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Everything posted by Tammyla

  1. Spam above:spam: It disappeared like...Magic. Just wanted to say...6 pages is too long, use decent font and please add a picture or two. :rant:
  2. Congratulations, Lori. Big thanks for sharing so much with us over the years. Don't leave us, you are such a wise advisor.
  3. :iagree: I'm like Cinderella at the ball if I'm not out of there before 9:30 am. We have 3 Super Walmarts in our town, and dang it if they aren't the least expensive places to shop. Sam's is good too.
  4. Poor kid, but cats are smart. I'd still be hopeful.:grouphug:
  5. If there are pictures I'm happy, if it's just a list...Let's just say, I don't always read it. (My mind is remembering a list of games a friend's ds/20 year old plays on his beloved Playstation.:tongue_smilie:) Done well in a nice readable font with pictures, I'm there for you...Super tiny print is a letter written by your dog...Not so much.:001_huh: Imo...6 pages front and back is too much!
  6. My house is a two story with a basement and does not heat or cool evenly. The basement is around 60' and the rooms range from 67' to 72'. The thermostat is set at 71'-72' in the winter, except when our temps are below zero.
  7. Smoked ham Sweet cornbread rolls sweet potatoes baked corn baked beans mashed potatoes green-beans pumpkin pie
  8. I've got it in our library basket and I'm hoping for a little time to watch it this week. Dd and I are watching BBC's North and South this weekend...
  9. Great advice...I definitely second ensuring the storm drains are clear. Saucer bottom sleds make excellent snow trenches or channels for water to flow down.
  10. Smile, be thankful...it happens. I wouldn't bother fussing over appearing surprised. Open gift, say thank you...
  11. I just find this hard to believe. :tongue_smilie:
  12. Bleck, apparently horse needs to be on your list as it is also considered red meat.
  13. Clear contact paper is what I've used for years here. The time and effort putting them on are well worth small expense. http://www.wikihow.com/Cover-a-Paperback-Book-With-Clear-Plastic-Film
  14. Oh brave, Liz... Gag, gross out dance...:svengo: QUOTE=Liz CA;1381014] Buy a Live trap. Mice will be alive & well and will have PB in their whiskers. You then have to take them on a little trip somewhere beautiful to release them. :lol: We've got a foot+ of snow and they would freeze their little peanut butter whiskers off...or... They would just come right back in around here; or go into the neighbors.
  15. Yummy and good for you. :grouphug:Another WTM baby will be here Monday, what a lovely Christmas gift.:grouphug:
  16. I'm going to pretend I'm at your house... We'll definately have a white Christmas, and getting more snow, but our blizzard was last week. Stay safe eveybody. Sip coco, and curl up with a good book.
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