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Everything posted by amyrjoy

  1. Oh boy! That sounds insane to me, too, lol! How'd it go?
  2. I saw this somewhere, on a blog? It looked really really cool and is very tempting! I would do like the bottom half or something. Separate it with nice trim, also.
  3. I am sorry it was rough today....I bet he did fine, and I understand worrying about different parts of that test. My DD took it last year and I was super stressed over the math section, which is the subject she struggles in. But it ended up ok!
  4. It sounds like it may be the best time with the conference. Nonetheless, so hard to do. Ugh. I hated weaning! But it has to end sometime I guess. Hugs!
  5. Wow! I'm intrigued by the results so far to the poll! I'm thinking I should step it up a bit..lol. I usually have 2 hours a week, on treadmill.
  6. Hey, here's another welcome to the world of blogging. Just left you a comment! It looks wonderful!
  7. Oh, I really thought I was a crazy person for feeling so (shamefully) strongly about this...and your responses has really helped me see I'm not crazy! Thank you so much for your responses- and prayers. Your stories and thoughts have been comforting, and although I hate for others to feel any pain over this issue like me, it is very comforting to know i'm not alone!
  8. I feel better about it today. Yesterday not so much so probably good I didn't post yesterday. Lol. I love kids..babies...and really wish we could have one more. DH is definitely against it. Breaks my heart. I mean, I've shed many many tears about it. Yes, I have three, I feel very thankful and have great joy over them. Ella probably was a twin, there was something the doctor saw that led him to believe it so, but disappeared in the sonogram. After Ella ihad really bad depression, and missed so much of her little baby life, really. I wish we could try for a girl again. However, being thankful and enjoying my three does not dissipate my very sensitive feelings with this. My sister in law is pregnant with her third now, and there is some weird history between us, and it's hard to explain without me sounding extremely selfish, but my heart just hearts. Don't understand myself with this issue, wanting more, being really upset. I REALLY want another child...and have for a very long time, but I know it would be tough. it probably won't happen. Unless a major change of heart with my husband, who feels he is too old to do the night routine (he is soon to be 40) and we'd definitely have to watch our money even more carefully. I am not mad at him for not wanting another baby. Disappointed, yes, but I know it's not fair to him for me to harbor ill will so I don't. Basically, I just want peace in my heart. I don't want to feel like my family is not as important as my brother and sister in laws. It always feels like a competition with her and it drives me nuts. I am trying, trying, trying, to keep God's peace and truth in my heart, that He loves each of our kids, and our family, and he knows what's best. It's just so hard. I'm too sensitive. I'm tired of crying and being upset. If there are any willing to pray for me, would you? I don't have any close friends on this board so I feel funny asking for prayer but I really do believe in it and take comfort. Thanks for reading my ramblings...
  9. You read my mind. I got a list 100 miles long of stuff to do that I don't want to do..and it's all cleaning out, organizing house, etc. Ugh. Would much rather still be schooling! Lol!
  10. Oh, I love all her books. I really liked that series. I've read them time and time again! I also liked her book, The Scarlet Thread. And her series about women from the Bible. Were you looking for other author/book suggestions?
  11. I got this especially for supplementing when need be for next year. So, I'm not using it as a sole curriculum. We tried out a few lessons at the end of this year and my two kids enjoyed it. So did I! I think it's a great combination of things to learn history!
  12. Oh, I'm so sorry! Just wanted to let you know I feel badly, and hope something can work out.
  13. I have no real advice. Lol. Just wanted to say I don't think it's weird. I have a few friends who have the same policy. I will only let Ella go to two different places for sleepovers. I hope the situation gets better with the mom!
  14. I said YES, easily however, it's not easy in my mind. It's precious money that we would like not to touch. Lol. But we would be able to, yes, without help at this point. But that isn't the case at other times.
  15. Oh my goodness.. I usually stick to Christian novels however, I've widened my "library.". I read A Rose in Winter. That book should be a movie. I've read it 6 times at least since April when I downloaded it on my Kindle. Here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/Rose-Winter-Kathleen-Woodiwiss/dp/0380844001
  16. I have an 8'year old, and she loves horses as well. She is going to have her first lesson next month! I know she would love to have a pen pal!
  17. We've been getting a kick out of The Diary of a Wimpy Kid! (I am mom who is more conservative but let them enjoy this movie). Prince of Persia was great too. Oh, and How To Train Your Dragon.
  18. Ha, yes, I started that recent thread I think. I still like the book. It really did help me in my journey in finding joy and being able to embrace it freely. I am going to meet with a couple friends soon and we are going to talk about it. My Bible Study for it didn't take off. No one showed. Lol!
  19. My DC seemed to enjoy the free section. I thought it very easy to use and my DC did retain the info we went over. I didn't do all the experiments but half or so.
  20. Oh, this kid knows how to spell some already. He reads on at least second grade level. He doesn't like to write that much, I was thinking of using AAS but not sure if that is the best fit, if it goes too slow for him? Can you skip ahead if you start out with level one? Or is there another choice out there for a kid that picks things up quick and doesn't want to do the same thing all the time?! I used spelling workout and sequential spelling with my second grader this year and that worked well for her but I know it won't for him.
  21. I am not sure, because I haven't used it personally, but Heart of Dakota seems to make science go along with the history.
  22. Wow. Just looked at some samples of this science online. I like it! May be adding it in fall to supplement the Trails to Learning Paths of Exploration..because that doesn't have much science IMO. Yay!
  23. I don't see why not. We used the grade levels needed this year. Really don't think it would matter to just jump in at grade level.
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