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Everything posted by NotSoObvious

  1. Well, we didn't have other kids when we fostered, but now that our girls are adopted, I can only answer from what we would do if we fostered again, now. I think part of being treated as one of the family means that things won't always be fair and equal. That's ok. Just focus on his needs and desires and try not to compare too much. There would still be unfair things even if he had always been with you because of age. The therapeutic riding sounds great and can be "his" thing. I think as long as he has something to find identity within, it doesn't have to be exactly the same as your other kids. I also think 11 is old enough to talk with him about his feelings and help him understand and deal with it all. I would also mention it to his therapist (hopefully he has one) and he/she might ave some good ideas.
  2. Yeah, no big deal. I don't ever remember being picked up from anywhere at 17. And I didn't have a cell phone!
  3. We tried to make Colombia work this year, but couldn't. We definitely want to do it soon though. We have those conversations all the time!
  4. Unless you are the same person I talked to on Facebook yesterday, this seems to be a problem right now. The lady I talked to on FB couldn't get through by email to anyone.
  5. Like a mammoth? http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/woolly-mammoth-siberia-preserved-apparently-butchered-humans/t/story?id=16079905
  6. HOW did I not know this?!!! I'm going to ask next time we are at the doctor!
  7. Ugh. Our neighbor kid taught my girls to mix the chalk with water and create a think paste to "paint" all over our front porch. That was fun cleaning up. I hear ya!
  8. Oh, but see, we disagree about this. To me, this has everything to do with religion.
  9. Chucki, this is a better answer for you. Thanks nmoira!
  10. Oh. Then I guess this is just a "talking about the board" thread.
  11. At what point did someone say they hate Christians? Searching, searching...
  12. And, for some reason I have it in my head that you are LDS. If not, a glass of red wine in the evening does wonders!
  13. Exercise and eat well (says this hypocrite). Seriously though, sugar usually doesn't have the most stabilizing effect on mood, so I wonder if your blood sugar is low? I could be totally off, but that is what stands out to me. Exercise will help you sleep better. Go hiking or swimming or to the gym. Garden, get outside and get some sun. Turn off the screens. Good luck. I'm going to sit here and eat Thin Mints and surf FB to deal with my stress. ;) it isn't working though!
  14. Different cultures should be celebrated. The point here is that exclusion isn't ok.
  15. And I guess I'm confused. What does religion have to do with your orginial statement? What is confusing? You lost me. (No snark. Asking.)
  16. Atheists and agnostics are not the same thing. Free Thinking doesn't necessarily mean atheist either. There are lots of ways people define themselves. :)
  17. "Free Thinking" in religion with regards to parenting means that you aren't telling your child what to believe, etc. It can also mean that you pull from lots of faiths/spiritual traditions and aren't bound by any one set of beliefs. It usually means you are open to change and influence, with regards to faith/religion/spirituality. IMO, obviously.
  18. It's the *exclusion* of others based on race that is the issue.
  19. We used to use IXL where I taught and I didn't like it at all, for a variety of reasons. My girls love Dreambox because there is actual teaching and a whole game attached to it. It allows the child to work right a his/her level.
  20. At 11? Absolutely the right thing to step in. At that age I don't believe kids should have private Internet access, so in my opinion, it would be the same as addressing a situation that happened under your roof- like if the friend had been over.
  21. I started flying alone around 10. There is NO way I would let my kids fly alone. Different kids. Different times. I *might* let them do a short, one leg trip with an adult at each gate. I think they will be 15 or 16 before I let them do bigger trips alone. But, we have some extra needs.
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