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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. For time with your clients and other needed quiet times, try crating her.
  2. :iagree: And from my experience of knowing many divorced people, they all seem to tell their children their own version of the truth and the kids (especially the young ones) end of hurting for it. Then later in life realize they were told what the parent wanted them hear. Growing up angry and hating a parent or step-parent isn't something any child deserves.
  3. Oh, Bethany! I'm so happy for you and your dad; he's a walking miracle.
  4. I live in a state that taxes everything...New car until it's paid for costs hundreds and hundreds more a year than one that is paid for. :tongue_smilie: I'd go for driving it until it dies or pay for the repair if it would last, but the repair bill would sting.
  5. I'm hoping my dd (when the day comes) will opt for a destination wedding and I'll gladly pick up the bill. :grouphug:My sympathies, I hope the wedding party pulls it together and acts like the supporting adults they are supposed to be.
  6. Could it be an allergy related to where he's sleeping?
  7. You two are lucky to be one the same page.
  8. :grouphug: My mil calls dh at work, cause like yours...she knows who call to stir up worry, stress and the reaction she's looking for. Your mil is much older though, and in a perfect world she will get the evaluation and the appropriate services at a place other than your home. (I understand supporting your dh, I mean this is his mom and he's concerned about her... And if he's anything like mine, can't or doesn't want to see what she's really like.) (Who knew little old ladies could be so mean and manipulative?)
  9. Waving my hand wildly! I remember it, and I still had dial up then:D.
  10. You know, I would have said..."Oh, well I'm glad you're okay...all is well that ends well." Then try to forget about it. She has her own agenda, and most likely will not submit to an evaluation. You have my sympathy.
  11. :iagree: Your mom and sister are way out of line, and you need some boundaries. kwim? :iagree:
  12. Rachel called here this morning...again. I hang up, but it really annoys me that they continue to call. I'm shocked they would curse people out, but I guess that's today for you. I do like to push tons of buttons and then hang up just for fun.
  13. *One way to shop for clothes together is to go and have your teen put a bunch of things on hold. You then return and purchase your choices. It's easy and works pretty well for any store that allows holds. *It also works on-line, you have them fill up the cart and then go back and shop at your convenience.
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