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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Thank you all so much! I tend to happy, funny books so these give me lots of ideas and authors. When in doubt, consult the hive.🌷
  2. All I accomplished on Wednesday was to teach yoga. The weather had a really, really cold snap or at least that was my excuse. Today was much nicer so I ran. It was still pretty slippery so I waited for sunrise which made it very pretty. Red sky this morning so I'm taking warning.
  3. Um, I played all kinds of sports and was a cheerleader without using tampons ( which I loathe). Other than swimming why do you HAVE to wear a tampon?
  4. I think there is a lot of variation between individual metabolism so too. I think what the original poster does is fine and working for her. I don't like milkshakes being sold by some chains being called smoothies by whispering the word strawberry over the cup. I drink berries, avocado and spinach in water or almond milk. Works for me. My super skinny 14yo gets putter, ice cream, yogurt, and banana. Not what I'd recommend for a middle aged woman. Do what works for you.
  5. Me too but I wondered if I should say so. I am wondering (at 53 Mon) when it will quit though.
  6. 14 yo literally had the sole come off his shoe so Sunday we went to Kohl's. I had $15 worth of coupons/bday awards and he picked a pair marked down to $37 so it was a win for me. As an aside it took him about 5 min. He saw a pair tried two for size and was done. Shopping with my sons is very different from my daughters.
  7. Not a cent would they get. Oh, college would be paid for and there'd be better vacations but I'm not sure all that money is good for anyone. Dh and I could put away for our presumably expensive golden years, I would create some kind of trust for the kids, grandkids etc and the rest would go to charity. But we're weird.
  8. Thanks guys. She's read many of these but I got some new ideas. She has had a pet dies period, a concentration camp period, a best friend dies period. I suspect she will grow up, dye her hair black and think deep thoughts in coffee houses.
  9. I'm backward from most of these. I'm loud, messy, and chaotic but I took that first yoga class and never looked back. Turns out I can be still and introspective.
  10. My 6th grader only likes sad or depressing books. Preferably ones with death. I made her read Nory Ryan's Song and my dd thought it would have been much better if the father had died. She reads anime almost exclusively for entertainment but does read quite well so I really need something with some literary worth that she will slog through. The sadder the better. Go!
  11. My 6th grader reads at a high level but only enjoys books that are sad. Very sad. I forced her to read Nory Ryan's Song and my daughter thought the book would have been much better f the father had died 😦 For fun she almost exclusively reads anime so I need some sad books, preferably with death, that have actual literary merit. Help, I'm a happy go lucky sort.
  12. I agree you can't make yourself crazy over every little thing. Your body will release much more insulin in response to a plate of unsugared pasta than to a little dextrose In your salt. There are two different things at play here I think. One is that sugar is added to many foods to increase palatability and it's hard to avoid, especially when eating out. The second is that taking steps to reign in your chances of becoming diabetic is much more complicated than just avoiding added sugar but it is a step in the right direction.
  13. Awesome! All 3 of my boys game. He must be pretty happy.
  14. I have been off sugar (excepting Xmas eve and day) for awhile. I go the plain salmon, chicken or beef route with an extra veg to replace starch. I tell the waiter,etc. If the best I can do is a plain, undressed salad that's what I do. I have also eaten at home and ordered coffee. I just explain to my friends why. No one has said " Well, don't come then." ;)
  15. One that will serve a steaming bowl of " I don't care." This is what everyone requests for dinner so....
  16. Non-essential-we paid 8 yo spring ballet tuition. I always cringe at this. Do kids really need dance? Of course not but dh is on board with her so... I did spend $11 on cloth baskets for my closet. I let ds buy a Gatorade from the machine at soccer for $1.50. He came right from a choir invitational thing. I usually point to the fountain but I caved this time.
  17. They are almost the same excepting the menopause, etc advice. It really is one of the very few " health" books I've enjoyed.
  18. My dad died in Sept at 87. His health, mind, etc were very good until the last six weeks. He told me many times that the grandkids and having coffee with " the guys" most mornings were what kept him going. He enjoyed time alone fine but needed to know someone needed him.
  19. Things have been going surprisingly well but this thread is quiet. Are you guys still working on your goals? Don't make me get out my pompous and cheerleader. Ain't nobody got time for that
  20. It was raining and I didn't feel fabulous this morning so no run. I am scheduled to go with friends to a candlight yoga class tonight. It's followed by wine some I don't think it counts as exercise but who cares 😀
  21. It's a bad habit. Want to know one of my favorite things to do?😀 I allow if they are having breakfast which we do willy nilly. At dinner with the family it's a no, just like no devices. It is time to pay attention to others.
  22. Female over 18 ( way over) I voted no. My kids are perfectly capable of reading, writing, etc w/o my prescence. Obviously young kids should be overseen for safety but that wasn't the question.
  23. Ran this morning. Otherwise I cleaned, put away nativities and it seemed spent an awful lot of time on the phone trying to reach people.
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