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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Hmm, I have a resting heart rate of 42 and low blood pressure. My MD never mentioned a bracelet but...maybe that's not a bad idea.
  2. My 11 & 14 yo worked this summer. I think they each spent about $20. I may resort to movie cards, laser tag, ice skating and sky zone groupons. They didn't ask but they would like all those things.
  3. At least I am not alone. I guess I'll send them to Amazon or tell them the sky is the limit and see if that helps.
  4. After dinner I asked the kids what they would like for Christmas. Argh! I need some direction here kids. I got 8 yo-silly string 12 yo- thread 14 yo- nothing really 17,19,21,23- money? Wow, what a fun Christmas this will be😠Anybody else have kids who do this? I'm a horrible gift giver. I need their help. Wah!
  5. I went for a quick 5K this morning but it didn't come close to being enough considering how much I ate.
  6. Unbent to eat chili. Pretty carby but no sugar. Tomorrow I plan on pie. Hopefully it won't be a slippery slope from there.
  7. I taught yoga last night. I ran this morning. I don't know if I will manage to work out tomorrow or not. I predict if I don't by 4pm I'll be ready to jump out of my skin.
  8. Made it through Costco. Walked right past the salted caramel samples like a boss.
  9. Taught yoga Monday Took another cold run. I guess 20 is better than 14 but not so you'd notice
  10. http://www.theindychannel.com/news/local-news/timeline-the-murder-of-amanda-blackburn I haven't listened to the sermons. They had nothing to do with the crime. A friend of mine knew her slightly. Very sad.
  11. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2015/11/20/the-diet-study-that-upends-everything-we-thought-we-knew-about-healthy-food/?tid=sm_fb&utm_content=buffer3b40c&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebook.com&utm_campaign=buffer Individual differences- which anyone who has ever been given advice that didn't work for them already knew.
  12. Avoided the doughnut dh got me and the candy my dd bought me. Did they read this and decide to test me? ;)
  13. I mostly don't shop because...why would I want to. Yuck! Dh and I have worked in health care our entire adult lives, and hospitals don't close ( pesky sick people). My mom was a telephone operator when I was a kid. They always worked too.
  14. See, this is what depresses me. I've done Whole 30, a low carb thing and now no sugar. I feel just the same. Granted I always feel pretty good but.... I guess my body is descended from some sugar loving Germans. I'm laying off sugar because I'm pretty sure it's not great for anyone but I don't feel any different. I had to come up with other ways to fuel my run and workout but that's about the only change.
  15. Well since 5 different formulas gave me 5 different answers I'm not putting much faith in them.😀
  16. Good morning all. Beautiful outside with sun and snow. I did a very slow 5 miles because it was slippery but it felt great. I did break out the fleece face mask/ hat and lined mittens.
  17. Rephrasing as I'm not going to gain 20lb based on one group's analysis of many studies. I tend to think we are all individuals and if this is where my body sits there is. Reason just as there might be a reason someone else's sits higher or lower.
  18. I actually started about three weeks ago when I did a low carb thing with a friend. I decided to keep off the sugar since the horrible part was over. I've been No S for years so I really only needed to cut back the S days. I thought a dial down before the holiday bachanal couldn't hurt. I can't say I feel better or have lost weight but I am less hungry. I have occasionally used some stevia. I do have every intention of having a piece of pecan pie for Thanksgiving though. And wine!
  19. It's one study. It doesn't look at confounding evidence-Were those at normal weight undernourished? At a lower weight because they smoked? Had health problems? I have no doubt a few extra pounds won't kill you and might give you a reserve during illness but I'm not going to go gain weight on the evidence of one study.
  20. Frosty, slow run. Only hitch was an unexpected dog. He wasn't moving from his spot and wasn't letting me pass. I was in the middle of nowhere so good judgement had me backtracking so it turned out to be a long run, but a good one.
  21. I put it in the same category as the " Oh, I could never homeschool. How do you do it. I couldn't stand to be with my kids all day." comments. Some people compare everything to their own lives. I tend to smile and nod. I always wonder though when they say I don't look like I have 7 what they think I should look like?
  22. I have wild, curly, past my shoulders hair. I put it in a high pony to run and usually go about 3 days between washes. My hair takes forever to dry and demands gel, etc to avoid a very scary look. I wash day 1, day 2 I spritz with water and scrunch, day 3 is usually messy bun day. I sweat but not crazily. No one has said my head smells bad. YMMV
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