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Everything posted by amyrjoy

  1. Someone told me they thought paying to send your own child to a Christian school could count as tithing. I don't know ... This is really a tough subject.
  2. I think tithe should be anywhere God leads you. But, Hubby is for it to go to church. My parents don't tithe to their church and there's good reason for it to be honest. It's an odd situation, and the church is super small, land on a state park. They are, so to speak, in charge of setting up seekers, sermons, as it's a volunteer led ministry. Lots of farm folk, laid back. I love it there but we attend elsewhere. Anyways, they give to several other ministries as their tithe.
  3. I'm doing that now from a book called Hattie's Faraway Family (book 2 in a series published by Focus on the Family). Anyways, I had gotten it at a book sale for 40 cents. LOL. And it looked like a nice girlie adventure story for my DD this coming year. So far, I've taken spelling and vocabulary words out for all the chapters, and have a general PDF/WORD layout using Pages on my iPad. I have some comprehension questions done as well. There's 13 chapters, and I am trying to work out comprehension and grammar for each chapter now. Oh, and a little bit of character studies/Bible verses too. :lol: It's a big project. What did I get myself into? LOL! BTW, I will offer it free for anyone who wishes to use it, probably posting about it on my blog when I'm done with it. I know it's not a common book to find, but I've seen it used different places.
  4. Wow- that's a quick turnaround. Thanks for posting!
  5. A friend of mine may be using that, but it maybe a few days before I talk with her. If I do, I will be sure to check back here for you.
  6. Thanks for the video link.:001_smile: I will have to check it out!
  7. Your son practices his letters in permanent marker on the front of the house. No. Wait. That's just when you know you have an ornery child.
  8. Oh, I didn't see your questions yesterday. Sorry! We will start in August as well. I will have a third grader and first grader. My first grader is coming along for the ride, too, because I think he will handle it well and enjoy the work activities. I am adding some grammar, free from the Scott Foresman site. Also, I have the MCT books to use for my oldest. I am adding a supplemental science book. I forget the title, but one is for grades 2-3, and the other I will use is for grades 3-4. I think it's more of a workbook. I'll come back later with the title. Lol. Kelli- I think we may have to reschedule the reading but not sure. It may be fine as is. I am so excited still. It just looks AWESOME! I love how many things are covered. I am adding in some other literature. My DD is a Huge reader.
  9. Hmmm I don't know but that does sound like a good read!
  10. When I was first diagnosed with PPD someone said I had a demon of depression. That did NOT set well with me, as I am a Christian and did not at all believe that to be the case. It truly upset me. Anyways.... It's hard to think about this again. Truly awful.
  11. So glad more of you looked at it. Lol. It does have some really good things.
  12. I haven't looked at it all, but wanted to share. Has some nice graphic organizers. Free, too. Lol. http://elementarypgms.brevard.k12.fl.us/Writing_files/Developing%20the%20Craft%20PDF.pdf
  13. Oh! Another program to check out, lol! Really like those samples and the poetry looks neat too.
  14. I'm attempting to use the app called Pages. You can create tables, etc. I set up a weeks worth to see how functional. I don't have experience with other things to compare it to though! Lol! I think it works for me. Ha! You Can email it, send as PDF, etc.
  15. We used BJU reading for this hear for K and 2nd. Worked great for us. I thought there were lots of extra practice pages for the K phonics. For second grade, definitely was nice for my DD, also. She begged to do her reading more than anything. For writing we are going to try one of the programs, maybe Imitation in Writing, Fairy Tales. Also, for English, we are using Grammar Island, etc., from MCT.
  16. I don't know of any free resources, but I can tell you that Ken Burn's Civil War documentary cd is fantastic! Lol! My DH has it and also, he has a cd that has to do with Mark Twain, another documentary I think, and the music is cool too. Oh, I know of some others too so I will just fuel the fire for ya. Eta: Theres also A cd called Songs from the Parlor- it's a collection of 19th century banjo melodies. I'll keep looking. DH has played in a Civil War music group, among other things, he plays harmonica, banjo, and mandolin.
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