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Everything posted by amyrjoy

  1. :) I was looking at those books for different grades as well and thought the same thing. I think it depends on the child, definitely! I don't think you need to totally adhere to a certain list. Some of the ones in second/third grade would more suit my daughter who is going to be in fourth grade next year, for example.
  2. ACK. I've been mulling all this over for WEEKS! I have had friends who have deleted all their boards and ceased to use it. I personally have deleted one or two boards and keep using it, but rarely. Honestly, I have soooo many "likes"- twice as many pins. HA. I thought about going back and double checking some of the pins to make sure they weren't from places/people who did not want pinned. Or, commenting on them because that, I read, is supposed to make them fall under "fair use" terms...if you comment about an individual pin. ??? Not sure, but sounded good. LOL.
  3. I had noticed the Equine program was not in ebook form and contacted them- science ebooks aren't available yet for exclusives but maybe next year. Bummer- I really was excited about getting an ebook! LOL!
  4. I have used the first grade ones for my first grader. He loves stories like this. He does most of the workbook, too. Next year, I'll probably just use the readers for reading aloud because I really like the BJU reading curriculum after first grade. LOL. It would be toooo much workbook stuff to do both PR and BJU workbooks! But, I could see just using those for reading if I didn't want to include BJU so much! HTH!
  5. AH! It's hard! I know! We have to be there with our 3 DC by 7:20 in the morning each Sunday for music practice before the first service, which begins at 8:30!!!!! AGH!!!!!!! It's so hard!!!! Except today we actually did okay without being terribly grumpy. My middle child is NOT a morning person and he's hard to rush.
  6. WOW! I had no idea they had this! Thanks for asking the question so I know! LOL! My DD would flip!
  7. Here's a link to some of the worksheets! http://dontneednoeducation.blogspot.com/2010/01/grammar-land-worksheets.html
  8. :) I wrote a blog post on a book (God's Amazing Creation) from the Inductive Studies for Kids series by Kay Arthur, just because. I wanted to share it here in case it helps anyone! I'm in a "planning mode" for school for summer and next year, and blogging about it helped me work it all out! LOL! We had actually gotten it LAST year but we only did one lesson. :lol: It wasn't because we didn't like it, it just wasn't the right time. I plan on using it FOR REAL this summer, for both my children this time as we listen to Mystery of History audio for a little bit of summer school. The book is really unique and my post explains why! http://sweetperipety.blogspot.com/2012/03/this-time-of-year.html
  9. :grouphug: I'm sorry for all who are unhappy with all the changes. I don't use Sonlight, and don't plan on it, but reading all the threads made me feel badly for you all! Maybe they'll be another change. But that may not help your decision at all if they switch back. :tongue_smilie:
  10. UH! Had a stranger quiz my daughter earlier this week or last (ha..I can't remember now! LOL). It drives me bonkers.
  11. Aw, it will be quite different than the Lifepac curriculum!! I wouldn't worry about that! :)
  12. Okay, thanks to both of you! That helps my decision..I really don't want to buy anything else if I don't have to!
  13. :) HA! Yes, it did help to have two kids close together, and even though my middle child is only in first grade this year, it was quite doable for him. Sorry it didn't work out for you. I like it a lot, and am an eclectic type homeschooling kinda girl anyways. I have a friend who is going to use it next year perhaps- glad to share the love. It does resell pretty well, I think, fyi, if you plan on doing that!!!! :D
  14. I will add something I didn't say in the other threads I responded to (I forgot to mention it but the PP reminded me of what WE did with LA)....I didn't really USE the LA as written. We did our own, so we COULD skip around/combine days just fine. In fact, I cut out a couple weeks with Jamestown and Pilgrims because I wanted to be done with those before Christmas. It all worked out well for us to tweak, etc. We went over some of the words, but my kids are on the younger side of this curriculum. We really enjoyed the reading/history/geography/drawing/nature studies/reflective writing. I did not do all the copywork for my first grader since he detests writing right now...I didn't push it. For my third grader, we did MOST of the dictation. It would take us 1.5 to 2 hours for using with 2 children. Plus, then we do other reading/math/English, etc. Basically, I saw it a little bit differently- laid out but tweak-able in my case.
  15. I replied to a few posts recently..if you do a search on this forum, you'll come up with what I said along with another others, HTH!
  16. This probably was discussed awhile back, but I ditched FLL this year and am rethinking using it for my DS in second grade. I have the older edition with 1 & 2 in the same book. I don't care about having a "workbook" for him, per se, since we used a regular blank notebook with my DD when we used it and it was fine. I just didn't know if there were that many changes. I didn't do all the repetition, and we skipped around some.
  17. We manage with 16, though I do wish somedays we had more. I'm thinking 32 would be sufficient, honestly!
  18. I have A Reason for Handwriting C for my DD grade 3. We are definitely not going to finish it this year. I don't want to buy a new one. I'd prefer just to use this for next year, too! Do you think there would be too much of a difference between this and the next level? They are both cursive.
  19. I totally had a great cart ready and missed it. Geesh. :tongue_smilie: It's now over $400 dollars. I don't think so. :lol:
  20. We've mainly done the Physics, and it's great...but I haven't done TOO many lessons because of all the other things. Plus, POE includes some science and we just run out of time. I was looking at trying Earth and Space though for next year, to fit in when we can. I really like how you use different books to learn, the notebooking, and the experiments- all of it!
  21. The one thing that I personally struggle with is reading aloud, which you need to do several days a week! LOL! I don't LOVE reading aloud longer passages, and usually it's one chapter a day. If there is an issue with attention span while you're reading, you could break it up. Somedays, I did that. The curriculum is all inclusive (except Math, of course) and I did supplement- some. But, you don't have to! REALLY! I think the science for Paths of Exploration is pretty good. My dad is a chemistry teacher (retired) so I was inclined to do a little more. There's lots of nature study/learning about animals. And really, you should feel comfortable to have your sons do what they can. I don't feel badly at all for having my DS not do EVERYTHING. He has learned plenty!
  22. I using Paths of Exploration this year for a first grader (6 years old) and third grader (eight years old) and I do not do everything exactly with my first grader, he certainly manages and learns very well! For example- he is not into writing a lot, LOL. So, he doesn't do all the copywork. He hates "art" but the sketching involved has been gentle enough for him. I love it! I also have the other book, but it just didn't seem to have the "extras" I wanted... Paths of Exploration has so many things- vocab, science, literature, etc. I needed that in a program. I love how it is all laid out. We will use Paths of Settlement next year, when my kids are in 2nd grade and 4th grade! I think next year, my DS will be able to really do the first level well, and my daughter will keep on using the second level set of plans.
  23. Very different programs- and do you mean A Living History of Our World? Before I answer I wanted to make sure!
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