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Everything posted by Joyofsixreboot

  1. So my nearly 17 yo confided in me last evening that one of her good friends. ( since kindy ) is angry because my dd told her that the friend " cheating" on her boyfriend of two years is wrong and another friend frequently drinks too much at parties. I'm not shocked. It's just I hate to see my kid hurting because her friends are being typical, idiot teens. I reassured her I'm proud of her and she is right to express to her friends that she thinks they are wrong but as I recall my mom's opinion and reassurance didn't make me feel one iota better :(
  2. I'd roll with it. And enjoy time to myself. My issue would be the 1.5 yo needing to be watched while I would want to sleep. If dh is watching him just go with it. At least for summer.
  3. Make a list of things at least most will eat. I always offer a pbj or egg&cheese sandwich ( which they have to make) or a leftover to those who don't like the choice. See what's on sale that fits what they will eat. Plan six meals. I usually don't decide what day they will be until the night before. I like to cook roasts, chickens, etc in the crock pot or ground beef in the micro ahead. That makes it easy to turn into stroganoff, noodles, bbq or whatever.
  4. I made it through teaching class without embarrassing myself or curling into a ball of pain. Weirdly I then ran 3 mikes which didn't hurt at all. Taking off my shoes though. Ow! Ann-E- I hope it's nothing. Slache-take care Extended-hugs
  5. Reishy- I took a weak off and it was a good thing. Kim-hope you're feeling better wintermom-hot tub sounds great I took a 10k walk with dh and did yoga today. My back is still off. I can run, walk, etc but standing up from a forward fold is a no go. I'll be teaching by pushing myself up with my hands.
  6. My 14 yo da returned last year. The first 9 weeks could have been better ( he had a's, B's and a C) because grades didn't really mean anything to him. He got it together after that though. Socially he has done well, went to a couple dances, ball games and joined track.
  7. Well, from my reading it is normal to rouse and go back to sleep. It even used to be considered common knowledge http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-16964783. I am usually wakened by dh who snores, tosses and goes to the bathroom. I go back to sleep though.
  8. My dh is an unhappy, complaining person. Yes, his stressful job doesn't help but he has gotten to the point that this is his normal. I let him vent and give him attention but the kids and I go do things without him. I can't make him happy but try to be kind and available and engaged.
  9. I just sized up in yoga pants and wore them under my belly and a pair of ds's soccer shorts. I think I bought a guys tank too. I did not need to be hot. It was 7 years ago though so they probably have way cuter options niw.
  10. Yesterday dh and I took a nice long walk (sadly we have no Starbucks or lovely paths, we looked at the standing water in the fields though :huh: ). I took a long run this morning. I haven't in awhile. It was lovely except for the mosquitoes. Yikes, they are terrible. I'm sure I looked amusing ~run, slap, run brush back, run,swipe neck. I hope to take my kiddos swimming this afternoon. We are scheduled for thundershowers at some point but I believe it's supposed to be about 5pm after it's good and hot. DD is supposed to have a soccer game at 5:30 but we shall have to wait and see. Enjoy a lovely Monday all.
  11. I left my 16,14,11, and 7 yo to see it while I got groceries. Amazingly they all liked it and we had a good discussion about emotions so I guess it was a hit.
  12. Went for a run this morning and then discovered the riding mower is kaput. Push mowed our back acre excepting where we still have standing water. It was mighty mushy and mighty high. Far more work than my run. I also threw in parade attendance and grocery shopping. We finished up the night with our new (to us) edition of '90's Trivial Pursuit. I was obviously too busy having babies to remember much :blush:
  13. Kids are going if it rains (again) tomorrow.
  14. I'd give it some time. Red color is notorious for fading. Unless you really hate it I wouldn't add anything to the mix just yet.
  15. It rained out the softball game last night so I went to RIP and Yoga. I managed to do something to my back. Yow! I got up this morning and did very gentl yoga and stretching. That at least got me mobile. I didn't want to jar what I just fixed with the yoga so I did the elliptical instead of running. Weirdly it feels much better now and I push mowed the front yard. I thought when I got up this morning I was going to be cripped up all day. Strange. We have some pretty severe flooding and washed out roads and it's supposed to rain more this weekend so I'm thinking swimming may be where I should have put my attention. Have a wonderful weekend everyone. I think our planned lake trip is not happening so I may let my kids go see Inside Out so we can get out of the house.
  16. I wouldn't lie to whoever is running the activity about gender but I would let the kid try to join.
  17. Protein and carbs so Nut butter and fruit or bread Boiled eggs or egg salad Meat and veggie roll ups Nuts and veg and fruit Even a salad with protein if he likes it..pro, carbs and watery veg Yogurt I can't eat much after working out so I tend to smoothies with yogurt or brown rice protein powder
  18. Cabin on Trouble Creek by Van Leeuwenhoek or the Paulsen books. My son loved "Mr. Tucket ". In the same vein my 14 yo says he'd listen to Louis L'Amour books.
  19. This! My high school years were...exciting. I'm much more about safety than punishment. I would also remind them what a breach of respect for the other adult this was. Would you want to be responsible for someone's job loss? IMHO 17 is way past " punishment"especially if you ever want them to be honest with you again.
  20. You bought the shoes already, right? I'd remind him " many people" think they are for girls but if he wants to wear them I'd let him. My 7 yo consistently pick shoes and clothes from the boy section. Sadly it seems girls can do this while boys get more ridicule. Unless you think he'll be actively bullied by someone I'd let him choose. We have also had home clothes. The pink power ranger costume my now 14 yo son favored comes to mind.
  21. My hair is the kind of curly flat irons run from. I " wash" with Garnier conditioner ( never, never shampoo), leave some in and then add more leave in conditioner. I finger comb and Leave It Alone! Brushing and combing add frizz. For uncomfortably hot days I wear a bun or French braid or a combo of the two.
  22. Well, Tuesday I spent the day cleaning the flooded garage. Good fun ;-) I did yoga and then yoga again Wednesday. I'm not sure what I'll have time for later. I hosted our Y's local mom meeting this morning so I just had lunch.
  23. Well, I remember not liking the original ( my dad watched and we had one TV ) so I didn't even try the new one. I generally like NDT snark though.
  24. I'm an extrovert so I'd be busily seeing to it that I wasn't alone ;) Seriously, I'd own my own little yoga studio/ gym where people hang out and I'd be there a lot to get my " family" fix. I'd join a couple book clubs. I would take courses through the park or local college. I would be involved in my church. I would not sit home because my introvert husband didn't want to go out. I would like a small craftsman bungalow and would decorate in that more minimalist style. It would have a small yard I could fill with a lounge chair and flowers. It would be near a park or nature area for hiking and running. I would eat every ethnic food available and cook any darn thing I'm in the mood for. I would lie diagonally on the bed. I would throw my towel over a chair and ignore the rack and leave books and half finished projects around and not worry about modeling neatness. I would blast rock music and go to concerts and bars. Oh wait, that last bit was my '20's.
  25. It was 80 and 90% humidity at 6 am when I ran this morning. Ick! I then dropped two of my girls at GS Camp ( day camp for the 7 yo) came home, cleaned really gross gutters and showered again. It may be a three shower day. Hopefully some yoga will happen too.
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