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Everything posted by Luckymama

  1. I write a weekly list on a sticky note and assign some of those tasks to each day as I go along, based on schedules, weather, etc.
  2. I follow airfarewatchdog on twitter for price deals. Some are very short-term (as in, for next month) but recently I've seen deals to Europe for next spring. That $390 JFK-Paris had me twitchy! If you go to their website, you can set email alerts for your preferred airport(s) and/or airlines. You can get a very good idea of pricing trends by watching for a period of weeks or a few months :)
  3. Have you looked at anything from Brave Writer? Dd used "Help for High School" one summer before beginning high school level classes. I'd be happy to send it to you gratis because I've met you and your girls :)
  4. Stacey, what are the other things you could do?
  5. I've gotten some really good deals renting from Amazon. Good for you :)
  6. Garga, I'll be happy to talk with you about our path through high school, even though we live outside PA.
  7. So sorry :grouphug: I hope you recover quickly! And Veritaserum, same to you :grouphug: We were rearended at a red light while on vacation in California last week. The other driver was going about 30mph. We had multiple witnesses, but that doesn't help with all the paperwork. Poor dd got to spend 6 hours in the pediatric ER, having her head/neck/back checked out. She's still sore but shouldn't have lasting effects <fingers crossed>
  8. Did your state release data for its students? I'm curious to know about our state without waiting for the official College Board document that comes out much later.
  9. I'm at the planning stages for both micro and macro (dd will either sit the AP or CLEP exams; I will get the syllabi approved for AP by College Board). So far I've watched all the Crash Course videos. I like how current events are used to explain concepts. We listen to Marketplace every day, so it's neat to see one of the regular reporters on the videos. I've also watched some of the videos by the other CC presenter, a high school econ teacher. I think dd will like his style. I purchased the "complete" McConnell text for only $12 :D (past edition). It should be waiting for me when we get home from our quickie CA vacation. Dd has been reading The Economist weekly for a year. We'll continue with discussing selected articles.
  10. Dd21 is working as the directing intern at our state's Shakespeare festival and networking hard :) That's 4-6 hours a day, excluding Mondays. She's also working about 20 hours a week at her retail job. Dd16 is studying her language intensively this summer in a program that does not accept high school sfudents :D She's also tutoring some older students, her first paying gig.
  11. I have a slight ray of hope for you :) Dd16's bathroom is a mess. Horribly disgusting. There are more clothes on the floor of her room than in her closet and dresser. Papers and books everywhere. She makes her bed only when she changes sheets. Four glasses from water. (No food is allowed upstairs, thank goodness.) However--- This summer she is studying at a university far away. She lives with a roommate, and they share a bathroom that they must keep clean. Dd has been making her bed, sweeping the floor, cleaning the bathroom, taking out trash and recycling, etc. I just about fell over the first time she told me about cleaning! I had hoped she'd be forced to stay reasonably tidy by a roommate, but this is beyond any of my dreams lol
  12. Are you open to assembling courses yourself or do you want to buy pre-packaged courses? I've put together my own courses; I know many others have as well.
  13. Fall rentals usually start in August :)
  14. :grouphug: Congratulations! Thank you! :grouphug:
  15. I have been to all 50 states :D I have lived in 9 states. When I was growing up, we'd vacation (camp, usually) in neighboring states, so when we lived in Utah, we visited Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. Imagine that times nine and you get a lot of states! Dh is at 36 states visited, almost all of those with me. We have decided to count a "visit" if we eat or spend the night in the state, not just driving through. This summer he's knocked out Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas :)
  16. First real jobs with schedules: Ds23 worked as an assistant at a robotics daycamp the summer between junior and senior years of high school. This job lead directly to an on-campus job in IT when he was a college freshman because a former daycamp co-worker told him of the offering before it was published. Dd21 began working in retail the summer after college freshman year. Dd16 wants to find a job this coming school year. She's away studying this summer.
  17. Ds23: about 30 states, Germany, Austria Dd21: about 30 states, Greece Dd16: about 30 states, China
  18. Yes, she needs business wear for Model UN and Youth in Government. We've had very good luck with Express for pants, shirts, and jackets. (Dd is 5'2", 115 lb, and curvy with very long legs for her height. She wears a 4, I believe.)
  19. I worried about dd when she was younger. We began homeschooling in fifth grade, and she dropped all school-related friendships within a year. She had friendly acquaintances at extracurriculars but no one she really wanted to hang out with. She was pretty impatient with "typical" behaviors. As she's gotten older, she has become more comfortable with expressing her needs and finding like-minded people through extracurriculars of her own choosing. My now-16yo dd is an extrovertish introvert. She loves spending time with friends once or twice a week at Model UN and then is perfectly content to be at home the rest of the time. (She does go to the university for an hour class 4x a week.) She is dropping a long-time extracurricular this coming year because she's fed up with the immaturity of the majority of participants around her age. She is spending this summer 1000 miles from home intensively studying a language with students 18-21 years old. She is having a blast! They are trying to convince her to attend their uni in a year so that she will be able to join their cohort in classes and the study abroad periods. Because dd is still underage, she has to live in a dorm with highschool students who are taking other classes through a summer college program. With the exception of her roommate and two other girls, dd is having a difficult time with the other students. . She understands that this may be their first time away from home and that they are testing boundaries, but she cannot stand their immature behaviors (her words, not mine). Two steps forward, one step back :lol:
  20. I cannot "like" that post FM. Holy crud. :grouphug:
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