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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Charlottesville, VA. End of discussion! ;)
  2. Nope, never have. I always wake up to go to the bathroom. I use a fan, too.
  3. We've used IKEA bookshelves for a long time and have never had a problem. Alternatively, you could check Craigslist and garage sells for a nice bookshelf and then refinish it yourself.
  4. Well, maybe I'm the person who is reading too much into things, but here's my two cents. I have twin girls who are almost 11 and at points in your post, you sound like me, so I want to say this but I also want you to know that, from what you've posted, I really do get where you are coming from. I think you need to back off a bit. She's hitting the air-heady phase, and if she really does have ADHD on top of it, you should probably count your blessings that she's as predictable as she is. ;) She's growing and wanting to be independent and you may need to give her a little more space to do so. Tell her you are disappointed she didn't tell you about the fence, but then move on. It *sounds* like she is afraid to tell/ask you things but it also sounds like you are holding the reigns fairly tight. With the book issue, I wouldn't keep books out in the living room that I didn't want dds to read. If I did, I would explicitly tell them not to touch the books on x shelf. It doesn't really sound, from your description, like she was intentionally trying to be deceitful about the book. So, ignore my comments if you don't agree, that's fine (seriously!). I just know that I am constantly having too learn balance between discipline and giving my girls room to grow. A lot of people on this board have helped me learn how to back off,a nd I'm grateful for that. It sounds like you have a great kid (as evidenced by her note to the neighbor-wow!). Let her make mistakes and give her a little room.
  5. Wow, we are in your shoes! I think I'm going to go through Level 4 this fall, quickly, then switch to Megawords. Also, I used 6 minute solution when I taught first grade and I LoVED it, but if I remember right, the book is $90. That's a lot!
  6. Mine is in my signature. Right now we are traveling around the U.S!
  7. If I didn't trust the parents, I probably wouldn't be letting them play at my house, period.
  8. Housing was way low for all three places we've lived. Everything else seemed about right though.
  9. We'll be in a condo or apartment this year. That means a regular piano is out, right? Can someone recommend a simple digital piano with a full set of weighted keys that we can use with headphones? What should I look for? Where should I shop?
  10. Well, I strongly disagree with kids that age having access to a phone without supervision, so that child would probably just not be invited over again unless there was some reason I felt compelled to try to remedy the situation with the parents. Using the phone to call her parents just doesn't fly with me. I would never send my 9 year old to a play date where I thought she would need that kind of life line.
  11. Another idea... do you have a university near you? Can you hook up with a Japanese family from the international student group? You work with their English, they work with your (all of your) Japanese? We had a program like this where we used to live, though we didn't take advantage of it!
  12. My husband speaks Japanese and he has been teaching the girls at night before he tucks them in. He just does 10 minute lessons with them and then encourages them to use the phrases they know. At night they go over the...sounds? He has a whole chant he does with them. They practice colors and numbers. They learn songs. Throughout the day they use their phrases to tell me they love me, thank me for dinner, say good night, etc. We eat Japanese food way too much, so he does lessons there, too, and the girls tell the waitress thank you for the food. That's what we've been doing this year. We tried a few formal programs online, but their interest wasn't there. They like learning from Daddy, so we'll stick with that for now. They are mastering basics and becoming familiar with the language. He'll continue to add more as they show mastery. They are only 10, so maybe they'll be ready for a formal program in a few years. Not what you asked for, but it's what works for us! ;) Maybe just try incorporating it into your routines, learning through songs, etc. first?
  13. In those higher levels, more kids is common. What you are describing sounds like bad coaching and poor management, not necessarily a problem with class size. If they can swim the length of the pool, look into moving onto a swim team or a few private lessons a month.
  14. Well, there's one perk about moving to Florida! The library has several copies of each one!
  15. Hmm. Not sure where I said she should feel guilty. We are sharing our experiences and thoughts.
  16. That was exactly my thought! Call the police, for sure!
  17. I just keep looking at it and thinking how much easier it would be to just get rid of all our stuff! Stuff is annoying. And expensive.
  18. My parents were each remarried when I was in high school, so it's different, but yes, I'd have your kids send something. I mean, this is who they are going to know as a grandpa, right? Everyone feels differently, but I disagree with the hard and fast he's not your father line. Both of my step parents have been great supports in my life. He may be in your life too. Just because we are adults doesn't mean we can't use more cheerleaders. I always look at Mother's Day and Father's Day as a time to acknowledge their special role in my life. My step mom never had any kids of her own, so to me, it's all the more reason to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. She pours all that motherly love into me, and especially my kids. I don't know. Maybe it's because I never knew my parents married, but the older I get, the more I don't really need the "you aren't my real mom/dad" sentiment in my life. The more the merrier. My kids love all their grandparents.
  19. The only Schofield Barracks I see is on Oahu. Are you sure it's the big island? Which side? One side is wet and one is dry.
  20. I should add that DC is also super expensive, but you can get in your car and drive out of there, which is impossible on the islands.
  21. For the military? On Oahu? I have one friend there now and another on her way. It's expensive and can be isolating because it costs so much for people to visit you and for you to go home. We've been to Oahu three times and my husband used to live there. I loved every minute of it. We had friends who sold everything and moved to Oahu because they really wanted to be there. They lasted two years. They just couldn't support themselves. The public schools are ok in some areas until about middle school, then all the kids start to transition to private schools. They couldn't afford that and didn't want their kids in the public schools. There can be a lot of racism. It's a different culture, so there can be some culture shock. The big island is...magical! I'd move there in a heartbeat if we had the money to survive there!!
  22. I can totally see this for the purpose of a small co-op, especially in your own home. Absolutely.
  23. Hmm. That gives me some good questions to ask, then. They seem to do a lot of different things. Around here, we call everything playgroup because that's what they are. The kids just play at the park or in the woods. It's wonderful. Maybe that's more of what I'm looking for, rather than structured activities. Hmm. I'll have to think about it.
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