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Everything posted by whitestavern

  1. I was going to recommend Carhartt. S has one and used it yesterday (high 50s/low 60s and breezy) and was very comfortable. He hates being hot. Uses it all winter.
  2. I interacted with many different types of homeschoolers and can honestly say I never met any kids like you’re describing. My kids are 20 and 22 now. I wonder if it’s more a “sign of the times” and just where parents of young children are at it or if it’s truly a homeschooler thing.
  3. CT’s mandate expired in April. Masks are no longer required in hospitals or healthcare settings.
  4. Charleston, SC and maybe add Savannah if you stretch to 6 days. Charleston is a foodie paradise!! You wouldn’t need a car in either. If Savannah, stay by the river area. You can walk everywhere or hop on a trolley. If you stay in the old part of Charleston, same thing. There are a few worthwhile museums or plantations that are outside the area. You could choose one and Uber. So loved both those cities. I’d definitely go back, and I rarely return to places I visit.
  5. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/09/16/1122650502/scientists-debate-how-lethal-covid-is-some-say-its-now-less-risky-than-flu
  6. For deaths, US is 15. Denmark is 60.
  7. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-reaches-tentative-agreement-with-rail-workers-strike-2022-09-15/
  8. I thought the cooling offer period ended already, or is about to.
  9. My husband and I spent the day at the beach. He was fishing and threw some bait (a big piece, about 6” long) on the sand for the seagulls when we were leaving. One landed and ate the whole thing in one gulp IMG_3802.MOV
  10. For those still deciding… https://www.medpagetoday.com/opinion/faustfiles/100026 https://www.science.org/content/article/omicron-booster-shots-are-coming-lots-questions https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/100665
  11. Was it just a mispronunciation or had she never heard of the movie? Both odd but definitely weirder if she was unfamiliar with it.
  12. Unfortunately Pfizer is not helping scientists that are trying to develop nasal and other vaccines https://www.statnews.com/2022/09/06/pfizer-covid-vaccines-researchers-next-gen-studies/
  13. Both my parents were raised Catholic. When we moved to a small town with one Catholic Church that had a horrible priest they moved to the Protestant church. I enjoyed that, but we moved in high school and I stopped attending any church until I married a devout Catholic. We attended as a family because it was important to him. We tried several churches but sadly whenever there was a priest I connected with, he’d leave shortly after. Once the kids graduated I stopped going (as did they) After 5 years in Catholic school, they were done. I don’t think dd will ever go back, but I could see ds attending if/when he gets married. I’m a C and E now. If a new priest comes along that I like I would consider returning.
  14. A Litigation atty is what you’d need but I’m not sure you’ll find one willing to help. Hope you can get it resolved.
  15. I work for a law firm. Try to get your attorney on the phone prior to your meeting. Tell him what’s going on and try to get some advice.
  16. https://www.t-mobile.com/?gbraid=0AAAAAD79WuXGtJszAKimZfu9Eduh-b1ve&&cmpid=MGPO_PB_P_EVGRNBHV_43700070651103757_593938944718&gbraid=0AAAAAD79WuXGtJszAKimZfu9Eduh-b1ve&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyMCRr5TZ-QIVoQiICR1ejASVEAAYASAAEgJQHvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds We just went in and they gave us all the details. The link above doesn’t mention the $200 per line Visa card but I’d definitely ask about it and/or other current promo deals.
  17. We just left AT&T for T Mobile. Got 4 free iPhone 13s, a $200 Visa card per new line, free Netflix on all, and it’s $100 less per month than what we were paying with AT&T. No brainer.
  18. Loved that movie. One of my favorite scenes was when they hooked him up to the garage door opener 🤣🤣
  19. I was just passing along the information. I really have no opinions or thoughts on monkey pox.
  20. Well I only have 2 and they’re close in age but we all enjoy playing cards and games, hiking, biking, skiing, kayaking, travel, some movies and concerts, and going to the beach.
  21. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-health-and-wellness/sex-men-not-skin-contact-fueling-monkeypox-new-research-suggests-rcna43484
  22. CT requires childhood immunizations as a condition of entry. Medical exemptions (almost impossible to get) but no religious exemptions.
  23. My neighbor had dementia and her doc recommended jigsaw puzzles and word games (crossword puzzles, sodoku, etc)
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