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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. This sounds a lot like me. I need to do a better job of keeping track and staying on top of what I eat.
  2. I just realized this today. Does it affect anyone else?
  3. My mom offered us cash instead of a wedding. We chose the wedding. Now I see why she was basically begging us to take the money and run. :)
  4. I would apologize and remove your post. I also wouldn't post anything like that on the future. That would anger most people on my FB.
  5. What do you mean "customize?" You are already on Word Press, so you could spend some time looking at different layouts and purchase something different. Then it's just a matter of playing around with it. My husband is a graphic designer. He took two years off to do a sales position and now that he is back into design, he's amazed at what is offered to the average person. Things have changed rapidly and there are so many easy platforms for the average Joe to use as a website. It just takes time. Have you been on the Word Press forums? Anyhow, I'm not sure if that's what you meant, but you can do a lot with WordPress themes.
  6. My other dd said, "What a dimwitted teacher!" Then broke out into a version of Dumb Dog, from Annie, replacing teacher for dog.
  7. I just told this story to my dd10 and she said, "Oh my gosh, she HAS to homeschool." Haha, get that kid outta there!
  8. I agree, and I think even 13 is young. But, it's not something my girls are interested in and since they don't go to school, they are unlikely to feel that peer pressure. I don't wear a lot of make up so that message won't be coming strongly from me. But, I would want to do everything possible to make my daughter feel good about herself. If that means bending a bit so she can feel she fits in with her friends, then I would help her learn how to wear make up tastefully and set some pretty firm boundaries in the beginning.
  9. Oh, I'm so sorry, but I did laugh out loud at the title! Never a dull moment in this place! I'd probably be worried about her ingesting the chemicals or doing something to rip her lip. I'd call the vet and I'd be interested to hear if they've ever seen this problem!
  10. Is he really thin, by any chance? I always had bruises on my legs as a kid- I was super skinny and very fair. I wasn't even a daredevil. He already has health issues, you've had blood work. Go in again for a yearly check up. I would think it is going to be nothing, but it's always good to check in!
  11. I didn't know this but it makes total sense now. Ugh. It's a means to an end, but I guess I won't put any stock in it.
  12. My husband and I love that show, but we don't let our kids watch it (and they are 10). I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I have two thoughts: -I wouldn't make it my children's responsibility to make good decisions while they are at a grandparent's house. BTDT. It just doesn't work with stubborn grandparents. -I wouldn't make it into a huge deal. It just might affect how much interaction you have with them in the future. We deal with similar issues and I've realized that trying to argue, reason, or regulate a grandparent like that rarely works. It's best to just love them for who they are and make decisions about how often to visit according to how much influence you want them to have.
  13. As I started reading through the test, even the language seems almost identical to the 4th grade test. Weird. Yep, quick and easy for us here, too. I was going to just write our own evaluations, but decided it would just be easier to test rather than tempting the school district with a grey area.
  14. Really? The math is incredibly easy. No percentage problems, no decimals, and all the fraction problems have the same denominators. I actually think it looks easier than the fourth grade test. What the heck? (Also, I can't use the enter button on my laptop when I am on the forums. Does anyone know why?)
  15. I'm listening because we will be doing the same thing this summer. We've come up with apples, trail mix, nuts, lunch meat and cheese from the deli counter, yogurt... I still haven't figured out how often we'll need to replace ice, but I'm thinking once a day will be enough.
  16. Do you guys have a therapist? Someone who specializes in attachment? I know you said you were in a remote community, but maybe you could find someone who could counsel you over the phone. I'd be all over a professional for this one.
  17. Absolutely disgusting. If you don't have any other options, then don't lounge in Starbucks with a one year old. Period.
  18. Is there any chance H is just truly embarrassed and too mortified to come back around? Maybe approaching it from that angle would help your daughter see that it's not about her. Just a thought. Not sure if it's the case.
  19. Holy cow! It freaks me out! What a dumb show to be completely addicted to after only three episodes!! I have to find out what happened...
  20. We have a few more plans now (I updated the first post). Now we need to figure out how to get to Florida from Fort Mandan (a must-see for my girls). What is there to see in Chatanooga? (We'll be camping and have our dog.)
  21. Me. But he's in charge of taxes.
  22. 3, 5, and 7 all with mom? Totally fine. A 10 year old? Well, I don't have boys, but I wouldn't want a 10 year old boy in there with my 10 year old girls, and I definitely wouldn't want my husband taking my 10 year old girl into the men's room. I totally get the angst about it though. The bathroom situation can be nerve wracking at certain venues.
  23. Is there an app like Yelp that we could use while traveling that would direct us to locally grown food and related markets and restaurants? I'm trying to figure out the most efficient way of doing that while we travel. It's too easy to do fast food and I don't want to fall into that trap because we will be traveling for a long time. Basically, while we are driving, I want to be able to pull up the town we hit for lunch and drive straight to a healthy/local food source. I hope that makes sense. Thanks!
  24. Nothing. Utah is easy. Send an affidavit and you are done. Yes, technically you are supposed to be covering what the schools cover, but there is nobody checking, so do things your own way. :)
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