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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. No S, which amounts to calorie reduction without counting, helped me lose 10. It is simple but like everything else not easy. It only works if you do it. I then added exercise. Walking didn't do much for my weight but got me in shape enough to begin running. Once I was running I list at a faster pace. I ended up losing 40 lb which I've kept off for three years. I played around a little with Whole 30 after I lost weight but I felt the same so went back to good, old, sensible No S. * personal quirk alert No S means no counting but I added in myfitnesspal because I weirdly find it fun.
  2. A serving of cooked vegetables is 1/2 cup. That ups intake right there because most of us eat more than that at a time. So a cup of veg with lunch, a cup with dinner and a small salad or munching raw veggies as a snack gets you your 5 vegetable servings. Add fruit and you're good. I use frozen and canned vegetables mostly. I buy a bag of spinach a/week and throw in smoothies. I also like vegetable soup and Aldi salad is $.99/bag. Eating enough fruit is my problem. http://www.cookinglight.com/healthy-living/healthy-habits/how-much-serving-fruits-vegetables
  3. I use doyogawithme dot com. I also like Yoga with Adriene, Useful Yoga,Ekhart Yoga is also good.
  4. Life was hectic but on the plus side 18,162 steps.
  5. I forgot to add I dilute dish soap, shampoo, etc 1/2 and 1/2 with water. I only use a smudge of laundry detergent. No paper towels here or paper plates or baggies. We clean with vinegar. It isn't making us rich but it's the mindset that matters. I also hang dry most clothes. My kids help lest you think I'm a drudge.
  6. It's been said before but what works for me is to find the lowest cost source of staples. I then go through the local store ads ( all 2 of the :LOL: ) to see what meat and fresh produce we will have. This week pork loin is $1.98. That and chicken thighs will be purchased. Grapes are $.99/lb so they are the splurge along with apples and oranges. Snacks for my hungry crew are refrieds in a tortilla, pbj or a hummus w/ pita or carrot sticks. I also make muffins and quick breads. Popcorn and pretzels are far less expensive than chips. I don't buy prepackaged snacks, juices or sweets except for a special occasion.
  7. Kim- I hope it's not serious. Slache-is the Tai Chi from YouTube or somewhere I could check it out No time to run this morning. I moved lawn furniture and put flower beds to sleep for winter and took a walk. 14000 odd steps according to my phone.
  8. Low maintenance guy here. At some point the girls refill his water, top off the dry food and clean the box. The end.
  9. DD said it took an hour for the room to fill out the name stuff. What's with that?
  10. An hour of yoga this morning, push mowed the front lawn this afternoon and teaching yoga tonight.
  11. :grouphug: I get it. :grouphug:
  12. Ran this morning. Took a bike ride with my girls to enjoy the last of the lovely weather.
  13. Walk with dh, hedge trimming manually( arms baby), and an hour of fooling around with the kids at the park. The good news is I still have a killer cartwheel, the bad news is my attempt to climb the tetherball post shows I have no aptitude for pole dancing. Another professional avenue closed. ;)
  14. S-reubens M-minestrone and bread T-chicken thighs, both plain and in vindaloo sauce W-veal parmigiana Th-pork chops F-stir fry S-fajitas
  15. That is exactly my mom. My grandparents were taught Jo-Anne of Arc so mom spent her whole life explaining in her case Joan was pronounced Jo Anne. She often just went by Jo.
  16. Ok, a WIC position position. I worked for WIC for 10 years. You don't need an RD though if one came along she/he might get preference. You are a county employee but in a federal program which can have it's own frustrations. You are generally dealing with general childhood nutrition and pregnancy/ postpartum nutrition advice. Advice is based on federal guidelines. None of this is clinically difficult. Situations can vary greatly between urban and rural counties. I worked rurally and was the lone dietitian in a 6 county oversight group. I worked with all RNs. HTH
  17. I make ours from tomato paste. Easy peasy and better than condensed soup.
  18. Reishy- I hate those days. Redsquirrel- we all get the time crunch. And I'm queen of the repetitive. Yesterday was an hour of yoga that loosened up my back enough that I added an hour of much needed lawn work ( probably another two hours need done :( ) and a 30 minute walk while 8 yo was at library book club. This morning is a real pea soup of fog, enough where I thought running would be dangerous, so I'm doing an hour on the elliptical and I teach seniors/beginner yoga tonight. And maybe the yard depending....
  19. I'm 52 and have bright purple ends in my red hair. Go for it! It's just hair. If you don't like it dye it back.
  20. How to hide the book you really want to read inside what you're supposed to be reading.
  21. Slache-hoping the back stays better Nomoreperfect- eek! Frustrating indeed Sunday- just a long walk and yoga Today- I ran which was great. Then I loaded furniture into a truck by myself which seemed fine but...the last recliner seems to have made my back hurt 😔 Maybe just some gentle yoga tomorrow. We shall see.
  22. With a walk score of zero I still manage. I do have to dodge grain trucks and combines but.....;). Seriously, I stay active purposely but if I didn't push I'd get no exercise. Everything requires a car.
  23. http://m.whitehouseblackmarket.com/store/browse/product.jsp?productId=570158963&catId=cat210023&AID=11434176&PID=4001913&CMP=AFC-CJ_AFFILIATEID-4001913-LINKID-White+House+Black+Market+Redirect+Link
  24. This is anecdotal but my beautiful 5'9" 23 year old became a vegetarian at 12(pre-puberty for her). She doesn't eat beans or drink milk because she dislikes them. I made sure to have fortified cereal and pasta and she ate eggs a couple times a week, peanut butter and a little cheese. She never needed iron but we did have it checked a couple times during her growing years when she was at the doc for other things. Protein is everywhere, I wouldn't worry about that. A vitamin daily with iron is easy if that concerns you.
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