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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. Going running in the next few minutes. Need to drop one kid at work, two kids at fitclub ( not fight club ;) ), and 7yo at a friend's then pick them all back up. The best pick up is tonight at 9:30 when I get to pick the 21 yo up at the airport! He left for basic Jan 6th. We'll see how long he is actually here though. I'm betting the girlfriend gets him the rest of the time so I'm going to enjoy my little bit.
  2. Our town has no rules. I ask them to stop after 6th grade. Older kids have taken younger and accepted candy if offered and I'm fine with that.
  3. Soror- I really like teaching the class. I'm looking to start a couch25K group too. It is raining again, or still. I biked and walked in the rain with kids yesterday. I just couldn't bring myself to get soggy again so I went to the fitness center for an hour of elliptical. I don't think it's as good as running but I do sweat a lot. I need to take ds to the orthodontist and dd to the license branch. Good times ;)
  4. Joyofsixreboot


    Last fall. A then 13 yo in 7th grade. It is a small rural school. He did very well socially and pretty well academically ( better than I expected really.) his only complaint is the kids who don't do their assignments. Welcome to the world, LOL. For him it has been aositive experience.
  5. I used the whole30 forums. Most info is there.
  6. Soror- sorry about the sick kiddo. Fun silk stuff though Reishy- juggling is uber cool too Kim- the running will come, be patient Negin- nice work The three youngest kids and I had a great time camping except for the deluge when we were packing up. I tried to tell myself that the barrels of Deet were healthier than West Nike Virus. We swam and hiked and stuff but nothing formal. I taught yoga this morning. A run probably won't happen because of all the stuff I need to do today. Maybe a walk with the hubster tonight if it quits raining. Weird thing about my back, it was hurting pretty badly Monday night. We primitive camp so I figured a night on the ground, tree roots and all would render me paralytic. Nope, woke up feeling better than I have in weeks. There's my new treatment. Sleep on the lumpy, hard ground. Weird but in a good way.
  7. I spent last week partying with the family and oldest dd who came home to visit. I did run and yoga some but mostly we ate fair food and s'mores 😦. I'm feeling pretty rough. Too much junk and I reinsured my back somewhere along the way too. I'm taking the three youngest camping the next two days. Feeling like it's all good fun but slightly out of control. But that's summer, right.
  8. Dh and I have always kept the house to yearly salary or below. We live in a lower price area and have always " under bought". Housing is not our priority I guess.
  9. I love to read. My kids love to read BUT chores, physical activity and social interaction, church responsibilities and family time are important too. After 4 hours it's out if balance.
  10. Definitely sounds like a deconstructed Indian dish. And now I'm hungry.
  11. My 16 yo is just home from a trip including class 5. She says 2 is just fast water. Not scary.
  12. Kim so sad. Good advice. I'm sorry for such horrible news.
  13. I took a page from all of you and drug dh on another walk before he goes to work. We did 3.5 miles. I will run later after he goes to work. He's got an unusual later shift today. I know I can't change him ( and he has some real health problems.) he will however look at a walk as " couple time" so I'm pushing those.
  14. Are my poor kids the only ones without doors? I'm so not letting them see this ( the girls have curtains in our half divided attic for privacy and the boys sleep in the basement.)
  15. I think dh and his friends were just trying to make a point about boys pushing boundaries and finding their mature selves. They weren't really interested in the wolves. But, hey, I'm all tapped into that alpha female thing. :)
  16. Yes, but they did not become more assertive and confrontational with me but with their dad and brothers. I mostly let them do the man thing. By the time they really were big enough to not do what dh asked they weren't pushing anymore. My dh and his friends assure me this is a normal "guy" thing. According to them they are really no better than wolves finding a pack order. :huh:
  17. Um, I love a good door slam. I especially like slamming cabinet doors BUT I'd explain you don't like it and brain storm other ideas you are ok with. Yelling with door shut? Punching a pillow? Leaving to run? At a calm place see if you both can't agree on something. Then if the door slams remind him of what you agreed to.
  18. Five mile hike with dh Saturday. Rest yesterday. I had a fasting blood draw at 9 am this morning and it was pouring rain so I did a yoga video before and another hour of yoga practicing my class when I got home. The gloom seems to be keeping me from much else.
  19. Teens here have been fine. My favorite is kids up to about 5. The years between 5 and 13 are my least favorite.
  20. I took my ds to the MD last year for this very thing. After a thorough physical and lab work she decided he is just growing fast. He still falls asleep every time we get in the car. It is better if I make sure he gets at least 10 hours of sleep and try to push fats and protein with his preferred total sugar diet ;). He has grown from about 5'4" to 5'10" but still weighs in at 115. He continues to be healthy and feel well except for needing sleep.
  21. Yesterday I ran kids to church camp so some stretching and a couple mile walk was it. Today I ran. Luckily early because it has rained ever since.
  22. I believe kids, like adults, are allowed to have preferences. i ask them to try a bite when they are younger. If you still don't like it you can make yourself a pbj or egg. I, however, do not fix it. I cooked already. You may also not be rude. No "eeews, gross or yucks" allowed. I'm after a polite " No thank you." I do sympathize with not pickiness but kids with other issues. I've had to be careful with my Aspie boy who in his orderly, methodical way concluded when he was younger, that everything on a plate must be eaten. His plate always looked like I was starving him because I didn't want to make him sick.
  23. I treat it like rice. My favorite is to put in black beans, cilantro, halved cherry tomatoes, dice jalapeño, diced sweet pepper, corn and fresh diced pineapple. I dress with lime juice. Oh, yum!
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