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Everything posted by acurtis75

  1. Incidentally...we are now spending more total time on math but please don't tell dd.:lol: We added cwp and LOF in addition to mathusee but she doesn't mind doing either of them. She asks to do more cwp than I assign. Go figure...the easy word problems in mathusee were too hard according to her but the much more difficult cwp are fun??? She has even started making her own Singapore style problems and giving me pop quizzes.
  2. One additional thought... After our "meeting" when we started accelerating at a faster pace it became clear that the crying and whining was more about desire than difficulty. She didn't want to do the work and was apparently a bit bored with it. Going faster she actually seems happier.
  3. I've gone through something similar. I'll tell you what I did but it was recent so I don't know that I can say it was successful yet but it's going okay now. I know I discussed this on previous threads but have no idea where or when so I may be repeating myself here.. We really hit the wall at division. Dd gets everything almost immediately with very little teaching. Having to think about a problem for more than 10 seconds was a major tragedy for her:lol: there were tears and days full of whining. Finally I decided I couldn't take it anymore and came up with a plan. What I realized in our case was she was capable of the work but just hated it. Stopping math wasn't an option I decided to supplement with LOF and living math books as a reward for better behavior/attitude about her work. We had a "meeting" about math (she's always pretending to have meetings since dh and I have our own business and often meet with clients so she felt cool having a meeting). I explained to her that part of my job as her teacher is to make sure she develops good work habits in addition to learning the content. I told her I understood that she didn't like long division but that I knew she could do the work if she tried her best. I also told her that I would reduce the amount of drill/worksheets if she worked diligently and had a good attitude. This didn't totally eliminate the probleem but it has drastically improved. Also, we started moving through the curriculum about twice as fast because she had incentive to do her best. Our problems are also mostly with math. I see the development of a work ethic and the ability to persevere when things are difficult as one of my most important jobs with dd. I think her being accelerated makes it easy to get in to a pattern of everything being easy and not requiring effort. If I don't challenge her she'll be lazy...kind of like I was in high school.:lol: Edited to correct some creative iPad auto correction.
  4. You can email the link to your ipad and it should give you the option to open in ibooks. If you want to write on the document you can do the same thing and open in something like Notability or PDF Expert. The previously mentioned dropbox option works as well. First download the free dropbox app on your ipad and it will give you instructions for loading it on the computer.
  5. I have never tested so I don't know exactly how "gifted" she would be considered if I did but I know I find myself in the hiding club. I answer questions vaguely and try not to bring up curriculum conversations anywhere but here. Even with my attempts to hide IRL around other moms I still get asked questions and get crazy looks to some of my answers. I will agree that now that dd is a little older it's easier to deal with. She's really tall & I put her in second grade classes at our new church so she is at least with other kids who can read. It's easier to fit in now than when she was walking around reading chapter books at 3 & 4.
  6. We struggled through the long division portion but not really because of the way it was presented. It was more an issue of dd hating to work those long problems when she would rather day dream all day:lol:. Just like with the upside down multiplication in Gamma we watched the video and discussed different ways to do problems and then after she demonstrated the ability and understanding to do them I let her pick which method she used to work them. I found it helpful to keep reminding her about place value as we worked and thought the way that was presented on the dvd was good. Did you do the Delta lessons on fractions at the end of the book before starting Epsilon. That might help the concepts make more sense. When I first started the DVD for those lessons I thought it was confusing but after we watched it again and worked some problems it seemed to help her understand the concepts better. She does them in her head as well. I haven't really looked ahead yet and realized when we started work this morning that we still had the unit and final exams to do for Delta so we won't start Epsilon until Wednesday.
  7. I read the future tense of saved to refer to avoiding the future wrath of God in eternity and therefore a reference to our future glorification with Jesus in Heaven. Justification was a one time event therefore the reconciliation in the past tense makes sense when talking to believers and really refers to what we call "salvation". Those are quick first thoughts without doing any study so I may revise them tomorrow after some more reading.
  8. We are in a similar spot so I'll share what I'm doing. Dd was hating math and was bored so we made a deal that we would starting accelerating and doing less worksheets if she stopped complaining every time we pulled out the math book. We are doing mathusee and supplementing with Life of Fred and cwp. We did Delta in about four months actual time but more like two months of work time because the holidays were in the middle of the four months. We watched the lesson, worked a few problems and then dd had an opportunity to "test out" of the worksheets by getting all the answers right on worksheet D (the first one that had new problems and systematic review). If she got all problems right we did the test and moved on to the next lessons. During the first 10 lessons or so which were easy division problems did several lessons per day. She then read Life of Fred on her own at some point during the day a few times per week and did cwp a few days a week also. We just returned from vacation and will start th same plan for Epsilon tomorrow. I also started getting living math books and including them in her assigned reading. I originally planned to move to aops or something else after zeta but now I'm thinking about continuing mathusee through algebra since she'll probably only be 7 when we finish zeta at this rate.
  9. I find myself down-playing dd's abilities and pointing out her weaknesses too. I have been more conscious of it lately and try to avoid it but I find the way I do that is by not discussing her abilities much at all with anyone other than dh, my parents and this board.
  10. We started earlier this year. Dd will be 7 in two weeks. She raced through Grammar and Sentence Island and we're working through Sentence Island as a supplement. We have a lot of things we are trying to fit in a loop and it gets skipped a lot. I'm planning on focusing more on reviewing Sentence Island, completing Practice Island and the other books after we finish FLL3. I don't think the concepts are too challenging and dd reads the books for fun and enjoys them but there are only so many hours in a day. I do think the four-level analysis concept was beneficial in helping dd understand sentce structure but she loves diagramming sentences in FLL so we won't stop that anytime soon.
  11. I still need someone to explain to me what a tea cozy is...I remember this thread from before and couldn't figure it out the and still can't now. :confused:
  12. These are some quick first thoughts. I will warn you that I just spent 5 days at Disney so my brain isn't working at full capacity right now:lol: 1. Main point: Sin entered the world through Adam and separated mankind from God resulting in our need for a Savior which was provided as a free gift if grace in the form of Jesus Christ. 2. Peace with God 3. Tribulations produce perseverance which results in proven character and proven character leads to a hope which does not disappoint. 4. We are saved from the wrath of God. More specifically we are saved from death or separation from God which was a result of the curse of sin. 5. No answer popped in my head for this one so I did a logos software search and here is a good commentary on the topic: of him that was to come—Christ. “This clause is inserted on the first mention of the name “Adam,†the one man of whom he is speaking, to recall the purpose for which he is treating of him, as the figure of Christ†[Alford]. The point of analogy intended here is plainly the public character which both sustained, neither of the two being regarded in the divine procedure towards men as mere individual men, but both alike as representative men. (Some take the proper supplement here to be “Him [that is] to comeâ€; understanding the apostle to speak from his own time, and to refer to Christ’s second coming [Fritzsche, De Wette, Alford]. But this is unnatural, since the analogy of the second Adam to the first has been in full development ever since “God exalted Him to be a Prince and a Saviour,†and it will only remain to be consummated at His second coming. The simple meaning is, as nearly all interpreters agree, that Adam is a type of Him who was to come after him in the same public character, and so to be “the second Adamâ€). This comes from a book called Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible. 6. By one man, Adam, death entered the world and by one man, Christ, righteousness entered the world.
  13. I have an iPad2 and a refurbished first generation iPad and love them both. I find myself working on the iPad more than the laptop these days and I don't even have a keyboards for th iPad. I vote iPad for ease of use, availability of countless apps and the maturity of the operating system compared to other tablets on the market. We liked the iPad so much we purchased the second one within 3 months which was supposedly for dh and dd to share. Dh started using it more than his laptop so dd hasn't really been able to use it for school like we planned. I imagine we'll own a third iPad before too long. Also, I highly recommend buying refurbished from apple online. They have the same warranty as new and you can get more memory for your money. I would also consider waiting to see if the iPad2 refurbished cost goes down when/if the iPad 3 comes out in a month. I also just have the wifi version and plan to upgrade to a phone that acts as a hotspot.
  14. I tried multiple programs with multiple different levels and always end up feeling like we're wasting our time. This year I got the local spelling bee prep lists and we use those for spelling curriculum. I just pick ten or fifteen words for the week and test her. The words she doesn't spell correctly are looked up in the dictionary and then copied a few times. I then have her practice the words on an iPad practice app. She is such a good natural speller that everything else just felt like time we could be spending on some other subject.
  15. :iagree: that is my position with dd as well. Also, she plays math bingo on the iPad which gives her basic practice on those boring math facts.
  16. I tend to agree with this. As far as gaps are concerned as long as you are using at least one spine program (in your case Singapore) and working the levels one after another you should be fine. Our daughters seem to be similar and I'm finding she actually retains more if I let her go faster. She was just bored when we were going slower. There are periodic reviews in almostvall math curriculums. Even so called mastery programs still have some systematic review. We use MUS but i'm sure Singapore is similar. We are working on fractions but the test for the week always has a few questions about thins we learned a book or two ago. Plus, if you are supplementing, especially with word problems, you are using the skills you already learned. We do cwp and I let dd move as fast as she wants. She actually likes the problems and wants to keep going so we do. I have no doubt that she could handle hands on equations and/or a pre-algebra program but we just haven't gone there yet because we are already tackling a lot of subjects. Eta: because the school system is set up in such a way that is counter productive for self paced learning I think having a phd in math wouldn't necessarily translate to an understanding about how a good motivated student should move through material. I think it is the mathusee founder who talks about how all the math taught in k-12 could be learned by a motivated student in a month or two if the concepts are presented when the student is ready.
  17. Dd is a big fan of adjectives, too. :lol:
  18. I am in vacation and don't have much time to post but fwiw our dd's are similar ages and working on about the same level. We went through a period where dd often vocalized that she thought Greek gods were cooler to worship. She didn't necessarily focus on the woman thing but it was the same type of "wouldn't it be cool if" questioning and thinking. She has also asked why women aren't Pastors, etc. IMHO this is normal discussion/thinking and questioning and the best way doe us to deal with it is with conversation that is not defensive. I don't think you necessarily need to change churches or stop reading mythology. Just talk about what she is reading, what she thinks and why you believe what you believe. Your daughter is going through the logic stage earlier than most kids :lol: you MIT also consider some apologetic materials that line up with your particular faith to add to her curriculum for discussion. It was also helpful in our situation to discuss the wrong things the Greek gods did and why they wouldn't make good objects of worship (I.e they act in anger, selfishness, etc).
  19. I like this idea and will probably use it myself since I'm wrestling with the same question for my dd the same age. Also, I am going to try the dragon dictation iPad app for her to use to write longer selections so I can see what she would come up with if the physical writing wasn't slowing her down. We've tested it a few times and the app has more trouble understanding her than me so I think it will take a little enunciation practice plus some after the fact editing work but she'll enjoy that.
  20. What kind of requirements do they have for the test? I am in Texas and a friend who teaches high school English told me the essay portion of the either the. Idle or high school test had ridiculously low standards. She said they grade the essay based on whether it has an intro, body and conclusion. You can have poor grammar, incorrect spelling and incoherent sentences but if you structure the easy correctly you pass.
  21. Okay, that makes sense. I didn't really make it clear in my original post that because of our schedule and the other things we're doing it might be another 9 months before we get to it. That would put dd at close to 8. I was planning on making a decision in a few months about what to do next. WWE is one of dd's favorite subjects. We will either use Level 4 for more practice or go straight to WWS and take it slowly like Beth described.
  22. Personally, I liked doing long division when I was in school. My dd had no problem understanding it and no struggles with doing the actual math. Her struggles were with wanting to do the problems :tongue_smilie: I think she felt like they were a waste of her time and it was like pulling teeth to get her to stay focused and get them done. Except for the day she decided to create her own Roman Numeral related code to use to create and work the problems. That day she did them without grumbling or complaining. Of course, it gave me a headache trying to remember the code while checking the problems so I don't think we'll stick to that option. Basically, I have her work a few problems every so often to make sure she still knows how and we just moved on.
  23. There are some good menus for this at http://www.savingdinnee.com. All the ones I've tried have been good.
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