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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Our alarm goes off at 5am. I think I'm trained to wake up at 4:55 to avoid the annoying noise. Not insomnia for me. I know everyone has said exercise but really an early morning, really hard workout will make 9pm and your comfy bed really appealing. Or maybe if you know you're going to wake up too early a planned nap so you don't have to stress about how tired you are going to be? Get pesky chores done? :grouphug:
  2. My 7 yo ( 8 on 8/30) rides her bike to the Dollar General to buy little things. It's not like she has never been to a store before. We did an intermediate step where she went with her 11 yo sister. Statistically your family and friends are who you should worry about. I believe independence is important. You know your child best though.
  3. It wouldn't be for me. I'm thinking I would try Arizona though. My feeling being if we try it and hate it we could move " back home."
  4. I would have no problems with it. I prefer it when they are alone. My kids tend to fight among themselves. I'd leave a list of "just in case" phone numbers that I would never expect to need.
  5. My girls do local theater, dance and play music. Theater, ballets and art museums are a priority for us. We do see lots of local, less expensive productions and go to museums on special says.
  6. I taught yoga this morning then spent the day at the VA.
  7. Just a different point of view. I am from a loud family. We yell "Come here.", "Phone", "Pass the butter". We don't call names but I admit to lecturing loudly. I know some moms who use a creepy, sweet voice to always speak to their kids. I'm not for abusive language but I avoid those weird, calm types. (switched co-op class over it) Perhaps those who don't know our family think we yell too much.
  8. People seem to assume I am either a zen superwoman or an irresponsible idiot. Never just a normal mom with strengths and weaknesses.
  9. Took a very sweaty run thanks to the humidity, watched ds play soccer, ran errands, made muffins and casserole for dinner so dh and I can try to see a movie. The poor man has been ignored lately.
  10. Oh no :grouphug: I have migraine. If I had one every day I'd be weeping. My 11 yo had a period like you describe and has improved with eliminating nitrites/nitrates and msg. I know everyone has there own triggers but it's a start that didn't require huge changes. Just label reading. I would still go to the neuro. Meds have helped.
  11. I voted eating out because any spare money we have tends to be in the $50/range. If I won the lottery I'd tour the world.
  12. I have no idea, :lol: Moscato is sort of sweet (as sweet as I can stand) so I drink that. After enough wine it probably doesn't matter. I ran as usual but felt really tired by the time I was done. I'm not sure why. It was humid but not very warm. Just an off day I guess. I actually drank a glass of water when I came in. My usual rehydration is coffee :blush:
  13. No extra room. It's kitchen table or couch or my bed. Why books are better on MY bed I don't know.
  14. As an amusing aside, I was searching my ill father's apartment for some papers today when the elderly gentleman across the street got my attention by calling "Young lady!" All about perspective because young I am not, unless you are 93.
  15. These three women are peers of my oldest daughter and are 23-25. I used to babysit one. They have known me a looooong time. They all have K and 1 or 2 youngers at home. We sat, we chatted, we discussed that K was not going to take 5 hours of actual teaching/day. I encouraged reading,puzzles, reading, clay,reading, painting, reading.....you get the idea. I gave them my FIAR stuff and showed them Weefolkart. I also said that the miniature table and chairs they all have are fine. As is the couch or kitchen table. We talked about how cute projects are fun but only if it's fun! I also added that playgroup or taking your kids to the zoo or park is great in moderation but paying for co-op in K is nuts. We ate cookies. They still like me. It's all good. I know they just want to do it " right". It does help to have an actual adult you've produced to allay fears. *I don't think I condescended but after you've wiped someone's butt and nose it's a different vibe than relative strangers.
  16. I teach co-op science and have enrolled my kids in Cottage Classes for LA/writing. I've seen a wide range of preparation and seriousness about academics. As others have said though, the same differences exist in public school.
  17. I have curly hair but my dd's is more the wave/frizz variety. I picked up a reasonably priced no sulphate shampoo at Sally's she uses once a week. A couple times/week she co-washes with Garnier smooth conditioner. It doesn't smell, even on a constantly in motion 11 yo. It also looks 1000x better.
  18. Busy, busy but I fit in yoga this morning by myself. I am now preparing to have a glass of wine and chocolate.
  19. Wow, post your whimsical thoughts before enough coffee and look what happens. I just hate to see people twist themselves into knots of anxiety. If it is giving pleasure go for it! These particular moms were not having fun and asked me to come over. Mission accomplished. As to being condescending.... I am very old. I get to be cranky.
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