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Everything posted by amyrjoy

  1. http://www.seethelightshine.com/ I am curious... I was looking for a specific art lesson online and came across this. Looks enjoyable AND doable.
  2. I can answer some questions! We just have the 16 gb and it's perfect. I think it's fairly easy to use if your not computer savvy. The touch system is awesome. I don't have an iPhone, so it was new to me, but it's just so much fun to use. And easy when you are surfing the web. I have stanza for PDFs. There's plenty of apps that are educational. Like stack the states, various spelling and phonics, even math. I like the Pages app to make up documents of my own, or when we are writing.
  3. :tongue_smilie:I was feeling this way last night and this morning too. On one hand, it's wonderful to have all those things that need done. On the other hand, it's just too much when you start thinking of it all at once. I can't get it together to schedule several appointments, clean out drawers, take my kids swimming for goodness sakes, and the list goes on. And cooking? What's that?! I have hardly cooked and so we've suffered for that and I'm feeling guilty. My DH does a lot around here as well as his full time job and HE is even feeling exhausted. It's like a vicious cycle. ETA: chore charts...trying to do that here as well!
  4. Totally understand how you feel. I think it just takes trying different things out to see what works as far as consequences and rewards. I will be praying for you! And maybe the fact that I have a hard to handle 6 year old will help. Lol. When we were playing for the praise team ( I was at the piano, my DH playing mandolin and harmonica) my DS, who was sitting with my grandma, sneaked up and was walking around the platform where my DH was playing. Nice. Another time, two Christmases ago, I was playing piano prelude and the rest of my family was in one of the front pews. All of a sudden I see my DS come up (he sneaked past DH somehow) and he pounded a few keys on the piano. :001_huh: then he somehow caught his foot on the cord of the piano lamp and the cord moved and as it moved it took down this extra music stand that was sitting on the piano where you put your music to see...it was this extra long big thing I don't know why they got. Lol. So that falls down and I barely catch it before it crashes on the keys. Yeah. It was a full house and that means 300 people already there since it was Christmas Eve. Omigosh I was sooooooo embarrassed. :tongue_smilie: Ever since I get so stressed out over this kid whenever we go somewhere or we are at church!!
  5. Oh my word! I'm getting Inspiration overload, which is a good thing! Lol!
  6. :001_huh: A week or so ago I woke up to find those little ants on my iPad screen and also in the tote bag by my bed that I put my iPad in. This tote bag was not used outside. I got rid of them and settled back into my looking at the iPad in the morning, ok, so yesterday, I turned it on in the morning and a few seconds later I saw a little ant crawling across the screen. I checked all around, in the container by my bed and stand- nothing. Not on floor, or by baseboards. This morning, what do I find, yet another wee little ant crawls on my iPad screen a few seconds after I turn it on. What the heck? I don't see ANYTHING else ANYWHERE. So I have ants in my iPad? Lol! :confused: I opened the cover and see nothing, there's one very tightly put on cover, part of the otter box thing, and I can't get it off, though. This is too weird but I thought I'd try here to get some answers! :tongue_smilie:
  7. :). Looking for some new games! I'm amyrjoy is anyone wants to start one!
  8. Oohhhh. I really like your themed boards!
  9. :) thanks! This is so cool to get more people to follow and vice versa. I'm Inspired now to get on there more often! Lol!
  10. Here ya go: the random craft material drawer (read I don't know how to organize those either so I lump it all together. Lol)
  11. This blog I just came across this weekend has a room with doors like yours I think and it's just gorgeous...here's the link: http://www.babeofmyheart.com/category/homeschool/. I love her room, and I'm so jealous, in a good way. Lol. I'm trying to fix up part of our basement so I've been looking for ideas.
  12. My friend got it for her DD who was a second grader this past year. They liked it but it was a ton, and I mean, TON of work. I don't think they signed up this year. I can't recall why! I do know the little girl did well!
  13. Wow, I am wishing I could've been there to help and experience being amongst wonderful, giving people. What an inspiring thing you did today...
  14. Washed basement walls, not all, just a few Ripped up yucky carpet in basement corner Cleaned bench Set tent up in living room for kids Played with RC cars with kids and DH...I usually don't do this but I actually controlled one. Ha! Took notes on literature genres for the next school year Read more of Bravewriter Read a lot on this board, rofl Worked on charts for kids and more charts...I have charts coming out my eyeballs Worked on planner document for the kids for homeschooling, too Looked up stuff to see how to cosmetically help a part of our basement so we can use it for a homeschooling area Took very short nap about 6 ish....sigh....
  15. Well, it's not realistic drawing but my DD loves drawing too so I got her the book, Let's Draw Happy People. Lol. It's sweet, I think, and fun for that age. http://www.amazon.com/Illustration-School-Lets-Happy-People/dp/1592536468
  16. I wanted to like it. I didn't sell it yet, ha, but we did try SOTW 1 at the beginning of the year and I had a hard time keeping up with it. I don't know exactly what it is that made me not like it much- maybe the way it's set up? Or how the activities at the end are presented? Maybe just the general way material is presented? Sigh. I know it's wonderful for others though! I'm just an oddball. Lol. Maybe we will try it again at some point.
  17. Here's mine! I love interest but haven't been on for awhile! http://pinterest.com/amyrjoy/
  18. I'm sorry! I take a long time to plan, too, and not having support while doing that important job is frustrating!
  19. You may have a little army figure in there. At least I did this week. :glare:
  20. $500 per kid plus some. I think. Lol.
  21. They say they are for ADHD children but I think they look like they are for all children! I've been looking for some free to print and laminate. http://www.christianadhd.com/chorecharts.php
  22. How about Caddie Woodlawn, maybe winter time. Also, I recently bought a book called Come to My Tomorrowland- it is about a young girl who finds an albino fawn. It seems to be for that reading group. I want my third grader to read it. She is an above level reader as well. Another one- Thimble Summer.
  23. I thought I was going to do better this year. Ha. Last year was about $500 per child. This year, about the same and I really do want to get more. But it's for things I don't necessarily NEED but WANT. Also, I don't want to have to go to the library too much because I end up having to pay fines and have lost a few books as well. I want to have our books ALL here. Crazy maybe, but it's less running around. Lol.
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