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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I've seen it done. I, however, find milk beyond disgusting so I will not drink the milk with ice You cannot make the milk taste nice
  2. Went for a run and did fun swimming with the kids.
  3. At least it's not just the people we know. These were all homeschooled girls. I guess I was hoping they would be different from other teens but nope.
  4. My 11 yo went to a 12th birthday sleepover last night.She is sort of bummed out because the other four girls mostly just played on their phones or tablets all evening. I had coffee with acquaintances last week and had a similar experience. Today I offered to let the kids bring someone swimming with us. We were turned down twice because they are gaming. Is it just the Midwest or are people just boring? I like technology too but with limits/manners. Crotchety rant over.
  5. You know how some people never take down their Christmas decorations? Some of us never give up the lazy. ;)
  6. I cannot give the outsides my time. But the creamy middle, that's all mine.
  7. Took another sweaty run. May do some gentle yoga for relaxation. I'm thinking there will be lots of swimming this weekend but also lots of cookouts to attend so it may all be a wash.
  8. Exactly. Dh and I stand out, especially where we live. Our kids take after us . ;) Our area is thin on homeschoolers and most of those have, let's say, lower expectations than I do. When a group of ladies found out I give tests you could have heard a pin drop. I am odd, even among the odd. My two who have gone back to PS are kind of shocked by the studenys lower standards frankly and that is in dual credit/AP classes. I guess that proves we are odd in any venue.
  9. Some scientific research supporting the theory that the brains of severely overweight people react differently than the brains of normal weight subjects to certain foods. EUROPEAN COLLEGE OF NEUROPSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2015-08/econ-sst082715.php
  10. Negin~ the beach would be lovely Laurie4b~good for you Reishy~I think you must be really tough all the MMA you do I had a very humid, sweaty, stifling run by the soybeans(the beach it's not) but I loved it because it's the first one I have gotten in this week. Eeek! My physical and mental health are suffering but there's no way to fit everything in. I'm subbing in as a yoga teacher tonight so there'll be that too.
  11. I create a recipe if it's something I have often. If not I estimate. Life is too short for scales. *i've done it a long time so my estimation is pretty accurate and I err on the side of caution if I have doubt.
  12. With my boys, as a semi-joke I got the spray bottle I use on the cat and when the pestering started I would spritz him.I would say "bad kitty" or something silly. He got the idea. I also got the dog clicker and when he was pleasant I clicked and gave him a chocolate kiss. It was joking but got the idea across.
  13. You're angry and tired, I get that but I pretty much think he just acted 7. He'd go to bed early here. I'd tell him to make up for the rest he missed in the afternoon. That would probably be it.
  14. I believe no sweeping statement about what will work for everyone makes any sense. Habits, gut biome, genetic differences, and 1000 other things play into it. I like carbs. Fat makes me feel gross. Carbs make me happy. YMMV. No S works for me. Eating is never about hunger for me, just reward. I've kept 40 pounds off so it works for me. For anyone else? Probably not.
  15. A typical day for me 1egg+2egg whites scrambled with peppers, onions and mushrooms Coffee Greens, cheddar, pumpkin seeds, yogurt ranch Thai curry chicken, lots of veggies, apples/peanut butter
  16. I might comment that some people might not think it goes together but what she wears as long as it's not inappropriate is up to her. They, after all, think I dress " boring".
  17. This. I quit using anything but water and a cloth. I use sunscreen in the morning.
  18. Good morning ladies. I seem to have busied away a whole week. I've run a couple times and done yoga a couple times. Between hospitals and ER visits ( my dad), sports, school, co-op and meetings that's it. Slache-you made me laugh this morning. Does it help to know your pain brought joy to others. ;) have a great weekend all.
  19. Sorry :grouphug: You really can't fix it. My dh is much the same way and I finally gave up. He's an adult. He doesn't need me to be his mother. My trying to pursue healthier habits with him just felt to him like another thing he "had" to do.
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