bday in CA so I was always the youngest, and as a former kindergarten teacher, I'd say keep him in K. If you plan to homeschool forever though, it doesn't really matter.
  9. At the religious co-op here, you would not be hired. Period. All teachers have to sign a statement of faith. My kids could attend but, even with a MEd, I could never teach there because we aren't the right religion.
  10. We were at Montpelier the their day and the tour guide asked who the man in the cut-out picture was. My 10 yr old daughter raised her hand and said, "Andrew Jackson. He was one of our presidents and a hero of the War of 1812." The woman behind me whispered to me, "Are you homeschoolers?"
  11. That's interesting. I think it's the other way around. Funny how we were all raised with different expectations, etc.
  12. Well, hopefully he'd have the good sense not to get up from the table and find snacks if he was a guest in someone's home!
  13. Wow!!! She sounds incredibly manipulative! You dodged a bullet!
  14. I'm sorry. This is one of the reasons we have a property manager. I am not good at saying no! I would just say you don't allow dogs, then tell her it has been rented.
  15. You can't be serious. All Mormons consider themselves Christians. Not some. (And I say this as a former Mormon who has very different beliefs now. I still find the idea of deciding who can call themselves Christians or not completely ludicrous.)
  16. Is it a new marriage? Is there a chance it will balance out after another year?
  17. West Yellowstone, MT is a fun small town. That's usually how we enter the park. We've done Jackson Hole before and, eh, it was fine. The Tetons are gorgeous though. They redid the visitor center at Old Faithful a few years ago and it's really cool for kids. We spend a good chunk of the day just in that area.
  18. If you have a child who loves to write, you could do both the same year. But I will warn you, WWS is a LOT of writing, especially for kids coming out of WWE. It's an excellent program though. I'm going to have my dd (who loves to write) work on The Creative Writer over the summer.
  19. Do it! You can do anything for a year.
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