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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. I'm a purger. Off to Goodwill they go.
  2. Yesterday got away from me what with rain and everyone including do having the day off. Dd and I took a lovely bike ride in the evening when it cleared up. It improved my mood proving I am an exercise addict I guess. Ran this morning. Trip to the orthodontist and orthopedist today. My mood will need to be improved. : p
  3. I miss my oldest kids but not excessively. Do positively gets depressed that three are gone. Heaven help me when the last one leaves. I think he feels time going by and I see freedom.
  4. I have been chided for letting my kids read too much and " waste time" becoming Eagle Scouts. People deride what they cannot do. Congrats to you and yours.
  5. Well the run didn't happen but I did yoga, a bike ride, badminton and a walk. Family trumped working out. According to my phone it's 6.6 miles but without the bike ride so I'll call it good enough.
  6. Being cheap, I have used their container idea with stuff I got from Dollar General. I just looked up portions online. For me having everything portioned and ready saved the day when business overtook rationality. I don't do it as much now but do have a general plan for what I will eat each day, have it ready if I'm busy and watch portions closely. I'd rather do my own workout.
  7. Yesterday was a 4 mile walk with dh, shopping, badminton, hula hooping and an hour of catch/pitch/catcher with kids. 16,000 steps. It was a good family day. I plan to go run as soon as the coffee has been consumed.
  8. You are a fantastic mom who has a very full plate and is still fighting and worrying about her kids! :grouphug:
  9. So if a person is worried they have NPD they probably don't?
  10. I ended up push mowing the yard yesterday, complete with moving the dog kennel. I came out to 18,000 steps and change per my phone. Not the most accurate but it felt like a workout. This morning is my PS 14 yo Jr. High awards so I don't know if I will get to work out. I just have to brag or express my relief that this kid, who would much rather clown around and chat, has managed to find his groove in PS. I miss him but for HIM this has been a good choice. Have a wonderful Memorial Day those in the U.S. And a great weekend for those who aren't. We're planning fire pit and family badminton and garage sales and bike rides and a Memorial Day service.
  11. I have been on a run. I will mow the lawn later and go to yoga. I am eating bacon. That is all. :coolgleamA:
  12. Not on the Robinson kook train, LOL, but I use CLE math, reading and LA because it is written to the kid. I just answer/explain as necessary. At about 5th/6th I farm out writing. I'm too picky. My 11 yo likes to do everything herself so just reads her history and science and I give her a quiz. The first grader though. ack!
  13. I totally agree about spot reducing not existing. That said, firm muscle underneath helps slow the jiggle. I run quite a bit and do yoga. I wear a small size and my weight is fine BUT seven kids do not a flat cute tummy make. I work on it but getting thin enough to lose the middle leaves the rest of me lookin haggard. Don't obsess. Try to focus on health. Really, when we die I don't think our kids will remember our middles or hips.
  14. I teach my kids because I want them to have a good education. I don't actually enjoy it. Well, it's not teaching I mind, it's students who won't find everything as interesting as I do. I would make a great homeschool student, LOL. My kids just want to do the least I will allow and go back to manga and crafting and YouTube.
  15. Mow. Or really anything outside. Today I weeded and used the weed eater and hung laundry while my two youngest cleaned house.
  16. Just got back from a 10K run. It was really chilly (39). Wasn't I complaining it was hot a couple days ago. I may need to change my name to Goldilocks. Have a great day everyone!
  17. I see no reason you have to invite or even like all my kids. Mine tend to be vastly different in personality and so have different friends. The only two who ever operated as a pair are DS#1&2. They are pretty close in age and #2 has aspergers. He mostly attached himself to #1 as his only social outlet and where one went they both did.
  18. So sorry. Today would have been my mom's birthday so :grouphug:
  19. Laura- :( so sorry. Take care AnnE-1st trimester exhaustion earns you a pass Slache- sounds like a plan Mom-ninja- :grouphug: Redsquirrel-go you I got in 14,000 steps yesterday. Today I did a pretty tough kettlebell bit and then spent two hours trimming all the hedges. My arms still feel like they are vibrating. Tomorrow I predict I won't be lifting anything heavier than a fork.
  20. I've done a couple Whole 30s. I got some acceptable sausages, eggs, sweet potatoes and apple and spinach make some mix&match breakfasts. Lunch and dinner was lots of grilled meat, big salads, veggies and I usually ate a piece of fruit with dinner. I kept a Larabar and nuts in my purse as an emergency snack.
  21. Our family volunteers at the local food bank. I am treasurer of my kids' Boy Scout and a Girl Scout troop. I also volunteer at church.
  22. Hmm. I get it. I was an active thin kid who got lots chubbier in puberty and then overweight from high school on. I see my 16 yo dd following a similar path. I have said nothing to her. I don't think it will stop her eating whole pizzas. What I do try to do is encourage her to continue sports, take walks for a break, help with yard work,etc. and I try to keep "junk" for perhaps Saturday night. At 16 though, and with her own earnings, she can walk to the gas station and buy all the junk she wants. I'm biting my tongue. She's going to have to work that out on her own.
  23. I think you know all the stuff I would say. Doing it is the hard part. It is awesome you are running. Regardless of weight, the exercise is healthy! I try to focus on the healthy and not the weight (not easy). I could go on a long rant about what did and didn't work for me but that doesn't really help you. I firmly believe it is all very personal. I read an interesting article on addiction (Synopsis here http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johann-hari/the-real-cause-of-addicti_b_6506936.html ) that has me thinking about the drive to reward oneself with food. Now food isn't a drug, but sometimes humans use it as one. I do think I stick to my health goals more closely when I'm in a period of being involved in things and enjoying it. When I have a chance to feed my soul with being outdoors and being connected to friends. Maybe you can try to up the enjoyment of those things and the need to reward yourself with treats will decrease? Just some ramblings, feel free to ignore it all. :grouphug:
  24. Not the "Mom who couldn't hand homeschool." You are the mom that "Sees what her kids need right now!" Things change. If you don't change with it you are left behind. I've had PS kids, hs kids, church school kids, and online charter kids. I like to think I take, you know, the kid into account. Hugs on whatever you decide.
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