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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. I don't recall anything explicit. I think it is fine for first grade and we're pretty conservative.
  2. I also correct right away because my daughter is only 6 and needs immediate feedback. As she gets older she'll probably get her own iPad and use email or dropbox to send them to me. I scan our math worksheets and we do them on the iPad about half of the time. I will probably eventually start KISS grammar (we're doing FLL and MCT already so I had to resist the urge to add something else!). We have Andrew Cambell's memory book from Lulu. I use PDF expert to split it into weekly lessons which we do from the iPad. We listen to our Latin chants, Geography Songs and Song School Greek on there. I have my teacher's manuals for FLL and WWE in iBooks and when we finish the current levels will probably get the next student books in PDF also. I also have various for fun supplemental studies from Currclick that she does at her leisure. She watched the Brain Pop video of the day and does the quiz daily. We also have lots of educational apps but there have been tons of other threads about that so I won't list those.
  3. I was just thinking that evolution vs. creation threads seem to seriously lack civility.
  4. So...my fil lives with us and forgot to turn off the stove after frying fish tonight. Thankfully the fire has been contained with no damage or injury but the house filled with smoke. We've aired it out and it is clear now but I inhaled too much smoke in the process. I have allergy and sinus problems and smelling too much paint or smoke often leads to Bronchitis. We leave for vacation Thur and I would prefer not to get sick. Is there anything I can do do avoid a Bronchial infection?
  5. I am doing Latin and Greek with my daughter who is about the same age and skill level as you described. This is our 3rd year of Latin and first year of Greek. We did Song School Latin followed by Prima Latina and now Latin for Children. We are using Song School Greek. We started Latin first because it reinforces English grammar better and the letters and pronunciations are similar enough to English that it has been relatively simple for her to learn. Of everything we've used I like the Classical Academic Press materials the best. I'm short on time but feel free to pm me if you would like more details about our experience. Our goals for language seem very similar.
  6. I have a child who is just about done with mus delta which is approximately 4 grade math. We started Life of Fred last month as a fun supplement because she hates math and was fit in the middle of long division. After looking at the material I decided that although the appropriate level for her math skills would be fractions starting at the beginning of the elementary books would be a lighter, more fun option for her. We're in the middle of Dogs now and the ath is very easy for her but she loves it. She loves to read and the narrative style is great for her. I expect we'll finish the elementary books and move on the fractions in a few months. In the meantime, I'm just happy to have one part of math she wants to do instead of being forced.
  7. We have A LOT of Mythology books but the D'Auliere's book is dd's favorite. http://www.google.com/products/catalog?q=d'aulaires+book+of+greek+myths&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=4186808625206101171&sa=X&ei=hSQiT9LZN6KEsgKutKDACQ&ved=0CEoQ8wIwAQ
  8. I can't get my work done because I was daydreaming about flying at church. I can't get my work done because division is boring. I can't get my work some because you brought all these new books from the library and they are distracting me. I can't get my work done because I dropped my math blocks all over the floor again. I can't get my work done because this is not on my list as an every day subject and we did it yesterday.
  9. This is a late reply but because of all the available apps and the convenience of carrying it around I like my ipad a lot more than my netbook. There isn't anything I can do on my netbook that I haven't figured out how to do on my ipad but there are apps and things on the ipad I can't do on the netbook.
  10. DD vacillates between not wanting to do anything and loving everything. She loves to read. As soon as we started SOTW history became her favorite subject. She especially likes mythology. She also really likes Latin and Greek. She probably wouldn't list them as favorites because she doesn't like the written assignments. She actually prefers no written assignments. She always asks to do WWE so it's one of her favorites...especially on the day I have to write the narration down for her. The only thing she really dislikes is math. However, we just added Singapore CWP and Life of Fred and she loves those. She asks to do extra word problems. ETA: The dislike for math is really about a combination of laziness and boredom. We use MUS and just finished the long division portion of Delta. She could do the problems easily but just didn't want to. There are other things she would rather think about than long division and the problems just take longer than she would like to spend on math.
  11. This is what we do but I don't write down what we do daily. I probably will start at some point so we'll have records when we get closer to high school but for now we just keep moving to the next thing.
  12. I could have written the original post. I'm not sure why I was so against the idea of dd being gifted when she was 4. I think I was resistant to people telling her all the time how smart she was because I was worried about her developing a good work ethic. I identified as gifted when I was in elementary school and was bored to death. I actually missed serious portions of the 2nd grade with an illness and the teacher told my parents it was probably a good thing because I was bored and too far ahead anyway. I wasn't pushed at home or school and therefore was an underachiever and lazy. I think that makes me hyper-senstive to the whole idea of giftedness. As we move further down the homeschooling road (she is almost 7) it has become too obvious to deny. It is also apparent that I have no choice but to push her and accelerate her significantly or she will be just as lazy an unmotivated as I was. She has an incredible attention span which I first noticed before she was two. If she's interested in something she will spend hours on it. That doesn't mean she will school herself for hours. For example she is ahead in math but doesn't like it...I have to make her do it most days. Also, I should add that this forum has been a great blessing for me. It helps me stay grounded. I can get feedback and do research about ways to challenge her without feeling like the people I'm talking to think I'm crazy. It's very helpful to hear from people who have btdt. It's also to read about people pushing their children academically. It's almost embarrassing to talk to people in homeschool groups around me about curriculum. I see nothing wrong with other methods or unschooling but it's just not what is best for my daughter.
  13. I use FLL, WWe & SOTW and we love all of them. I use the book more as an outline so I'm not sure if most of the curriculum I picked is in there or not. For me it's been a lot of trail and error and is still a work in process. The book has been extremely helpful for me because it helped me develop goals and an overview of what I wanted to accomplish in my daughters's education before she graduates.
  14. We don't do formal vocabulary because the Latin we've done so far includes a lot of vocabulary. We still do grammar. Right now FLL and a bit of MCT. We aren't always getting to the MCT because we have a full schedule so we'll focus on it more when we finish FLL. I do think that Latin grammar reinforces what we're learning in English and makes it easier.
  15. I would get one now but buy refurbished from the apple store. I think they deliver within 2 or 3 days. You get the exact same device as new with the same warranty for less money. I don't know if you are looking for 3G or wireless but I know for the price of a new 16gb you can get a refurbished 32gb.
  16. I don't have any help to offer but I feel your pain. I am having the same experience with dd in our Latin and Greek studies. She just remembers things easier than I do. I can usually remember things by where they were on the page as well but the endings are all so similar that wasn't helping for some reason. What is helping for me is chanting them which is the way they are taught in our curriculum Latin for Children. I'm still behind dd though and nothing seems to be helping with Greek so far. It's like my brain just doesn't want to do Greek. I'm going to try an online course in iTunes university to see if it helps.
  17. : :iagree: Because we started learning letters, numbers, colors and all that pre-k stuff first I referred to it as lesson time and that just stuck. Now we use lesson time, work time (since she's at the office with dh and I we often say it's time for all of us to do our work) and school work.
  18. You might try incorporating some strength training to improve your muscle tone in your legs. If you can do weights squats, leg extensions and hamstring girls would work. If you don't have access to weights you can try lunges, squats, and eventually squat jumps. If you don't like any of that you could get a pilates dvd that focuses on legs.
  19. Absolutely....that's part of why I homeschool so that when life happens we can be flexible. Both of you should go back to bed.
  20. I have an Epson Workforce 610 and a 630. They were both easy to set up wirelessly. We had a Konica Minolta and an hp that were difficult to set up. They were a little older so that may have been the problem with those. They print and scan reasonably quickly. I use them for work and school stuff. The quality is good and the ink cost isn't too bad. I bought them both from Sam's on sale for $69 and $79 respectively.
  21. I used sotw even though it isn't specifically y.e. The first chapter references pre-history as the time before we know much because there was no writing, etc but it can certainly be adapted based on your views. For most history curriculums pre-history is a very small section of information and it can be a good opportunity to discuss what your family believes.
  22. I only have the first two because our daughter is only 6 but I don't remember any references to Jesus. I think most the references where statements like, "God designed boys different than girls" and things like that. I remember skimming thru the older kids books at a conference and thinking they were very thorough and detailed. This is also true of the two we have. They are very specific and detailed.
  23. Several years ago someone loaned us the 24 DVDs and we watched them marathon style. For regular television they were rather intense. Even when though all the violence isn't shown it is obvious what is happening and the themes are pretty scary for children. Saving the world from terrorists, etc. We led the series but I wouldn't let your children watch it without previewing it first. I will warn you that every episode and every season just about ends in a cliff hanger so we lost a lot of sleep staying up to see what happened next. "just one more episode and then we can go to bed....":tongue_smilie:
  24. :iagree: this is why learning about discrimination in a historical context when children are of the appropriate age is more beneficial than just doing MLK lessons out of context. This is not an American issue or even a black/white issue. There are plenty of light skinned people in the world who discriminate against other light skinned people and medium toned skin people groups who discriminate against other medium toned skin, etc. When young children are taught about discrimination from a narrow American only viewpoint it makes it seem like they are the only people in the world who are mistreated and leads to an inappropriate us vs them mentality.
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