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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Wow. The same description could be used to describe my husband and I. I have so many words for you right now and none of them are appropriate for this board. You need to do some deep soul searching on this one. You are so. Incredibly. Wrong. And hateful. And a bigot. And extremely out of line.
  2. I spent Fri night at a hotel and woke up with extreme shoulder pain and wasn't able to move it. It throbbed and hurt all day, especially when I lifted it. Each day it has gotten only slightly better, but the minute I move it the wrong way, it screams with pain. By midday I am exhausted and nauscious. What the heck?! Does this just take a while to heal? It sure makes me want to start exercising more! Any advice? I don't want to go to the doctor, as I can feel it healing a little each day and I'm sure it just needs time. Do I keep taking Advil in the meantime? I'm only 32!!!
  3. It's depended on where we've lived. Church, work, neighbors, etc. now that he travels a lot and I don't work, it's mostly people that I meet and invite over. It's just the season of our lives right now.
  4. Omg! I can't believe how common this is. I remember hearing about this years ago. I thought the cinnamon eating was the new thrill.
  5. It's always interesting to hear what people take away from stores. The above confuses me (being honest, not snarky) based on what I know about WalMart. My mom works for a huge clothing company and she went to visit some other designers in China. They said they don't touch WalMart with a ten foot pole because of their business practices (like a lot of other US companies, I realize). As for US made products, read about the Rubbermaid factory in Winchester, VA. Some products might be made in the US, but WalMart has such buying power, they can drive down prices so low, the employees of those companies live in poverty. If you want to support the real, local economies, buy locally produced products, or at least from locally owned stores. I'd love to have a civil, new thread about WalMart and like companies. When I know better, I do better (or try) and I'm constantly learning.
  6. We don't do WalMart anymore. I don't care if it's cheaper. I only buy half the stuff I see people there buying anyway. We shop at Whole Foods, occasionally TJ's, and get 90% of our meat from local farmers (we are even lucky enough to live near Polyface), and use the Farmers Market seasonally. We eat less meat than ever and hardly buy any snack items. We drink water and alcohol ;) The organic produce at the other local chains is awful and expensive. However, we are really lucky to have a ton of local food. This wasn't the case in Utah. We shopped a lot at WinCo (like Aldi's).
  7. Thanks to both of you! I'm glad I asked because I was ready to sell the generator! I don't know where we will be living (we'll rent), so I'll keep the space heater too. Thanks everyone! I grew up at the beach in So Cal, so I still think of being by the water as being chilly. It's a whole new way of thinking!!
  8. We are moving to Palm Beach County. Please help me decide what to sell and what to ship. Will I need the following items: -LOADS of ski/snow apparel. We used to live in Utah. How much of it should I keep? Will they *ever* wear a good, heavy coat in Florida? (I'll probably keep a basic outfit for each of us just in case we go to Utah this winter.) -LOADS of sweaters, sweatshirts, and coats. -Space heater. Not a small little box, a larger radiator looking thing, about 2 1/2 feet tall. -Wetsuits -generator- is the weather severe enough to lose power? Here in VA we lose power 4-5 times a year. It's ridiculous. I'd like to just show up with flip flops and beach towel, but you know, we have a lot of junk! ;)
  9. No. And I've been offered a lot of money to do this. Maybe when my kids are grown, I could do it a few hours a day with a very strict schedule. I'd charge hourly based on what I'd make on the local district's pay scale as a teacher with a masters. Not a penny less.
  10. check out Families on the Road http://www.familiesontheroad.com/
  11. We are moving and I don't have that much to order, so I'm waiting until we get settled in Florida.
  12. I love the farmers market idea! I also think of concerts, face painting, craft fair... I guess it would depend on what kind of community you live in. We went to my SIL's super rural town celebration and they had a bull whip area set up. I was very popular!
  13. I'm a fan of nobody gets a prize. If you are going to have a science fair- especially in the younger grades- make it about learning!!! The parents just end up doing them otherwise.
  14. Oh yeah, and we do the towel thing. After the first puke, there isn't much left and a towel is usually sufficient.
  15. My kids have always been good about getting to the toilet. Honestly though, I can't remember the last time someone threw up! We use a plastic bowl, then just rinse it out. Who cares? Puke isn't any more disgusting than raw meat or eggs.
  16. I think you'd regret it. Doing childcare "here and there" means disrupting your homeschool schedule and routines. I'm not sure how it could replace a full time job, money-wise. If you can afford to quit your job, just quit. If you can work part time, do it. If you are set on childcare, make regular hours you can live with, stick to them, and don't plan on doing any schoolwork during that time.
  17. We are thinking of going from Thunder Bay to Sudbury to Montreal and then into Maine. Where should we camp for a few days along the way? Is there something along the way we shouldn't miss? Time isn't really a problem, but we are trying not to spend a ton of money and we will have a dog, so a day at a museum is out. What is the weather like up there in late August/early September? (Yes, I can google, but I like hearing it from the locals. :) ) THANKS!
  18. Yes. My girls had a wonderful therapist for several years. It was SO GOOD. She made me feel like a better parent, not worse. If she's good, it will help *you* more than anything. Hang in there. You are doing the right thing!!!
  19. How about I'll come over and toss out all your junk and you come toss out all mine? We are going through the same thing, after only having moved two years ago. I just want to leave it all here and walk away...
  20. Haha! I will try to blog about it as much as possible! I can't wait to get it all figured out.
  21. Redwoods and Fort Clatsop are on the list! Yay!
  22. Great! We are thinking of entering Maine from Montreal. That's a big if. Going that route vs just heading south from Fort Mandan adds 1,000 miles and at least 10 days. We have a lot of math to do.
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