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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. When we got married, we were Mormon. Weddings are usually a pretty casual affair in the culture. You invite everyone you know and they bring everyone they know. We were having a more traditional reception with a sit down dinner and dancing. We actually put inserts into certain invitations that said "this is an adult only reception." Someone STILL brought her kids and the 12 year old daughter (who I didn't know at all) caught my bouquet. It's very rude. But I think some people don't know any better. I would say something! Just be prepared for them saying something like, "We'll then we can't make it." Oh well!
  2. With a low receptive score, artic problems, and ADD, I would for sure get an eval for APD (not the same as a hearing test). The speech pathologist can screen her for it.
  3. I have this problem- but with twins! How can I not compare?! My NT daughter is over the top social and I have to constantly remind myself of that when I worry about my other twin.
  4. Latin Prep didn't do enough hand holding for us (ME!) and moved too fast for my 10 year olds. We switched to Lively Latin and we LOVE it!!! I'm saving Latin Prep though.
  5. What kind of food do you want? Milan for Indian Fellini's for Italian The Carving Board for sandwiches Boylan Heights for burgers And no trip to Cville is complete without Bodo's bagels. We've go every week!
  6. Ugh. That was huge in Utah. I always thought it was weird. Figures.
  7. Based on what you want, I'd pick Austin! Nashville would be a second.
  8. She's 10? I think it's a really hard age to jump into an existing group of girls, no matter what it is. Can you invite another girl over to play? Or nurture friendships with the other families outside of the gym?
  9. Thanks everyone! It's exactly what I was hoping to hear! Here's to another 100,000 miles!
  10. I tend to overreact to things, so my dh and one of my best friends will tell me to "calm down" but not in a condescending way. More in a "I want to reassure you that you are overreacting and it will be ok" way.
  11. Sure, as long as she "gets" homeschooling. Maybe you could give her an example to look at?
  12. Bingo. This is exactly what is happening. Wow.
  13. I tried calling them on it a few times and both girls involved (different girls each time) would say, "We're just joking!" ??? I can't imagine those comments don't sting on some level.
  14. Today I noticed some of the girls in our 5th grade Girl Scout troop saying really nasty things to each other, but sweetly, and then both girls would laugh about it. I've been noticing this more and more. *Mean* things, not just silly things. What is that?! My girls were shocked.
  15. We have a 2006 Tribeca with 115,000 miles on it. It needed new tires and we are getting ready for our huge cross country summer road trip. We have never had much work done on it. Over the last two years, I've noticed it running a little rougher- nothing huge, but it definitely is feeling "older." My husband took it to the very trusted mechanic and told him to go to town on it. We want it to be safe for our trip. The mechanic called a few hours later and said he couldn't find anything wrong with it and that it looks like it's in excellent shape! Yay! The dealership had told us the same thing about a year ago. So, for those of you who drive Subarus, how many miles do your cars have?? Have you had to do any major work on it? I just keep feeling like major stuff is coming, but I don't know what! Do you notice a difference in the way your cars drive as they get older? Is that normal?
  16. I just wanted to add that I am a big thank you note person, but I never expect a thank you for something I send for condolences. People shouldn't feel the burden of thank yous when they are in pain. I don't think you owe her anything.
  17. Ok, thanks! That's kind of what I figured.
  18. About six months ago, dd10 had a swollen lymph node at the base of her skull. We happened to be at the ped for a well child apt, so I asked about it. Ped said it was no big deal as long as it went away, but that it could take a while. It did go away (though dd thinks she could always feel it- I couldn't). Now that one and another one about an inch higher are swollen. They are fairly small and painful to the touch. She hasn't been sick, but she does tend to react to allergies each spring (she has no visible signs this year though). I know they can take a long time to go down, but should I be concerned?? I'm planning to just wait and see if they go down on their own, but am I overlooking something? I've never dealt with these before. The ped said the first one was fine, so I'm not sure if I'm being a nervous parent, but I'm a little worried.
  19. They could start here. http://www.uakron.edu/dotAsset/1662103.pdf
  20. The Irlen overlays are very controversial and don't have a lot of hard evidence behind them. I had a long talk about this with our DO. What you need is a correct diagnosis.
  21. DD hated the noisy lunchroom. In fact, when people ask her what she likes about homeschooling, she says, "No more noisy lunchrooms!" She would love silent lunch! Ha!
  22. Are you coming to PB County with us?!?!?! My hubby just quit his good job and is now self-employed. (We are moving from VA. We moved here from UT two years ago.)
  23. The one piece speedos at Costco fit snug. My dd is built the same way. We had to stop doing tankinis. Last summer we got a few cute one pieces, but she is so long, she had to wear a swim shirt over the top. We are back to speedos this year. They are tight, but they work.
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