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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Nooooooooooooo. ;) that was $2,000 down the drain and a fast way to learn I am not a salesperson. ;)
  2. When I had mine, it took weeks to gain my strength back. I was in bed for several days, then had to recover from being in bed! It took a while. Hang in there.
  3. I totally hear you. It's especially fun when they roll their eyes at what you do because it isn't mainstream- like homeschooling. Maybe I should start saying, "You aren't REALLY going to keep them in public school for high school are you? Please tell me you are going to homeschool them. You don't want them to be promiscuous drug addicts, do you?" ;) Would that be the equivalent?
  4. Ahhh, and by lack of supervision, I mean extremely wealthy families who weren't exactly keeping tabs on their kids (not insinuating all wealthy families are like this, so please don't go there), who had access to excessive (think celebrity families) amounts of money, freedom, internet, etc. I was in the first generation to grow up with home internet and pagers/cell phones, and our parents didn't have a clue. So these were the kids I went to school with that were some of the first from our sheltered little elementary school to get involved with drugs at the middle school level. Also, the vast majority of my friends who went to boarding school were drinking excessively and/or smoking by high school. It was an interesting culture.
  5. Agreed. I just meant kids who grew up in neighborhoods where drugs/gangs weren't a problem to begin with. *Money* played a huge part in my friends accessing drugs, especially in middle school. The other end of the spectrum is where I taught in South Central Los Angeles, where drugs were part of the culture and ready visible and available.
  6. My dh ran into their rooms screaming, "Fire!!!!" They were up and out of bed and very angry. ;) The girls took dh's underwear out of his drawer and replaced it with theirs. They thought they were hilarious.
  7. I'm my circle, money and lack of supervision contributed to drug use in kids who would otherwise not have been exposed (safe neighborhoods/families). For us, homeschooling allows an escape from the typical peer pressure felt at this age, which is a start.
  8. Definitely getting dirty and being in the woods!
  9. I guess both. But I need the most help!
  10. That's disappointing. Our neighborhood didn't allow that. And, I agree with asking questions and asserting yourself. Our builder actually said out loud that he paid attention to the actual homeowners, and not the investors. So, if it's not already purchased, or if it's being built by an investor, you may have some luck.
  11. Where do you buy your camping/hot weather/summer/traveling clothes? Any favorites?
  12. Really?? I didn't know this! Good to know.
  13. Oh geez. I would have flipped. I don't do well under pressure. Yes, luckily you are just warming it up (I assume), so you have options. But someone would have lost a hand at my house. ;)
  14. I'm so sorry. My mom's dog was diagnosed with a tumor there last year. It was very sad and hard to watch. I never thought I'd love an animal as much as I do my dog! It's hard to watch them suffer. Hopefully your puppy is ok.
  15. Hairspray! If it is sticking to your nylons, spray a little hairspray under there. I don't know why it works, but it does,
  16. Yep. Best thing we ever did for dd. There have been a few recent threads on this. You might want to search. (Though the new search feature doesn't work well for me.)
  17. Seriously. Sometimes I wonder how they get away with that show. It's verbal abuse sometimes!!! (But I watch it...) :leaving:
  18. Sigh. I knew I should have stayed away from this thread. I'm out.
  19. Definition of a bigot: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices. So yes, labeling those who are unable to reproduce as different and unnatural and unequal, is being obstinately and intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions an prejudices. So now it's not just gays that are unnatural, but the infertile. *That* is what that argument feels like to a lot of people. SO STOP USING IT!
  20. Ban away, board. Take a personal shot, expect a personal response. I am just utterly in shock.
  21. Please get help. I honestly hope you aren't saying the things you are posting out loud.
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