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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  2. I hope you are able to find the solution for your ds; that can be miserable for kids to go through.
  3. Chiming in late, but I think it's a wonderful idea.
  4. I'm glad both worked out :001_smile: and hope the future dinners go as well.
  5. *I no longer eat after dinner and I make sure my dinner is 4-5 hours before bed. This was difficult to get used to, and I've had more times than I can count going to sleep thinking about breakfast, but it did help. Small plate, 3 regular meals and I almost never snack unless it's a holiday or something special like that.
  6. Congs...Approval at 5 drive off at 7...amazing!
  7. Oh yes, that helps. And that is why we have the FSA.
  8. I have another question. Are you all saying the HSA pays before your insurance does, and I'm confused on the negotiations?
  9. Nancy, BushMommy, LostSurprise, and QueenCath...Thank you! Our FSA has been cut back and no longer covers over the counters. I can't wait to tell dh.
  10. ??? Is the HSA pre-tax as the FSA is???
  11. You are so correct! I wish it did roll over, and HSA didn't sound completely familiar to me.
  12. We are not self employed, but have a HSA FSA through dh's work. Basically, we have an enrollment period and have to set an amount for the year to be deducted from his pay check. I believe it's pre-tax and we have to send in our medical bills for reimbursement. The particulars change from year to year and you have to use the funds by a certain time or you loose the money, but it's pretty straight forward. (Eye and dental also quality and some years we have to use up the money if estimate what we will need. That's when we get glasses etc.)
  13. I haven't really thought this through, but I would be uncomfortable with the idea of her parents thinking this is a great idea to begin with. (Oh, and you can say no for no good reason other than you think it's the right answer.)
  14. So sorry for your ds...Hope you both recover completely and quickly. My sister and her family had the flu shot and as of yesterday 2 of her 6 were down with flu as of yesterday; she is hoping the rest of them don't come down with it.
  15. Dawn, I would probably want to move. However, I would consider where you and dh will want to live once the kids are grown. I wish...well, I wish I had considered that and living in a home as retired-seniors when we purchased our current home. Just something to consider, as it creeps up on you faster than you thing.
  16. OP I would be worried about ds being overly influenced by this child and others in general. Lots of discussion about our family doing, eating and living according to your values, beliefs etc. and not allowing others to dictate his behavior, diet, or enjoyment of life at school, home or anywhere. Families are different and that is wonderful for each family, but your family doesn't dictate what goes on in friends life or household and friend should not in turn.
  17. :grouphug: Your dh is going to need you, and I feel it's your right to place his needs above what your dad wants. In all honesty, your dad was way out of line. Love and support your mom, but don't feel pressured into doing something that goes against your marriage or what feel is in your children's best interest. I'm sorry about your uncle.
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