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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. My oldest loved it too; the power of the big screen. I love live theater myself, but it just isn't really available here. Okay, we do have a local theater company, but the quality will never inspire 17 yr olds to sign in the locker room.
  2. It was 16' last time I checked, but the temps are falling to single digits tonight. I refuse to check the wind chill.
  3. Cowboy Caviar Black-eyed peas (Fresh cooked or canned...but cold) diced onion, green peppers and tomatoes (Salsa in a pinch) Salt and pepper to taste garlic if you like it a generous drizzle of olive oil Stir and serve with tortilla chips.
  4. Mel Levine's book A Mind at a Time, might be a good read or audio book to check out.
  5. It sounds interesting to me; I imagine the Amish are pretty darn good at frugal.
  6. I love Sherwin-Williams paint. They have a no-voc paint; I think it's called harmony. It was recommend by a fellow boardie. We painted our bedroom in the morning and I slept in there that night.
  7. Big glass of water and a nutritious snack are what I reach for during the winter months. I don't seem to get as tired during the warmer seasons. I also take vitamin supplements daily.
  8. Wow, that is a lot of yummy.
  9. (((Julie))) I hope you find some peace soon. And send support youy way, no matter the road you choose.
  10. :grouphug: You sound miserable. Does heat help? I sure with I had an answer for you.
  11. :grouphug: Flying doesn't bother me, but extreem heights do.
  12. If you can't stop it yourself, take it into B&N and have them fix it. (If they can't, complain and have them research a solution for you.) fwiw, I've never had the problem with my nook.
  13. No, for my vote. I wouldn't expect anyone to put a hold on their lives for a party, especially a young person.
  14. "It doesn't have to be fun...it just has to be done." That was our school motto when ds was 8 :smash: . My oldest has always been more compliant, while ds is a born negotiator (possibly a politician :scared: ).
  15. It sounds like you and your dh are on the same page; that is a very good thing. I'll add one more thing, do not think you are going to somehow sway someone who is so vehemently opposed to homeschooling with logic, good curriculum, excellent test scores or wonderful well adjust, bright children. Now, maybe if you are lucky, a few years down the road she will see what amazing people you're raised and educated and begrudgingly accept that you are the exception to her rule. Many of us here have learned this the hard way that there is no reasoning with unreasonable people.
  16. No, I wouldn't eat something with that old of a date, but I'm kind of weird about use and sell dates.
  17. We went Sunday, and I wouldn't take a sensitive child to see. It was wonderful, but unlike the stage production I don't think anything will go over her head. I agree it was a tear jerker, and I'm not sure there were any dry eyes in the house...even the men were sniffeling. My husband and I saw the on-stage production years ago, and he was surprised at the movie prostitute scene with Fontaine...He realized it was a gitchy-happy little song, and said he'd never be able to listen to it the same way.
  18. :grouphug: (((Cindy))) I remember following your journey to adopt her. No advice, but I'll send prayers your way.
  19. :grouphug: I hear you! I'm wishing I could push the pause button and keep us on break. However, I will be pasting on my phony happy face and good attitude Wednesday and getting slowly started again.
  20. I agree with the others...You must be firm that this is your choice as a parent and not discuss it...ever, ever, ever. Learn to deal with it the best way you can and just do it. It may mean, smiling and laughing it off..."You crack me up!" or you simply hang up, leave the room / house or sign off every single time they bring it up. (Have a canned answer and use it...) They will bring it up and you will be pressured; I'd even go so far as to say they will attempt to say you though your children. Please prepare your heart for them to try every means available to them to push you to give up. I do hope your dh will be supportive; I think you're going to need. Vent here about any difficulties, because they will see everyday worries as evidence. I'm sorry you are being put into a difficult place.
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