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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Many studio / schools will let you take one class free of charge. Consider taking advantage of a few before making a decision about switching.
  2. Poor kid. I would have suggested yogurt. Can she eat something like pear-sauce with a pro-biotic mixed in.
  3. I would choose Colorado, because it's beautiful or Texas/Florida because of no tax.
  4. I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  5. I find it offensive, especially around children. I'm not a prude, but most of the time someone using it isn't in pain or dropping a *&%@ word in here and there. It is something like this. "Like, *&^%, @#$%, mother$#@, right!"
  6. Thanks for updating us; I'm happy to read a positive report on your dad and his care. Cont. prayers for healing and navigating the hospital stay.
  7. I feel so sorry for your dd. :grouphug: As a mom, I'm sure my momma-bear would spring to life in this situation too. That said, I'm also sure the nurse was following procedures and protocol. I hope your dd and family find some peace with this. Is there a possibility of her talking to a counselor? He or she may be able to help all of you deal with what happened that day as well as the bullying that led up to it.
  8. The day ds was born the experts insisted he was 8lbs at least...My sweet guy born that night and was exactly 7lbs. Ask for another check and reassurance /a plan from your doctor or midwife.
  9. You have an adult who could be there in two seconds flat..I would feel fine with this, and I'm pretty conservative when it comes to leaving children with a young babysitter.
  10. I would recommend lots of fluids, plenty of yogurt and rest as long as isn't wasn't the kind of sea-food food poisoning that needs antibiotics. Hope you feel better soon.
  11. :grouphug: I'm so sorry for your loss. :grouphug:
  12. Teens often feel awkward or out of place in different groups. Encourage her to just have a good time anyway.
  13. I love it grilled or roasted with Panchito wrapped around it. (I'm not sure if that is how the Italian bacon is spelled, but my computer is.)
  14. Glad to have you back. We have Norton here too.
  15. I would only say that to a child or an adult who really was out of control; it feels like a conversation stopper to me.
  16. I wouldn't bother with Panera since they already handled it, but if they hadn't I would most likely call the manager.
  17. Poor guy...I do hope and pray he is healed and comes home with good news today.
  18. What a difficult mess...I'm coming to realize that you can only change how you react and behave with family. So many repeated patterns become expected and the cycle just goes around and around, while you struggle to keep up. Just do what you feel is the right thing to do and try not worry over fixing everyone. Easier said than done though.
  19. I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. A 5 & 2 y/old need protection, even if it makes you feel mean or uncomfortable with you sister and her ds. Since you asked for opinions, I'd limit contact and prefer visits in my home or other places like the mall or a park.
  20. I agree, it's more than gracious. I also agree they are toxic; please keep that in mind as you navigate the road ahead. It's easy to get into a pattern of letting them hurt you, thinking they wont be so unkind to their grand-children, but eventually it happens. (I say this thinking your mil had to take time to stir up bil to deliver her hurtful little demand / attack.)
  21. I would start the legal procedures now to evict them. The judge might help you clarify the tax stuff, but you already know the story isn't right. I doubt they plan to pay anyway. It has become quite an ordinary mindset to stay without paying until you are kicked out; they get to live free for a good long time on double talk and promises. Sorry this his happening. If they were being 100% honest, I might feel differently.
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