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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. If your body were already built there would be no point ;). Hang in there and improvement will come.
  2. Mine don't call. From an early age we've let them work out everything short of bodily harm. I am seen as neglectful by their friends parents though.
  3. I'm pretty sure dh couldn't cope. I suspect it would fall to soon to be 17 yo did. If we both go my 23 yo did gets the minors. She would have to continue to work so PS and childcare.
  4. If he's fine I'd leave him. Because of other kids needing me I left a 9 yo after an appendectomy and my 15 yo after extensive back surgery. My kids were fine with it.
  5. Our first pediatrician was Dr. Kidd.
  6. My high school and college kids report other kids just quit showing up, or my favorite, get hired and never show up that first time. I think you helper forgot but just bailing on a job seems to be pretty common. * these were a college kitchen job, Salvation Army child care, and dish room at a retirement community.
  7. Wed-taught yoga, did yoga and a nice 5K walk with dh. Thu-a really nice run. I pushed it and it was cool and sunny and felt great. Reishy-every time I see your walk my mind sees 'nice 3 am walk' and I think, "amazing",LOL.
  8. This! I'm in northern Indiana. It's not Alaska but sub zero isn't unusual. Girls wear flip flops and jammy pants in the snow. The boys all wear hoodies with shorts. Ah to be young.
  9. I'm not big on assigning. We work on the nearest person do it plan. My 7 yo can do her laundry, dishes, sweeps (badly), vacuums, does cat box and feeds cat. My 11 yo does all that plus push mow, cook simple foods, run errands,bathrooms. My 14 yo all that plus riding mower, heavy lifting things, trash, babysits. They obviously get better at these jobs with experience.
  10. Subway. The smell of their bread makes me feel like I will toss my cookies.
  11. I was hoping someone would know something. I have some seriously large ugly veins but they don't hurt so I haven't done anything but I won't wear shorts or above the ankle skirts.
  12. Negin~have fun Laura~awesome. I'm always amazed how working out doesn't change my weight but it does change my shape. Soror~great progress Reishy~I get it. Without exercise my body and mind sort of get away from me. This week has been a long Sunday hike and last night yoga and wine at a localish winery. Wine slushies :hurray: I didn't think they'd be my 'thing' but yum! Went running this morning. I might take the kids swimming IF it stops raining. Lots of local flooding, ruined crops, flooded and ruined basements and garages. Lucky us to live in the hardest hit county. Things here are going to be really tough for farmers. Also all the people who run camping supply stores, marinas at the reservoirs, etc may lose their businesses. The state park campgrounds have been underwater for a month. :sad:
  13. Do would HATE a party. We plan our non-event. Usually dinner or a movie.
  14. I think this is not unusual. My kids have turned into hard workers. Even the one who didn't eat because chewing was too much work! They had to do their chores when I asked. How they got them done I let go. The 1/2 laundry thing is annoying but will it really make or break the water bill? I'd occasionally say "Hey, try to do a whole load next time." And let it go.
  15. I just keep vinegar and water Ina spray bottle for most everything. I make my own laundry spray with peroxide, rubbing alcohol and Dawn soap.
  16. I'm not sure we're ahead but at least we're not behind. We have an old house that isn't fancy, drive 12-20 yo cars and mostly buy clothes at thrift and garage sales. I usually cook at home from scratch. We don't do a "vacation". We take a day or two somewhere within driving distance, go swimming, use the parks, tent camp, etc. We have money put away in a 529 college plan and dh's 403B. I could use that money but if it is auto deducted you get used to it. It sounds, if not dull, unglamorous but with scholarships, jobs and our help three of the kids have avoided student loans and we hope the others will too. That is our big gift to them.
  17. Well shoot. I've got two kids who love marine biology and this trip was sort of for them. :(
  18. Other than seeing my friends nothing about school was cool. It just meant boredom, no being outside and getting to read until midnight.
  19. Totally agree with you. I don't even know why this is a " thing".
  20. Wish I knew. I'm outgoing, talk to everyone, know most people in my town but only have one couple dh and I get together with. We don't really " fit in" in our small town, for years we were too busy with little kids and dh is very introverted and doesn't want people in the house ever. -sigh-
  21. I'll chime in with my repetitious advice that it is all incredibly individual. Not the nutrition part but what you will happen on at the exact right moment to meet your particular mental and physical parameters. That does exactly zero to help I know :glare: . For ME, being a rebellious soul, a set of rules like a diet or plan is a disaster. I break rules as a knee jerk reaction even if it only spites myself. You have done amazingly well by yourself. Really. Be PROUD! You know the video work outs give you results so look around on YouTube for variety I guess? For me it's running. I lost weight on the no-S diet. For you it may be just deciding what your own " rules" will be. If you like structure a Whole 30 might work. Or not. Again, it's about you! I think eggs, salads, frozen veg, sweet potatoes, chicken and fish are the least expensive way. All that is a loooong way to say I think you are amazing and :grouphug:
  22. I want to put a teeny camper out back just for me. A retreat. I got the same trailer reaction. If I called it a "She shed" or "man cave" then it would be fine? It's all in the advertising I guess :) When my grandparents raised 12 kids in a 4 room house it was called the depression not environmentally low impact :p
  23. What do I need to buy tickets for? What is an absolute must see? I will be taking 6 of the kids. It will be a one day visit. I am willing to pay for the cool extras if they are worth it. I suspect this is the last time we will do a " family" vacation. Thoughts? Help a poor country girl out. Also, anyone know anything about taking the train in from IN?
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